former fatty runs 5 k!!

May 22, 2009

Well, it has been a while since I have updated on my blog.  I am well in to a weight loss of over 80 lbs.  The weight has been agonizingly slow to come off, but I haven't been as exact about my diet.  I am letting those carbs sneak into my life again.  I seem to tolerate them more and therefore have been eating them.  I was able to complete my 5 k run (didn't sop to walk once!!).  I felt so proud of myself.  As I came to the finish line I felt all chocked up, started to kinda cry a little.  My daughter ran  up to the finish line  and gave me a "high 5" and my husband was there to take pics.  My parents were even there to cheer me on.  (See, I never played sports in school, was never athletic at all  and I wanted them to be there, just like parents go to watch their kids play sports now!)  When it was all done I was thinking how "easy" this was and actually felt like I could keep going.  God bless, my best friend who ran/walked with me.  I talked her into this months ago and she did it with me.  That is true friendship. 

So, summer is here and new things are in the works.  I have a bike to learn how to ride again. I bought shorts for the first time in 15 yrs and even some skirts and dresses.  I am excited to buy clothes again. I find myself out stimulating the economy every weekend  by buying new clothing.   This will defiantly be a great summer.  I look back to last summer and think about how miserable I was at almost 240lbs.  Life is good my is good.

One pound at a time

Mar 08, 2009

Well, I have decided that one pound at a time is going to have to be OK with me.  I don't like it, but will take it.  I have increased my exercise the past 2 weeks and hopefully, that is the kick in the pants that my metabolism needs.  I am signed up to do a 5K in May.  What????  Never would I think that I could run a 5K.  I am up to about a mile and a half on the tread mill and even ran outside (in public!!)  the other night.  It felt pretty good, have to learn to pace myself.  I ran for about 20 min, came back to the house all red in the face and think I had an asthma attack, (I don't have asthma!) but I felt so damn proud of myself.  Turning 40 this year, being in better shape that I have been most of my adult life and being under the weight I was when I got pregnant feels pretty darn good.  I have been buying some spring clothing, size 12 pants and medium to large tops!  Wow.  I have purged my closets and have been giving away my fat girl clothing.  I am giving my clothing to 3 of my patients that I take care of.    I am only keeping one pair of jeans to prove how big I once was.   Never agian folks.  You guys out there keep me motivated and show me how it is done.  Thanks for all the inspiration.  A 

Back from Florida

Feb 20, 2009

Well, I just spent one week in Florida visiting my parents during Mid-Winter Break.  We all had a great time together.  I felt so good in Florida.  I went shopping and finally decided to buy myself some new clothing.  Can you believe that I bought size 12 petite capri pants, jeans and even some petite medium shirts and a jacket.  OMG!!!!  I can't believe it myself.  Can't even tell you how great that felt.  I was very active in Florida.  I swam a lot with my daughter, something I never would have done 70 lbs ago (bathing suits are evil!!).  I went to the work out room 5 times during our stay and did at least 30 -40 minutes on a rowing machine and elliptical.  I don't know if my scale will reflect how hard I worked this week between all the walking we did, the swimming and the cardio, but I feel good!!   

Happy Birthday to me!!

Jan 30, 2009

So, yesterday was my 40 th Birthday.  I am not sure how I feel about that number, but I can tell you that I feel better over all about myself.  Last year on my 39 th birthday is when I decided to lose 40 lbs by my 40th b-day.  Sounds like a reasonable goal, right? I couldn't do it.   Well, not until I had bariatric surgery.  I feel so much better than I did last year at this time.  Last year I was in physical therapy for my back and was laid up for almost 3 week with pain..............I no longer have back pain with my weight loss.  Last year my doctor put me on a second blood pressure medication for my uncontrolled hypertension ........I am no longer hypertensive and am off all b/p meds.  Last year I was pre-diabetic with a high blood sugar level and high insulin level, certainly headed for diabetes........this year blood sugar is normal and I am no longer considered pre-diabetic.  Last year I had such horrible reflux that I often took 6-10 tums per day on top of my prescription acid blocker and would wake up at night vomiting due to the acid in my throat...........I no longer have reflux and no longer take medication  for it.    Last year I snored and used multiple over the counter remedies to stop the snoring, my husband even wore earplugs.........I no longer snore!   Last year I bought new  bikes for me and my  daughter  so we could ride together and never rode it because I was too afraid to ride due to my weight......this year I plan on riding with her and can now run a mile on my treadmill and plan a 5 k in the spring!  There are many other changes of the past 5 1/2 months that include pride in my appearance again and confidence not to mention the health benefits.  So another year older does not have to mean another year getting "old."  I plan to enjoy my 40's since my 30's plaged me with health issues and certainly self esteem issues due to my obesity.   So, happy birthday to me!!     
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Happy New Year!

Dec 29, 2008

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year!  This year for the first time in about 20 years, I won't have to make a resolution to lose weight.  This year I will know I will lose weight and reach my goal.  I can't tell you how happy this makes me.  I am not thinking about what diet to try, not thinking about what new program to join, not purchasing new exercise equipment that will never be used, not making unrealistic goals like I will lose X amount of weight before my trip to Florida.  It feels sooooooooo liberating.  I have now lost 61 lbs and my only mini goal is one more lb to get me into the 160's before New Years.  I know that I will be thinner at the end of 2009 and don't have to beat myself up over how I blew my diet within the first two (sometimes less!!) weeks.  I can set healthier and happier goals for me this year.  Yeah me!!
1 comment

Funny thing about the scale....

Dec 12, 2008

So the past 2 weeks or more, I have an arch bathroom scale.  Funny thing is that this week I have had a ton of compliments on my weight loss.  Some of my patients come back and visit me (I am a nurse and give chemotherapy) .  One guy told me what a "cutie-pie" I am, one told me how "skinny" I have gotten and a ton of others have commented.  It made me feel good, even though the scale hasn't moved much in the past 2 weeks, I am trying to keep a  positive attitude about things.  This too shall pass.  I have stepped up my exercise this week, even got really into my kickboxing to take out my anger for the damn scale.  I forgive you scale, you will show me lower number soon.....right??? 

Damn scale!! Damn scale!! stuck for 10 days!!!!

Dec 08, 2008

'Nough said!!!!!!
If my hair wasn't already falling out, I would pull it out!! 

Half way there!!!!!!!

Nov 23, 2008

"50" and feeling great!  51 lbs as of today .  My weight loss has been steady, not huge jumps on the scale but it has all added up.  I am excited for the holidays and not having to try and hide from friends and parties because I don't feel good about myself and don't have anything to wear.  (Well, I don't have much to wear cause of my new smaller sizes, but I don't mind that!)   I am still having a hard time getting back on the exercise track since coming back from Italy.  I have to make it a priority and this time of the year with all the goings on makes it easy to make excuses.  I will try harder this week.


Nov 09, 2008

Goal reached!!!!!!!!!  I am now able to wrap a towel around my body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yeah................and since my hair is falling out, I don't need it for my head, see how that works out so well?? 

Back from my trip

Nov 09, 2008

Well, I am back from my Roman Holiday.  I was gone for 2 weeks to Italy.  Italy was beautiful and an amazing journey.  I am not going to say that it was easy while we were there to find things that I wanted to eat and to not be tempted by all the wonderful things, but I am pretty proud of myself.  I ended up trying a little pasta...........come on, it is Italy for God's sake!  I paid the price for that, it didn't sit well at all.  I was tempted by many things, the wine, the pasta dishes, the desserts and the nightly gelato that my husband and our friends ate!!  I was prepared and brought my high protein foods with me and made a snack mix of nuts and raisins.  It's not like they have a CVS on every corner like we do here! so it wasn't so easy to find things in between meals.  I am proud to say that I climbed to the top of the Leaning tower of Pisa (300 steps) and walked on average of 5-7 miles per day (I had my pedometer with me!) and I could not have done it 45 pounds ago (without being very tired and short of breath).  It made all the temptations and the "I wish I could have that" feelings disappear.  Next week I see Dr H for my 3 months check up.  I hope I can make it to the 50 lb goal he set for me.  Back to work!! 

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Surgery Date
Jul 29, 2008
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Funny thing about the scale....
Damn scale!! Damn scale!! stuck for 10 days!!!!
Half way there!!!!!!!
Back from my trip
