Sex Drive

Aug 20, 2009

Anyone got the sex drive in overdrive??

I find that I can do more.. enjoy more.  And I do adult parties.  I didn't think that I had a problem...

I thought about having a get together at my house. Ladies only.  Get to see the new products that just came out.  Talk about our weight loss... Let me know what you think!!


3 months

Jul 30, 2009

I know.. I finally got them up.

3 months out and down to 207-209, 45 inches (2 month).  I need to messure again.  I had  a seaweed treatment and lost 15.5 inches... yes!

Before my spa I went to walmart... tried on size 16 shorts and they fit.  I was about this weight before and was not able to put them on.  It's been 15 years since I wore a 16. 

Today is special... I am going to go get pictures done for my man!  I will not be posting them so... sorry :-) I want to get them before I totally sag!!

My birthday is the 4th so I will not be going to the fashion show.  So if you are in it or going... good luck/have fun!!!

PS.. dawn = tried to get you.   Here's my number 225-4062


Jul 14, 2009

I have lost a total of 45 inches, 52 pounds in 2 1/2 months.

I will post pictures later of my bathsuit look. 

Trying but I'm not doing it

Jun 25, 2009

Now that it's summer, I'm off schedule.

Not getting up til later b/c I'm waking up 4:30am then falling asleep and getting up later.

I have had days where I have only eaten twice and 1 or none on shakes.  I had one day that I only ate once.  I don't like eating.

I don't want to do bad.  I have a fear of doing wrong.  I don't want dumping, vomiting....

I am 214lbs. 

I don't know... guess I need a swift kick in the ass.


Not enough fluids

May 20, 2009

I know that I'm not getting enough fluids.... 

I need suggestions.    I do water, sugar-free pops, milk (rare), jello (when I remember)... HELP

I have tried  Crystal light, gator aid, decaf ice tea.
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2 wks out, today

May 13, 2009

It is 2 weeks today since my surgery.  I am back at work, wondering if I should have.  My right side has been sore.  It's better today.  It's been hard to eat today.  I don't want to...

I am blah... just seeing how everyone else is.

Ready set go...

May 08, 2009

Well... today was my 1 week out appointment.  I weighted in at 241lbs.  which is 18.5 lbs down from the 17th of April (last record for them was 259.9)

I am able to return to work.  Start trying new things next week.  Start my meds (vit, b12..)  I am so happy!!!!

I know that this is not normal.  I know that the next drop might not be so much but.... I feel great!!

that is it for now....
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Okay, okay... an update LOL

May 06, 2009

Well... I am sorry it's been awhile.  Trying to get back into the swing of things.

Saturday & Sunday... It was a little rough, but nothing because of the surgery.  I have been on drugs since 2003 and I've been trying to come off them.  I had withdrawals.

Monday... my first day by myself.  I did great!!  I was still having some gas pains in my shoulder but everything was good.  I got my food in.

Tuesday... my first day going out.  I get "winded" when up too long.  It's not like I was walking a mile... didn't do much.  But got through the day.

Today... went out and did a little bit more.  Still getting "winded" but trying to get through it.  I got a call from Jan today too.  She asked if I was doing everything right.  I said yes.  Well things kind of went down hill.  I missed a meal, missed a shake, and meds... AND I don't think I got enough fluids in.

I go to the doctors Friday....

I am really feeling better.  Wishing I could eat regular food so it's not so hard to eat when out and need to eat.  I have not vomitted... praying that never comes up!!!  I guess the other thing I dislike is the "bloated" feeling in my ab area.  It feels like I can't have anything tight on it. 

I am running late and going to go to bed.... ps this will be 3rd night in bed.  Loving that!! 

I will update on Friday night!


One full day home

May 02, 2009

Well... I have over done it but it's not that bad.

I went to breakfast, then to Sam's, then to Walmart, and then to Aarron's.  I was gone for a while and was in the riding wheel chair.  I had to rent a chair to sleep in so that I can sleep.

I ate pretty good but still not wanting to over do it.... so taking it slow.

I am glad to be home.  I wish 6 weeks were over.

I am hoping this gas gets gone.  It's the only thing that I hate... but at least the things are changing.  Hated bowel prep, got over that, hating the gas... will be over soon.

I am very thankful to those well wishers.

So... til I'm up to it, talk to you soon!


Apr 27, 2009

I am blah right now.  My last meal was Friday.... Longhorn's (steak, veggies, bread, sweet tea).  The liquid diet really hasn't been that bad.  My worst part came Sunday when I was having neck pain.  I wanted to die.  It finally let go about 10pm.  Monday I was shakey.  I then started my bowel prep... not that bad.  But then I dry heaved about 10pm and didn't fall sleep til 2 or 3 in the morning.

Today... I have the antibodics (sp?).  It says that if you throw up the first 2 doses then don't continue.  Great.. I do not want want to throw up.  I also have a little bit of neck pain.  I hope 3:30 am comes fast. 

I am the first patient of the day.  I wish that it was already my time and I was starting my journey already.
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About Me
Ft. Walton Beach, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 29, 2009
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 21
