Cinna G. 22 years, 2 months ago

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU! Today is your TWO year anniversary. I hope this post finds you healthier and happier than ever. Please remember to keep your profile updated since this is the only way that people researching surgery and types can see how post-ops do after surgery. Have a great day today.

Daphne P. 23 years, 5 months ago

1/8/01--Well I'm at work today, it's been rough through the holidays but I made it. I'm only down to 280lbs, but I'm still 71lbs lighter. I still have problems with my protein drink, but I feel great, and have no regrets what so ever. Sometimes I wonder if my staples are gone, and that's why I'm not losing as fast as the rest, I hit plateaus and they last a long time. I've increased my water intake, and I am joining the gym this week. I hope you guys are doing well, and Happy New Year to you all!!!

Daphne P. 23 years, 9 months ago

9/7/00--Okay, I've been taking my protein since last thursday, I've gotten used to eat a little, so it doesn't make me sick. I went to the mall on saturday 9/2 and went to GNC and got on the scale that prints out your current weight, and your ideal weight for your frame and height. It said I weighed 299lbs!!!!! Man, I was so damn happy it was a shame!! I've never weighed less that 300 my whole adult life. That was like the push that I needed! I've been doing baked chicken, veggies, water, and my protein in the morning (55g a day). I'm feeling better, along with my centrum and words or encouragement, I think I'm gonna make it. Thanks for all that emailed me personally and posted messages on my profile. It really helps!! Peace and Love Always!!!

Monique W. 23 years, 9 months ago

Hi, Dahne, I'm sending out a prayer to the LORD to help you in getting those proteins in. I wish you nothing but happiness. GOD BLESS

Daphne P. 23 years, 9 months ago

Hi everyone, it's me Daphne. I've been out of it for a while. I've just moved to Georgia about a month ago, and before that I was packing and trying to find a job and close on the house, and all kinds of good stuff. Okay, let's cut to the chase. I've only lost 50lbs. I'm not drinking juice or anything, just water and powerade, I like to snack every now and then. I do a lot of chicken, love salad, but I'm not losing any weight. I haven't found a Dr. here in Georgia yet, cause I've been trying to get the kids registered for school. I've also been very tired, hard to wake up in the AM and just don't have a lot of energy. Don't eat a lot of junk food. May eat a chip every now and then. I haven't done ANY PROTEIN, cause it makes me sick, and I end up dumping, which is a little embarrassing at work you know?? I'm practically bald, my hair is falling out by the handfuls, so I have to make sure I keep it braided. I don't regret, just need some insight as to getting back on the right track and back in the frame of mindset I need to be in. I glad I need this, but I guess I shouldn't have strayed from my WLS family as long as I did. Please feel free to email me directly or post messages!! I haven't even made it half way yet. HELP!!!!!!!!!!! Love You Guys!! Thanks in Advance!! Daph

Daphne P. 24 years, 1 month ago

On 4/7 I went to get my staples removed. I saw Carol, Robin, Jeff, and Denise. It was good seeing everyone. It was funny, cause everytime someone came, they had a bottle of water with them. I'm down 17lbs and was feeling great when I saw that!!! I weigh less now than I did 6 yrs ago when I had my daughter. My mom tells me that she can tell that I'm losing weight. But I still don't see it that much. I just thank God that all is well, and I'm on my way to a healthier life!!! God Bless All of you pre op and post op!!!! Ava, Denise, Robin, and all of you that I've left out thanks for all your support and inspiring words!!

Daphne P. 24 years, 2 months ago

Well I had surgery on 3/28 at about 8pm. The only thing that was hard was coughing post surgery. They tell you to cough and take deep breathes, so that you don't get pneumonia. I met Basiel, Rob Taylor, a lady named Denise, and Jeff. I believe some of them had surgery the same day. But some of them had surgery the day after me. I'm doing well. Still not sure of the do's and don'ts. I really don't have that much of an appetite... But I need to eat something. My stomach feels full all the time, so I don't feel like eating. I drink crystal lite, so I hope that's good. I bought some cottage cheese and yogurt. So I'll nibble on that for a while. Oh Well, I'm on the other side!!! I hope I'll be as successful as the rest of you.

Robert T. 24 years, 2 months ago

Daphne, Robin and I have been walking the halls at Fair Oaks Hospital. Nobody messes with us... Dephne is doing just fine. She is gaining strength every day.

Robin R. 24 years, 2 months ago

DAPHNE HAS MADE IT SAFELY TO THE OTHER SIDE!!!Daphne's surgery was scheduled for 3:30pm yesterday. I called the hospital at 8:00pm to check on her and she was JUST going to surgery. Apparently, the OR was backed up. I called back at 10:00pm and they said everything went well and she was doing GREAT!!! I started to cry tears of joy. I will tell her you all said, "Hi"

C S. 24 years, 2 months ago

Daphne, just a note to let you know I am thinking of you and sending best wishes, and prayers.
About Me
Ellenwood, GA
Surgery Date
Mar 07, 2000
Member Since
