Schedules, Schedules

Aug 23, 2007

Well, I have what seems like 1,000 appointments scheduled over the next 3 months! I made a binder to keep all of my prescriptions, orders, paperwork, etc in as well as a detailed WLS appointment calendar. Everything's scheduled except the last 2 nutritional consults, because I can't do that until I go to the 1st consult.

Also, I went for my CT scan yesterday. The barium sucked but wasn't as bad as everyone said... it just pissed off my stomach for a day. My advice: drink through a straw. I read over my report by the radioologist who said everything was fine... no abnormalities, but he mentioned that my "body habitus" (aka fatness) did not allot him optimal visibility. I can't wait for the day that my fat and weight are no longer this integral part of my life, where it's mentioned everywhere I go. 

Onward for more and more fun filled appointments!! I think that my next one is my gastro consult. Woo!

I had a breakdown :(

Aug 20, 2007

On Friday night, after my weigh in, I had a major emotional break down. It really hit me that I was officially in the "super obese" category at 24 years old. I have always been pretty happy with myself and even my body, compared to most skinny people I know. I've always had plenty of romantic interests, good friends, tons of hobbies and interests, and I always have a good time. 

Suddenly it just overwhelmed me that I had let things get that out of hand. I sobbed and sobbed... even called my mother at midnight amidst my breakdown. She thought someone had died... And really, someone did. The me that didn't really think it was that bad... the old me that never thought it could get any better, so why stress? That part of me is gone. I will try to remember how that felt and make damn certain that I NEVER have to feel like that again. 

However, no matter what, I will still always be beautiful....
I'm just *improving* on it.

First Consult!!!

Aug 17, 2007

I just finished with my first consult with Dr. Cohen. LOVE him by the way. And Tiffany, the patient coordinator, was so sweet. I am so excited. I have to do a 3 month wait time and was given a detailed outline of what I need to get done when. 

By 9/17- Labs, Gastro Consult, CT Scan
By 10/17- Psych Eval, PT Eval
By 11/17- Support Group

I have nutritional and surgeon consults on 12/4 and 11/15.

I was 343 pounds and 5'8 3/4... I couldn't believe it. When I filled out my patient survery and guessed my weight, I figured I was way high balling at 340... when I saw 343 on the scale... it just confirmed that I was exactly where I was supposed to be at that moment... at the beginning of changing my life.

Tiffany did not give me my date today but said that she probablly would next consult, but that we were shooting for the beginning of December!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luckily for me, my mother is off of work for 2 weeks in December, so I can schedule my surgery around that. People are saying that I shouldn't do it before the Holidays, but frankly I'd be so elated to have surgery, I could have it on my birthday and it wouldn't phase me. This is the result of years of trying, crying, hoping and being dissapointed. For once, things are going in the right direction for me and I could care less about having green bean casserole when I could be having my much anticipated surgery.

I am so happy!!!!

Getting the Ball Rolling (again)

Jul 31, 2007

7/31/2007. Before I was trying to do self pay, as I could not seem to get approved for surgery (3 different insurance companies... all with WLS exclusions). I don't know if I believe in God, but I know that someone is looking out for me and helping me out. I got a job at a hospital which insures its own employees and has a bariatric program on site. All I have to do is a 3 month supervised diet with my surgeon's office and, of course, all of the pre op stuff, and I'll be able to have surgery. Apparently my insurance is so cool about WLS, that they don't even ask for a letter of medical neccessity. But I'm going to get it anyway, just in case. I have my consult on 8/17/2007 and I am hoping to set a surgery date for the end of December or beginning of January! I'm overwhelmed right now at the prospect of actually having this done. I have been trying for so many years to no avail. And now I'm closer than I've ever been. By this time next year, I could be half my size. That is so baffling and amazing to me. I can't wait!

Getting the Ball Rolling

Mar 26, 2007

3/26/07- Sent in all my info to Veronique, the patient coordinator at US Bariatric. She took several minutes to answer my questions and she is about a year post op so that was comforting. Will set my initital appointment this week to get the ball officially rolling. I would like to have my surgery at the end of May/Beginning of June but we'll see! Getting very excited!

About Me
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 20, 2007
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