I'm BACK!!!!

May 01, 2012

In a few short weeks I'll be celebrating my 5 year "Surgiversary".  Thinking back, I never thought I'd be someone who had a success story to post... and yet, here I am!  This surgery has been an enormous blessing to me and I would do it again in a heartbeat... it literally gave me a life that I never thought possible!

In the last 8 months or so, I've gained some weight back which has been devastating, but I'm not going to let that sideline me!  I know that the statistics say people usually gain a certain percentage back after a certain period of time - my regain initially started with some unstable hormone levels, and as a bit of a depression set in, I let it get out of control.  I can fully admit that as the years go by, I have gotten more and more relaxed about what I put in my mouth, and how much exercise I get (or don't get as the case actually is)... which has most certainly attributed to the total amount of my gain... it'd be nice to blame everything on a medical condition, but that's not the case, and I am holding myself accountable.

Thanks for letting me ramble... and I'd appreciate advice from the been-there/done-that folks!


My WOW Moments

Jun 25, 2007

I've had 3 really big WOW moments since my surgery 6 weeks ago... I should've recorded the dates and blogged them here, but I didn't think much of them until today's moment which gave me pause... so here they are in order of occurrance.

1:  One morning as I was getting ready for work, I was able to swing my right foot up onto the opposite knee to apply foot lotion without hoisting it up via my pant leg and having to hold it there against it's will...AND I had NO hip joint pain or discomfort.  Thinking surely this was a fluke, I didn't even consider being able to do the same with my opposite foot... but "poof" I swung my left foot up and again, no pain, no hoisting, no holding it there against it's will!  It was AMAZING!

2:  I went to the Elementary school that my children attend to watch my kindergartener 'graduate', and of course it was in the school's auditorium.  I sat down into the seat, without thinking, and had EXTRA ROOM to move around... I looked at my hubby and bounced side to side with a huge stupid grin on my face saying "look, I have ROOM!".... He said I had the biggest smile on my face and was giddy like a little girl. LOL!   The last time I was at the school for an awards ceremony in the same auditorium, my butt narrowly squeezed into the fold-down seats, and when squished into the seat, the arms of the seat cut into the sides of my thighs so much that I sat there SO uncomfortable praying the long-winded principal would just give my kid their award so I could get the heck outta' there! What a difference a few weeks make post-op!

and #3: TODAY - I was able to put my engagement ring and my wedding band back on for the first time since I was pregnant with my last baby - who's now 14 1/2 months old.  I can comfortably wear the engagement ring, but because I have such short stubby fingers, wearing the band with it felt a little uncomfortable still so I am leaving it in the box for a while... but when on, I can remove both of them with ease, and the engagement ring fits perfectly, not even leaving a mark at all! So, I've got my diamond back on today - which makes more than just my finger sparkle!  

I'm so happy I had this surgery.  Sometimes the results are subtle, but they're oh so worth it!  Thank you Lord for this blessing in my life!

One Month Post-Op Results....

Jun 20, 2007

At one month post-op, I had lost 21 pounds and 13.25 inches overall.  I can't complain about the results - the last time I had these kinds of results I was doing the Atkins diet and working out 3 times a day.... I can't say that I've been particularly good about "working out" in any traditional sense of the words, but I am more active now than before surgery. 

I am still feeling fine, only gotten sick from eating 2 or 3 times due to the food just not sitting well in my pouch... and once because I know I ate too fast and didn't chew well enough - lesson learned.  



Jun 05, 2007

Today I am officially 3 weeks out from my RNY on May 15th!  Some days, I simply can not believe this is my life - I feel so grateful for the gift of this surgery - the opportunity for a "do over" for my life!  What a blessing.

In general, I feel good.  Sometimes I feel like I didn't even have anything done.  My incisions are in that itchy healing stage, so they're usually what reminds me that I'm post-op.  I don't crave the junk food and sweets that used to haunt me.  I am careful to not over-exercise yet, as I know internally I'm not all healed yet.  I can eat just about whatever meat I have prepared for my family for dinner, and as long as I'm careful to chew properly and eat slowly.

I'm going to work on posting a "weight chart" or something like I've seen on other people's profiles.  I want to offer as much information as I can to anyone who might be investigating this as an option for themselves.  

It truely has changed my life - and if I can say that at 3 weeks out, I can't imagine what it'll be like 3 months or even 3 years from now!


Move over and make room for me on the losers bench!

May 20, 2007

I had my surgery on Tuesday May 15th, 2007 and although I still can't believe it - I'm officially "post-op"!  I never thought I'd be able to say that.  

I am recovering well, and other than the occasional bout of nausea, at 5 days post-op, I feel quite well.  

I am developing a head cold (probably due to the germies that live in hospitals) but sneezing and coughing don't even seem to hurt... After having 4 babies I'm more likely to pee my pants from sneezing or coughing too hard than I am to have any pains due to the surgery. 

I feel so grateful and happy that I've had the opportunity to have had this surgery!  It's a surreal experience.


May 07, 2007

My insurance approved me in one week through the greivance process after an initial denial.  I'm scheduled for May 15th at 7:30AM and I couldn't be more excited!  I just wanted to share my news with anyone who cares to read my profile!

I just keep on keepin' on....

Apr 09, 2007

I hope everyone reading this had a HAPPY EASTER!  I sure did... it was nice that this year I was able to focus on my family and LESS on the "food" of the day.  It's getting better every day. I try to treat each 'event' in my life (big or small) as a "practice run" for post-op living.

So... I had my EGD like my last post said and then, when I thought I would be having my surgery on 4/10 my insurance "pended" my surgery for "proof of compliance to nutrition program".  So, it's 4/9...and I'm sad that tomorrow is NOT my surgery date.

Everything happens for a reason...or so I keep on telling myself.

Now, I'm completely "through" the pre-op process... I have done every single pre-op "test" that my surgeorn thought that I'd need, I have been to every support group my surgeon's facility has held since February 28th, I've attended 2 "weigh-in" meetings (held immediately before support group convenes on the first wednesday of the month), and I've even shown weight losses at these weigh-ins, and I've met with the Nutritionist and kept up with my food journal.

I am told now that they're having a "team meeting" to discuss my "case" before they submit my paperwork for insurance approval again.....So I sit and wait.

I am optomistic and anxious.  

I REALLY was hoping to have this surgery BEFORE summer falls.  I can't stand the thought of facing another hot sweaty FAT summer trapped in this body.  I want to enjoy the summertime with my kids - go swimming, tend our family garden and my little flower beds etc.  Losing this weight will change my life for the better in so many ways, I can hardly begin to list them all.  I know anyone reading this on here will know exactly where I'm coming from.

This is all for now... I hope to post again later this week with better news - maybe even with a tentative surgery date!?!

The Third Time is a Charm!

Mar 13, 2007

I'm on my 3rd WLS surgeon.  Yep, you read that right... this is the THIRD surgeon I've consulted.  Why you might ask... well, since I've not kept my blog up here, the short version of the long torrid story is this: Surgeon #1 is moving within the year and I didn't find out until after he took my money for my initial consultations and appointments with a NUT and PSYCH....and Surgeon #2's office staff has the customer service skills of gorillas on crack.   

After a particularly offensive and disappointing phone conversation with an unnamed staff person of Surgeon #2, I decided to come to OH and ask what everyone else would do if they were in my shoes.  

Everyone here was overwhelmingly supportive and basically told me what I already knew... that I should find a new surgeon.  I looked around OH and found one - even closer to my home than the first 2!  I contacted one of his current patients who had left a "review" on him, and she invited me to a support group that same week!

I've since been to my initial consultation with the good doctor, met all of his staff, and attended 2 support groups (going again this Wednesday!), and I think that I am just one test away from my paperwork being submitted to my insurance for approval!  It almost seems too easy with this surgeon's office... they're all so nice and helpful... I can't imagine that there's much more for me to do to "comply" in order to gain insurance approval, but I know they'll help me out every step of the way.

I go for my EGD (the last frontier before surgery hopefully) next Tuesday... If they never woke me up from it and wheeled me straight into surgery I'd be a happy girl! LOL!  Wish me luck that things keep moving so smoothly!

And the beat goes on....

Feb 18, 2007

The non-stop "run around" I've been getting at the new surgeon's office is crazy!  I'm trying to remember WHY I'm doing this whole thing and I keep telling myself that whatever it takes is what I'm willing to endure so that I can someday put all this behind me and be on the losing side of town.  It's hard to stay optomistic when I feel so lousy about myself all the time.  It's just frustrating when your "destiny" is in the hands of others - who dont' seem to know which end is up! I know that I've made the right decision for myself.  I wish it would all happen FASTER though.  I'm so impatient.

What do you mean you're closing your business?????

Nov 24, 2006

Ok, so I was about 4 weeks into my 3 month nutrition program and called the nutritionist's office to ask when I was supposed to have my food journal reviewed... instead of telling me to make an appointment, she told me that my surgeon was closing his doors and moving to NYC...they'd copy my file and send it to me with a list of other bariatric surgeons in the area. Period. Um, WHAT???

I was speechless! (AND ANGRY!)

Without any sense of recourse for such an "unprofessional" situation... I went about the business of finding another surgeon.  Well, I didfind one but his office requires that I start the entire process over - seminar and all!  

So, I go to sign up for the seminar - the earliest I could get to one was November 30th - which turned out to be impossible for me because I was lucky enough to land a job which I was to start on the 27th... I just couldn't miss a day during my first week!  The next seminar is at the end of December. It's THREE HOURS LONG - and in the middle of the dang day, but I guess that's going to have to suffice since I am still committed to having this life-changing procedure.  This whole situation is just rediculous!

Now, here it is - the day after Thanksgiving.  The nutritionist calls me today out of the blue.  I tell her I'm going to continue doing my nutrition program with my current surgeon (now that I've heard through my PCP's office that he can't close without a 180 day notice) and that I'm scheduled for the seminar with the new surgeon.  I am told that the nutrition program will be transferrable as long as it's in my medical records.  

I also found out that though my current surgeon requires me to lose 20-30 pounds pre-op... the NEW surgeon I'll be switching to by the time I'm ready for surgery doesn't require me to lose (just can't gain) prior to surgery.  I think I can manage that!  In fact - I feel better about the new surgeon already!

So - I've been offline at home - and out of the OH loop for a while... I will work to keep my blog updated so that everyone knows I still exist and I'm still plugging along on the journey!

About Me
Lyons, NY
Surgery Date
Sep 10, 2006
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 15
Move over and make room for me on the losers bench!
I just keep on keepin' on....
The Third Time is a Charm!
And the beat goes on....
What do you mean you're closing your business?????
