
Jan 06, 2007

Called off again today. It's ok by me.

Yesterday the scale said 129.6 and today it said 130. I wanted to cry. I must admit I am a little freaked out see 13(something) on the scale instead of 129(point something).

Yesterday it looked like rain so we did the awesome park again. We (the moms) walked on the trail while the kiddos rode their bikes. It was nice. Today we took the kids bowling. It was fun, then we went to Chick-fil-a so the kids could play some more and we could talk.

Happy Thursday 1-4-07

Jan 04, 2007

Got called off today. :) I should probably be disappointed, losing the pay and all but I love it.

Met our friends at the park this afternoon. I am so lucky to have found these 2 other moms. Their kids are great and I just love their company. The park we went to yesterday was awesome. Tomorrow, we are going to the beach. The weather has been fabulous lately, so we are making the most of it.

Today the scale said 129.2.


Jan 02, 2007

129.8 today. Bouncing around 130. I am ok with that, I just hope to stay around here.

Hoping A is good at school today so we can go to the park and ride bikes with our friends.


Jan 01, 2007

Work today. Boy, would I rather be sleeping. J is off since Bush declared a national holiday for Ford's death, so he & A are still sleeping.

Scale said 129.4 this morning. I am ok with that. Hoping I don't screw it up at work today though. I always want to snack at work. 

Getting a cold I think. J has had one for the last week or so. I was off 5 days and didn't catch it, now that I am back to work, it jumps on me. Grrr. This is my first cold since surgery.

Got the tree and decorations down yesterday, depressing. The house looks so empty now.

A little later

Jan 01, 2007

A and I just got back from seeing Happy Feet. Cute Movie. Popcorn was yummy!!

I got on the scale after my shower and it said 129 with 25% body fat.


Dec 31, 2006

1-1-07 rings in at 129.6.

This time last year, I was at least 230-235. What a difference a year can make.

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Dec 31, 2006

Today J & I have been married for 7 years... New Year's Eve 1999...Y2K, the end of the world. Too funny now that people were so scared. I am about 60-70 pounds lighter today than I was on our wedding day.

Up a little today. I didn't think I ate bad yesterday but the scale said 129.8 this morning. We ate pizza and I ate a cupcake.

J & I got a movie to watch tonight after A goes to bed. No sitter so no going out for us.


Dec 30, 2006

129.2 this morning.

A talked me into making cupcakes. Only made 1/2 a batch though and threw the rest of the batter out. We don't need too many around here.


Dec 29, 2006

Nice day today, in the mid 60's so A and I met our friends at the park. They played and played.

Eating well today. Scale said 129.8 today. I AM IN THE 120's. Geez. I can't believe it. 

I am excited in a sense, I never thought I would get into the 120's but at the same time, I don't want to get too thin. I am perfectly happy where I am right now, but I feel like I need to keep losing so when I bounce back some, I have some room to go up. If I gained 20 pounds right now I would cry. And my Dr said around 2 years you do gain back a bit. I am very conflicted.

Oh Happy Day

Dec 28, 2006

Got called off work today! Yippee! A and I had a great day. We took in a movie, Charlotte's Web. Had popcorn and a good time with my boy. Got lots of cleaning done too.

Scale said 130.2 this morning. Wow.

Eaten ok today, no breakfast, salad for lunch, popcorn and a yummy dinner is in the making now. Pot roast, corn, mashed potatoes and mac & cheese for A. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 13, 2005
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 56
Holy Cow...its been way too long.
Been a longggg time 4-29-07
Offer Accepted- Under Contract!
2-19 Crazy around here!
2-4 Super Bowl Sunday
Busy busy busy 2-1-07
Too long 1-28-07
Saturday!! YEAH! 1-20-07
Thursday 1-18
