Im home

Mar 27, 2010

Well, I am now a bandster and I am home.
I feel really good.
My experience at the hospital.............Well, I got there at 8:00 am and my surgery was scheduled for 10:45.  The pre-op people were AWESOME!!!!  They were always coming in checking on me, letting me know if my surgery was going to be delayed, or just coming in to say HI.
I wasn't actually taken back for surgery until  a little after 12:30.    When I came out, I was tired as hell........and I do mean tired as hell.   I just wanted to sleep, but I had to go down and drink that nasty nasty nasty tasting stuff that you have to drink for them to X-ray you.......Yuck!!!!!!!!    Did I say Yuck, I meant YUCK!!!!!!     I heaved on the way to the Xray room and let up a bunch of air and haven't heaved yet, Thank God cuz that hurt like HELL!!!
So, I got my Xray and a little while later, the nurse came back in and said that I can start drinking and brought me in a few drinks.
I drank a little bit and slept, woke up, peed, drank a little more, went for a walk, drank a little more, slept, drank and peed the rest of the night.
I never took the morphine cuz I really didn't feel the pain was all that bad. They made me take a pain pill (yes, MADE me) that night cuz they wanted to see if I could tolerate it going down my problem there.
The nurses kept coming in and asking me if I wanted to go home................DUH!!  Who am I to say NO.  So I got dressed around 5:00, had them take the IV out and waited for my paper work.
Well, I didn't see anyone for a while, so I took another wonderful nap........right around 7:00 (shift change) the nurse came back in and said..........we will get your paperwork taken care of and get you out of here..............Well, hurry the hell up already!!!!!
After Shift change, in came the attending Dr and said, why are you in regular clothes?  Well, the nurses earlier said you were going to release me...............OH, REALLY????  Well, let me call Dr Averbach and see what he says..........................LMAO!!!!
Well, after talking to Dr A, they all decided I should stay because I wasn't drinking enough and the nurses "forgot" to give me a bowl to pee in so they could check my output............Plus he was concerned that I hadn't had ANYTHING for pain yet (this is where they made me take the pain pill)........So, OK, I'm all hunkered down for the full night stay.
I slept, walked, drank, peed the rest of the night and woke up around 5:00am and started bothering the nurses as to when the Dr's make their rounds and can send me home.
Well, they came around 6:20 - all 7 of them........LOL
They got all their stuff done and signed and I was finally on my way out of there around 9:00.........YIPPEEEEEE!!!!
The drive home was kind of tough........the bumps, turns, the stops, but my hubby did the best he could at avoiding any and all bumps for me.......I don't know what I would have done without him through this ordeal..............He is the best.
So, now this is day 2 after surgery and I have had my shower - feel like a human being again.
I have taken a walk through the yard, walked the house, drank a few protein drinks, some chicken broth, lots of water and now I have....................the gurgle effect in my belly..................I'm waiting to explode!!!  LOL
I have released a LOT of gas already, but apparently there is a LOT more in there, so I am staying close to a bathroom and away from people, if ya get my drift????
Enough for today.
nap time!!!

OMG!!! I'm approved

Feb 19, 2010

Kathy called me today and I am approved.
My surgery is March 25th, I have to be there at 9:15..........

Did I say OMG!!!!

I don't feel nervous at all right now, just wait til the night before.
Well, I am going to take my laptop with me and blog how I feel after my surgery and hopefully
So, now that I have my approval, I have 10 other Dr appts that I have to go to.........pre op this and pre op that, pre op blood work, seminar with the nutritionist, appt with my doctor, appt with Dr Averbach..................blah blah blah.........
OMG!!!!  I still don't know what to think.

So what do I do now????????

I guess I go to the message board and ask there!!  LOL

Hopefully tomorrow

Feb 18, 2010

Well, I talked to Kathy Tuesday and she said that she should have an answer for me tomorrow on my approval or disapproval..........Gosh!!  Why do I feel like something is wrong now????
I have this gut feeling I am going to get rejected.........
Well, off to bed i go and hopefully tomorrow will bring good news.

Still Waiting

Feb 15, 2010

Well, my impatience got the best of me today and I tried to call the insurance company to see if they  had pre approved me yet..............I totally forgot that it is Presidents Day and they were I called my Dr's office and spoke with Kathy.......She is my angel.   She has such a sweet tone to her voice. Ya gotta love her.  And she is so calming.  So she told me to call me back the end of this week and she should have an answer........OK, so now the jitters are really setting in.
Thanks for being there Kathy.

Mouse in a maze

Feb 13, 2010

OK, I am now sick of snow!!!!!!!!!   I feel like a mouse in a maze driving around town.  Cant see past the snow!!!!!!!!!!!
I am ready for warmer weather now.

Please send sunshine

Feb 11, 2010

I have changed my plea to the Lord from giving me patience to giving Maryland Sun and warmer weather.
We don't want too warm of weather cuz we will flood.


Im still praying that God gives me patience

Feb 09, 2010

OK, its now been a week since my claim was submitted and I am slowly growing more and more impatient.
I know I will hear something soon whether it is good or bad, but I just wish they would call me.


I need to practice patience

Feb 05, 2010

So, it has only been 3 days since I've seen the nutritionist, but all of the sudden I feel so impatient............
I am waiting with baited breath for that phone to ring...
Is this normal?????
I guess I am tired of being fat.
Put on my jeans today to go to work and could barely get them buttoned and once I did, I had the muffin effect thing going on...............That really disgusted me.
So, I am more than ready.
I bought some Biotin today to start taking so I hopefully don't lose any more hair than I have already.
I was going to buy my protien powder and other vitamin suppliments, but I forgot my paper of what Arlene told me I had to have, all I remembered was liquid suppliments for 4 to 6 months.
I will get it all next week after we dig out from the "snow wallop" that we are in the process of getting.  LOL

Awaiting my approval and surgery date

Feb 03, 2010

Well, I had my meeting with the Nutritionist, Arlene Swanko.   She was awesome!!!! 
She explained everything to a tee and told me if I had any more questions to please call her.
I loved her knowledge and also her honesty.
So now I have to wait for my insurance to approve everything.........................lets keep our fingers crossed.
I also called today to check with Kathleen to make sure she had all the paperwork that she needed to submit for my apporval.........she does and I should get a call from her within 3-4 weeks.
So, now here comes the reality check.............WOW!!!   Is this really going to happen??????
Here come the nerves.

About Me
Taneytown, MD
Surgery Date
Nov 10, 2009
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 9
