Annoying People

Mar 11, 2011

Hello All,
Do you ever hate it when a heavy person, starts to lecture you, on the art of dieting?

Like "all you have to do Patti, is this or that"..

Is it just me, or does this happen to everyone that talks about going under the knife to have this WLS done? I'm getting dragged by the arm, and told, I don't have to do this to myself, by people that should also, be thinking about it, cause clearly the stuff they are saying, isn't working for them either..  And "the easy way out" has come up a few times, in other annoying conversations.  I can't get a word in about the new ways, or how it's proved better in the long run.  They just go on and on about how easy Tops is, or some other garbage, I'm not doing.  If it didn't keep the weight off of you, I'm not interested..  Something is clearly wrong here, if this WLS doesn't fix the problem nothing will.  Diets don't do nothing, but make me fatter.  I need that part of my stomach removed that says, feed me, don't go on another diet, feed me,  I'm starving.  With that gone, I think I could listen to my head more..  At this point, I can't wait till a few years from now, when I'm still thin, and they are still heavy, and walking by them smiling, saying hows that diet going fer ya

The problem isn't taking it off, it's getting past each stage of taking it off, and then keeping it off..


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Benton, KY
Nov 16, 2003
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