12 Days Post Op...

Oct 02, 2012

Well, it's day 12 post op and let me say, OMG! 
I didn't think I was actually going to survive the first week.  I had a couple of huge melt downs that first week post op.  But I have pulled thorough (thanks to the over whelming support of my Mom).

I have lost 12 lbs since surgery, initially it was flying off me and now it has slowed down a bit.
I am trying not to be too obsessive about how fast I loose... but initially I was worried it was too fast, now I wonder if its slowing down too much...

I am soooooo looking forward to puree... one more step towards actually chewing something.  I will be having the allowed piece of melba toast or a cracker before my teeth fall out of my head from lack of biting on something.

All in all, today, is a good day.  Right now I am trying to remember not to do too much, and take time to heal...
In a few weeks, I will be kicking my own butt, at the gym....


Optifast...doesn't feel so fast

Sep 03, 2012

I am on day 5 of my Optifast.  I must say the first 3 days were pure hell, the withdrawls were so bad! I am slowly starting to feel better.  The headaches are gone, and surprise, surprise, I have ENERGY today!!!!
 I am getting used to the shakes and have tried to vary the flavours.  I am so glad I picked vanilla, I make pumpkin pie spiced, lemon, maple, bannana, and chocolate shakes.  They are pretty good.
As I hate jello, that takes a large variety of food choices off the table for me right now.  But having clear soups has been helpful to vary the sweet shakes, with some savoury food types.

All being said, I am surprised at myself for sticking to this so far, and have been doing really well.

I am also, down 10lbs in 5 days!!! wow

Heading out to cut the grass with all this energy I have

T minus 9 days....

Aug 20, 2012

I am 9 days away... well almost 8... from starting Optifast.  I find myself in turmoil.  I am so excited and ready for this journey, and to finally see the results when I work so hard to achieve them. 
I also find myself playing game of "that was my last _____________ "(insert food here)....

Its such a weird place to be, that I know only the people on this board truly understand.

I just know I am ready.

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Aug 20, 2012
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