Bruce Shack

"Dr. Shack is great but as every doctor I've met at Vanderbilt, he is rushed for time. Although he will take time to listen to your questions, you may have to make sure he knows you have more questions or call or email his office to get everything answered. He was EXCELLENT in returning calls to me at home to answer questions I had that I thought his nurse would call & answer. Also he has some great nurses that are also very knowledgeable & were very helpful in answering questions. Just make sure you make your questions or comments known as things at Vandy can be quite rushed & you might come away feeling you didn't get everything answered if you don't make everyone stop & tell them you have more things to ask. They always stopped what they were doing if I had more things to discuss. Also if you are unsure of things talked about at appointments or it was so rushed you felt unsure, ALWAYS clarify what you talked about with either him or his nurse, like I said a simple phone call or email will do the trick. My surgery outcome has been great so far. I'm currently 6 weeks post-op from tummy tuck, arm lift, & breast lift. Everything looks fantastic!"

B-12 1000 MCG - Cherry

"This tastes good & has the right amount of B-12 in the sublingual form but there are cheaper brands out there in the sublingual B-12. Great Earth has a very better one that is an excellent value for the price, I think if I remember right it has enough for 3 months if you take it daily."

Douglas Olsen

"Originally I had posted on here about the experience I had with the first doctor I went to, which I was not pleased with. But, I no longer want to keep that information on here because I'd like to devote this space to the doctor I decided to go with & had the surgery by. He deserves the recognition. That is Dr. Douglas Olsen in Nashville, TN. I found him and his staff as well as everyone at Centennial Hospital to be completely competent and they all treated me with the best of care! Also I was pleased to see Dr. Olsen go over & beyond what was necessary because he wanted to be careful & do everything to perfection. This is the type of doctor you want, not one who won't take the extra time to do the right things! Also my surgery wound up being more complicated & took 6 hours, Dr. Olsen did a fine job so I feel if he can handle me then he can handle any complex situation & do a good job! He has an excellent team of people working together to help you achieve your goal of surgery & weight loss. You'll have this team of people help you each step of the way! I would recommend Dr. Olsen & Centennial Hospital to any & everyone!"
About Me
Columbia, TN
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Before Surgery, 287 lbs!
287 lbs.lbs
August 2002, 18 Months Post-Op
145 lbs.lbs
