I'm more like 10 weeks out now,

Oct 14, 2011

I'm doing great, lost 60 lbs now, and eating around 4 oz still.   My lab work came back, everything is great, my nutrition levels are all with in normal good range. 

I'm 5 weeks out now

Aug 30, 2011

I have lost a total of 44.6 lbs now, I am doing just fine, can eat around 2 to 4 ozs depending on what it is..   I have lost 20 inches..

I'm two weeks out from my surgery

Aug 17, 2011

Everything went great, no complications.. I'm eating just fine, thick liquids, and puree..  I hate the taste of every protein shake, just sick of them.  I didn't feel to bad in the hospital, I was able to drink and eat, and walk laps everyday..  

I am Approved!!!!!!!

Jun 24, 2011

It didn't take any time for them to approve me, I should have posted this, June 14th I got a call from the surgery center telling me I was accepted for surgery.   I have to met with Dr Spaw on July 13 to set a date..  Supper stoked

Waiting for insurance to approve:)

Jun 06, 2011

Waiting for insurance to approveHappy dance

I think I'm getting real now..

Apr 13, 2011

I'm going in for surgery soon, and I watch you-tube WLS people, and I read these post,  as many people as I can, to see if this is something I can handle.  The life style change.  Your guys are incredible and brave, and I thank you, for sharing your stories.. 

I'm stuck now,  between a me, I don't like, and fear of being who I really want to be.  I expect a lot, I have big demands on the people around me, and I don't live up to my own standards anymore..  My dream me, is pretty big shoes to fill.  It's easy for me to sit around and say, if I, poor me, I can't do it.. This weight is a good excuse to fall short. 

I want to make it happen, I want to be the one in that boating picture, or on top that mountain with the cool backpack and hiking stick, river boating, and all that stuff..  I'm just so scared of change..

I hate driving in fear of getting lost, so I will only go where I have been a thousand times.  Even if I have a cell phone and a map, I will not do it.. I have to have another person with me the whole time that knows the way.  I am scared frozen, from lighting strikes, storms, I'm not going to sit outside and watch it, no way..  I am just a fear filled person.. I've never been anything but a pretty face.. I don't know how I will be in a different body..  I have been hit on, and never had a problem with men liking me, at some of my bigger sizes.  I am not happy with gawking men, I fear predators bad..  I was bothered by men growing up, and in my young life, and I feel ok being fat.. I like being just the pretty face.  Most men don't take a second look..  I didn't like the attention before, when I was better looking, I don't think that will change.  So not looking fw to that end of it.

I just want to be active, and trying all the fun stuff out, that I want with my husband. I have to be thinner, and be able to keep up. I do love to look great and sexy for him, I always love his attentions he gives me..  My husband is terrific.  He is able to do anything he wants, I'm not, and I'd like to be.. 

I so desperately need this surgery, to start over a new life.. A new me, I want to get out of this rut.. So I am forcing it, by serious change.  Something I can't get out of, because I know I will try, if it was just a diet.  I would stop and go back to doing what makes me feel good..   Hiding in my fantasy world, but that isn't healthy, and it isn't a real life.. I know that once I get to where I want to be, I will adjust and become happy in that life.  This is just fear, and how is the best way to get over fear?  by doing what your afraid of..
It's like, I don't want to change, but I know it's best for me, and instead of just letting me keep getting away with this crap, I'm going to be my own best friend, and do what is right, right for me, and my family..
  BY just jumping in and getting wet..

I know exactly how easy it would be to change.. I know exactly what to do..  I have tried to do what should be easy, a regular diet has faults.  My mind can't believe in them again. I can't stick to the diet, because I know it will get my hopes up, and it will let me down.  This surgery, I have seen that it's really does work, I have faith in it..  It works for everyone that uses it right. I've seen it work for those that don't use it a 100% right, cheaters.  I'm not an abuser,  if I'm given instructions on how to use it, I will follow them.. I'm def a manual reader..  I live by the laws.  I hate breaking rules..

I'm glad my time has come, and I can have this done, I've known this was the way, a long time.. First this step, then I will tackle my other fears..  I love Jesus, and I know I can do all things threw him
He is leading me to this, he has given me friends, to watch and to hold my hands, that are on this journey with me.. I am not alone, and I feel good about this.. So I have every faith that this will be a turning point in my life..  I do need therapy on dealing with my fears, for other things..  So I should seek that to.

I mean really, Who in the Heck wants to do this? (People that have to, "is who", and can't no other way)..  I want to be who you are reading this, that has already done it, and who likes shopping now, and who likes living life again.. Who doesn't mind trading in eating large meals, for smaller better ones, to live "life better, fuller".. 
And Cherise, I need school too, another fear..  :)
see ya..

1 comment

Annoying People

Mar 11, 2011

Hello All,
Do you ever hate it when a heavy person, starts to lecture you, on the art of dieting?

Like "all you have to do Patti, is this or that"..

Is it just me, or does this happen to everyone that talks about going under the knife to have this WLS done? I'm getting dragged by the arm, and told, I don't have to do this to myself, by people that should also, be thinking about it, cause clearly the stuff they are saying, isn't working for them either..  And "the easy way out" has come up a few times, in other annoying conversations.  I can't get a word in about the new ways, or how it's proved better in the long run.  They just go on and on about how easy Tops is, or some other garbage, I'm not doing.  If it didn't keep the weight off of you, I'm not interested..  Something is clearly wrong here, if this WLS doesn't fix the problem nothing will.  Diets don't do nothing, but make me fatter.  I need that part of my stomach removed that says, feed me, don't go on another diet, feed me,  I'm starving.  With that gone, I think I could listen to my head more..  At this point, I can't wait till a few years from now, when I'm still thin, and they are still heavy, and walking by them smiling, saying hows that diet going fer ya

The problem isn't taking it off, it's getting past each stage of taking it off, and then keeping it off..


insurance coverage

Mar 05, 2011

Mar 5, 2011,  Hello All.

I'm so happy, I just found out that my insurance, BCBS federal, does cover vertical sleeve surgery..  My BMI is high enough that getting approved won't be an issue.  I have several dear friends that got the RNY and did great over the first few years, but wait in the 4th or 5th yr. things start to get harder to control. Blood transfusions, and iron IV's start being needed.   RNY's can't get sloppy about nutrition, or they learn a very hard lesson really fast..  My friends are ok, and dealing with it like real pros..  I'm not so sure what things will be like in our near future. 5 yrs from now,  I may not be able to see a Doctor..  So I want the lesser invasive approach..   What I do manage to eat, I want to absorb the nutrition better. 

This makes me very happy..
I still have questions I need answered, I still have to look into this more..
I had a Dr tell me I was killing myself from the inside out if I had surgery, that I'd only be expected to live another 10 yrs if I had this done..   I'm pretty sure he is wrong..  Everything I have read says extended life..  If you know other wise, please let me know..

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Benton, KY
Nov 16, 2003
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