First of all, let me say that it feels a little weird disclosing the feelings I’ve kept so well hidden all these years. It’s almost like tearing out a page in your diary and sending it to the newspaper, but here it goes. . . I am a 30 years old, single, no kids. At the present time I am an employee of State of Georgia.  

I was thinking about the surgery but at the same time debating if I should actually do something as drastic as surgery. I have been diagnosed with hypertension (2004), acid reflux(2002), and uncontrolled diabetes mellitus type 2(2001). Despite all of those things, I still didn’t think my situation warranted a measure such as surgery.  

Just recently, I took an evaluation of myself, and I realized that although I was not old in age my body didn’t tell that same story. There are people that are twice my age that are more active and have less medical problems than I have.  I’ve always been “heavy.”   I have made several attempts to lose the weight from Atkins to Weight Watchers, but the weight has still remained. On rare occassions I did lose weight, but I gained it all back plus some after I stopped dieting. 

I felt the greatest impact of being overweight as a teenager, I didn’t attend the games and dances that my siblings and friends went to because I was never invited like they were.  So early on, I began to feel “different.”  When I liked a boy in high school he always liked me too, but as a “friend” or “sister”, and this was the scenario throughout high school.  

Recently, I have been feeling like "its now or never." I have to get rid of this weight.  I have watched my grandmother, aunt,  and uncles struggle with diabetes all my life.  My grandmother died from complications of diabetes.  I don't want to.  

That’s when I began to think about weight loss surgery.  I still have a chance to correct these problems and somehow I feel like this is my only chance; I am not ashamed to say that I need some help and this surgery gives me that tool. 

I prayed to God and asked that he guide and help me to make the right decision.  I know I’d still be taking medicines for the rest of my life, but I’d much rather take a vitamin than take a shot.  Wouldn’t you?  The last part of my story is a short poem I wrote and this is actually taken from a page in my diary because I sometimes write poetry “for my eyes only,” but I think I’ll share this one. It ‘s about losing weight.

                      Fat Chance

As time goes on and days pass by,

I want this so much that I could cry,

I feel in my heart this is right,

If only someone understood my plight,

Lord, grant me this ,

If its your will,

Because only you know how I really feel.




About Me
Phenix City, AL
Nov 20, 2007
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 3
The beginning of things!!!
