Wendy H. 23 years, 2 months ago

Best wishes for your surgery Rachel! I know that with your upbeat personality, you'll come through with flying colors! Keep us updated on your progress. See you on the other side!

jennysayer 23 years, 2 months ago

Good luck tomorrow from North Louisiana!!! You'll do great! You are on your way. Keep me posted on your progress. I am just a few weeks behind you. My big day is April 17. Your in my prayers!!!

Tammy B. 23 years, 2 months ago

HEY Sweetie!!!! WELCOME TO THE NUTTHER SIDE !!! GOD I MISS YOU !!!! You are gonna do SO good girl !! I Just know it!!! I am always here for ya so call on me anytime!!! LOVE AND PRAYERS!!! BammyTammy

Karen M. 23 years, 2 months ago

Hey Girl! I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you. Hang in there because it only gets better!!!!!Love and Prays. Your Friend Karen Morgan. P.S. As of tomorrow, WELCOME TO THE OTHER SIDE!!! LOL.

Judi R. 23 years, 2 months ago

Rachel, may God bless you with a good night's sleep, a safe journey to the hospital and a calm easy passage to the "other side." May God hold your surgeon's hand throughout the operation and guide his every move. May God grant you a swift recovery with little pain. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery my weight loss "sister!

Johanna N. 23 years, 2 months ago

Hi again Rachael :) Wanted to wish you the best of luck again :) Tomorrow's your big day and you're on your way to a whole new life!! Keep your chin up and know that we are all thinking of you :) God Bless :)

Rachael R. 23 years, 2 months ago

Okay .... I'm down to the last 17 hours and I must say ... I'm at peace. I'm not nervous, anxious, scared, or worried. I had been for the last few days, but not over surgery .. over the housecleaning still needing to be done. But my DH has stayed home to help calm my fears and help get everything straightened out before we leave tomorrow at 4:00 am. Thanks to everyone here who has touched my life and supported my decision and bless those who have been throught the struggle ahead of me. I will lean on you for wisdom and knowledge in the weeks, months and years to come. Keep the prayers and weel wishes coming!! I LOVE THEM AND NEED THEM!! Thanks everyone!

RDSunshyne 23 years, 2 months ago

Rachael....TOMORROW is your BIG day. You will be in my thoughts and prayers sweetie. I will talk to you on the OTHER side. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a smooth surgery!!! Luv ya!! Rhonda :o)

Denise B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Hey Surgery Sis! I can't believe that we only have 2 more days! I will be praying that you go through to the other side with no complications! Thank-you for your encouragement! It is always exciting to have someone go through it together! MEet you on the other side!

Rachael R. 23 years, 3 months ago

Hi Everybody! I had my pre-op testing, educational classes, doctors exams and admitting papers all done today. It's been really exhausting and quite stressful. Yet I took a moment to log on and found soooooo many people had sent my good thoughts and prayers for surgery. I cannot begin to tell you how much it means to me! Thanks to Rhonda Davis, Deniece H., Karen Morgan, Donna Cook, Johanna Nugent, Barbara Wagner, Candice Carter, Susan Sokolowski, Nicole P. (my surgery sister), Kimberly, Barbara Frampton and A Thomas. You're all just sweethearts in my book. Your thoughts and prayers are greatly and graciously accepted and appreciated! MUUUUUAH! 3 Days to GO!!!!
About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 11, 2001
Member Since
