I Had My 1st Surgeon Consultation Today!

Nov 02, 2006

It went great... the psych evaluation and nutritional counseling portions of the appointment also went very smoothly.  I was given a 3 month "diet" to follow to lose 20-30 lbs. and shrink my liver BEFORE they'll schedule surgery (Lap RNY).  I will see the nutritionist routinely throughout the 3 month diet process, and hopefully, I'll get through the next 3 months without going insane with impatience!  

I was really rather bummed out that I had to wait another 3 months and lose weight on my own before I can have the surgery... I know every doctor is different - so I know that this requirement is not "mandatory" all across the board, but rather is my surgeon's "preference"... that's annoying!

On the up side of things though, I'm starting my diet tomorrow and I'm so gung-ho that I hope I can keep with the momentum!  I'll keep my profile updated with how the diet is going.

The vampires were early for Halloween!

Oct 27, 2006

I went to the local hospital for my labwork that I needed to have done before I go to the surgical consultation appointment that I have set for 11/2/06.... THIRTEEN tubes of blood later I walked out of that place suprisingly "content"  that I am doing all the right things for my WLS journey, and I feel like I'm making progress - although it could've just been that I was too light headed to notice how slow the progress actually is LOL!

I've also been keeping my food journal for the dietitian appointment this past week and a half.  All I can say is - yikes!  I finally SEE what I'm eating and believe that the dietitian will likely give me fifty lashes with a wet noodle when she reviews my food intake!  My personal feeling is, why start dieting now?  I mean, I don't want to lose any weight and not qualify - so I'll continue to eat like an idiot until my appointment when she puts me on a diet... this way, I can indulge until I can't anymore - however flawed that thinking might be - AND in the process I won't disqualify myself for surgery and I can say "goodbye" to the naughty foods that I know I shouldn't eat, and WONT eat post-op.

Well... My home internet is off so I'll be checking in sporadically, and I'll try to keep you all updated... take care!

Special Delivery!

Oct 14, 2006

The envelope of information that the surgeon's office said would be en route when I talked to them on the 12th arrived today.  I want to go over it with a fine toothed comb and make my "list" of things to do (i'm a major list maker! LOL!), but I feel like I have to wait to go through it all because it's the weekend and the kids can be so distracting!  LOL!

I just couldn't wait for that call...

Oct 11, 2006

Today is only one week since the seminar... I called and left a long winded crazy sounding voice mail yesterday begging them to call me back sooner than the 2-3 weeks outlined at the seminar.

Hindsight being 20/20, I thought I should call today and apologize for being so impatient, and when I did, she told me to call her back this afternoon at 1pm so that we could conduct my phone interview!!!  Can you believe that? Now I don't feel like a goon for calling and babbling on the voicemail! LOL!

Later the same day: 
I called the surgeon's office and got their voicemail twice. The first time I just hung up, the second time I left a quick message and almost immediately was called back. I have a surgeon consult date set now! I'm so glad I followed my instincts and didn't wait for them to call me.  I've never been a patient person.

Step One: The Required Seminar...

Oct 03, 2006

I went to the informational seminar tonight and filled out their questionaire that is required by the office to do "call backs" for the phone interviews that they conduct before they schedule a consult with the surgeon.

The surgeon that spoke seemed very nice, well informed, and compassionate of the struggles that obese people face. I didn't sense one iota of contempt or disgust towards the audience.

It was very straight forward that one should expect a 2 to 3 week wait period for a call back. 

About Me
Lyons, NY
Surgery Date
Sep 10, 2006
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I just keep on keepin' on....
The Third Time is a Charm!
And the beat goes on....
What do you mean you're closing your business?????
