Bruce Wolfe

"My first impression of Dr. Wolfe was that he wants to help severely obese people. He is very serious, and to the point. He is very thourough about the risks involved; and makes sure you are aware of them.(almost to the point of scaring me). Future patients should know that he has your best interest at heart, although he is a very busy,no nonsense type of person.. so, don't look for personality. I'm more concerned with a physician's surgical competence than bedside manner. I believe Dr.Wolfe is the best for this type of surgery in this area. He is the Chief of the gastrointestinal unit at UCD as well as belonging to many bariatric associations, and is a professor of medicine at UCDAVIS. He has done countless surgeries of this type with very good results. My only negative response so far, is Dr.Wolfe's office staff.. you REALLY have to stay on top of them."
About Me
Sacramento, CA
Surgery Date
Aug 25, 2000
Member Since
