Psych eval

Mar 05, 2014

I had my psych evaluation the other day.  I had to give the lady my history and then take 4 different tests.  The tests covered things like my eating habits, feelings about food, exercise habits and general mental health.  There was also a fairly extensive form about past drug use.

I don't know about anyone else who's gone through this, but I'm constantly worried that one of my answers is going to disqualify me from being able to do this.  I'm always worried that they're going to call me and say, "Nope! Nevermind! You fail!"

My next appointments are Tuesday of next week.  At 9 A.M. I have my nutrition & movement (i.e. diet & exercise) class.  I'm actually looking forward to that the most.  That means on Tuesday things change.  I need to start researching cleaner ways of eating.  Right now we do a LOT of chicken, boxed rice sides and frozen vegetables.  If it's not a boxed rice side that I'm making it's some kind of potato.

Things I want to accomplish:

  1. Learn cleaner (and tasty) sides to make.
  2. Start shopping more frequently for fresh produce.
  3. Learn good carbs from bad carbs.
  4. Practice portion control.
  5. Learn how to make lunches that do not involve sandwiches or wraps.

Those are my main goals right now.  Oh, and I need a new water bottle.  The gorgeous one that I had has randomly gone missing.  I need to go to Price Chopper or Hyvee (I can't remember where I saw it before) and replace it :)




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Jan 22, 2014
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