Michelle Johnson- Hodges

This Is My Story.....

Aug 08, 2008

Hello everybody and welcome to my page....

My name is Michelle and I have been over weight and struggling since the birth of my fourth child in 1992....I have tried almost everything for over tens years and basically Im just tired of trying.Since I have been over weight I have struggled so hard trying to adjust...Im really short and most of my weight is in the middle area...my stomach...it looks like Im nine months pregnant....my thighs are big also...but I would keep my thighs if I could get rid of my stomach....I cant tie my shoes I have to sit on the bed sideways and prop my leg up....I cant bend straight over...I can only bend side ways or have someone else do it for me....It was really hard for me to walk and do other things because I was a smoker also....I stopped smoking ciggarettes June 14,2008 a week before I signed my divorce papers in front of a judge....I didnt and I still dont crave...its like God stepped in and said enough is enough...and I stopped..."COLD TURKEY"....Im so happy I had Gods help to stop.....I had prayed so long for that to happen and then it did one saturday night..."suddenly"...thats how God works in my life....Im just so thankful....So now I pray and ask him to help me lose this weight...I want to lose at least 150lbs....thats my goal...now that I have stopping smoking my taste buds are sharp...some of the foods I use to like dosent taste right to me anymore....but some of the foods are like "REALLY" good...lol...its like I just want to keep eating and eating...I have to tell myself no...because I could eat and want something else good right after....Im 5'3 and Im at 284.3lbs....since the last time I weighted my self at the doctors office in JUNE...I dont have any major medical issues...I take a high blood pressure pill once aday and a water pill...my feet swell sometimes when I miss a couple of days of taking the water pill....when I was smoking I had so many acts and pains..headaches and problems...but the only side effects that I have now is Im always tired....but I was told when you stop smoking your metabolisum sloooooowwwwwww down and thats what it is....but that too shall pass....but anyways...I have been praying and confessing that I am going to lose 150lbs the healthy way....so Im thinking about getting the surgery....I work with a company that has BCBS as the insurance...I wont be eligible for my insurance until September...so Im doing my research on the WLS because if its the Lords will I want to have the WLS done by my 38th birthday....Some of yall may say thats impossible....buut not with my God...Im on a mission...I divorced my husband in June of 08...I stopped smoking in 08....My relationship with God has become closer in 08...so I know that this is my time..my year and season for Miracles...Blessings...Prosperity...and of course a new beginning....My friend and her daughter had the surgery and they look fabolouse....and Im just ready to make a major 180 change in my life for the better....Everything happens for a reason.....So this is my story....and Im sticking to it...LOL...God Bless

About Me
Austin, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 31, 2008
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Before & After
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Loss 122 pounds

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