Hackett 22 years, 2 months ago

Dear Joy, I was reading about blood clots and found your post saying that you had multiple blood clots in your lungs and that your body warned you that there was something terribly wrong. I was wondering if you could share with me what those warnings were that enabled you to get to the hospital in time. The reason I ask is that I had a very dear friend that had multiple blood clots in her lungs after having WLS and they were not able to save her. I'm thinking that maybe they didn't get to her fast enough. Would you share with me what your symptoms were and how long you had been experiencing them when you got to the hospital? Thanks much, Susan Hackett e-mail: [email protected]

kylakae 22 years, 8 months ago

<b><font color="FF0066"> Joy, Happy 1st year Anniversary of your WLS. Congratulations on your awesome weight loss. I bet you look terrific! I hope this anniversary finds you feeling happy and healthy. </font></b>

Celia B. 23 years, 8 months ago

Joy, I just checked the surgery date page today and saw you had your surgery last Thursday. I'm thinking of you and hope everything went smoothly!! Celia

emma lavonne G. 23 years, 8 months ago

Your big day is quickly approaching and I want you to know you will be in my thoughts and prayers and I wish you a very speedy recovery. Good Luck and GOD Bless. Remember the Good Lord hears and answers our prayers so trust in HIM and you will be fine. ^j^
About Me
Sacramento, CA
Surgery Date
Aug 25, 2000
Member Since
