Our move

Feb 25, 2009

We're settling into our new home here in Mary Esther.  My husband left a little over 2 weeks ago for his assignment to Turkey.  He's missing us like crazy.  And we miss him.  15 months is such a long time. My son and I have been trying to stay busy.  He goes to preschool two times a week and we go to gymnastics on Monday mornings.  He loves it!  Wednesdays we go to a playgroup and Fridays are grocery shopping days.  I need to keep my mind occupied   Weekends are the lonliest days but we're making do!

I'm coming up on 8 months post op and I have lost a total of 103 pounds.  It's hard to believe I actually weigh 148 pounds!  This is the smallest I have ever been.  I need to take time now and start trying to tone up.  It's looking pretty rough.  I do not have the body of a 30 year old!  I'm sure I'll be looking into plastics once my husband returns from the desert.  Now, the real battle begins of keeping the weight off.  I have found myself snacking more and more out of pure boredom.  I am embarassed to admit it but at least I know I have issues.  I have never really gotten sick on anything and my pouch can tolerate just about damn near anything.  I need to stay in control or I know I will end up where I started and that would be a huge embarassement for me!  So, I have vowed to start walking every morning.  We have a beautiful private beach in our subdivision and I'm doing to take advantage of it.  We walked over there Monday morning and watched the tugboats go by.  My son loved that.  There is a personal trainer on base who offers 6 sessions for $125 and I am seriously thinking of calling her and having her help me.  I just need some motivation.  I"ve been severely depressed since my husband left and I am just starting to feel like myself again.  I feel like a piece of me is missing.  That first week, it felt like I was on auto pilot, feels like a dream now.

Anyway, it's always nice to vent or type or whatever, lol.  If you got this far, thanks for reading:)

getting close to my 6 month surgiversary

Dec 16, 2008

It's hard to believe it's almost been 6 months since I had surgery.  The time is flying by.  I have lost 85 pounds so far.  I am so grateful for this tool.  I do have one complaint though, I am so moody!  I am usually a pretty upbeat, positive person but lately, I have been just downright mean.  I am not sure what is going on with me.  Maybe a hormonal imbalance?  Maybe PMS? lol.  Who knows?  We've got a lot going on right now and I think the stress of it all is catching up to me.  I can't use food as comfort anymore and I think maybe that is why I am so bitchy.  I have noticed myself grazing though and that scares the bejesus out of me!  We're moving in less than a month.  My husband leaves for Turkey in the beginning of February.  I am having a heck of a time finding childcare at our new base.  It's always difficult because I need part time care a couple mornings a week because I am a stay at home mom.  I know things will work out in the end, they usually do.  I just needed to vent.  I get aggravated at the simplist things.  oh well!
1 comment

80 pounds gone!

Dec 01, 2008

I have lost a total of 80 pounds since I started this journey in April.  I am so thankful for this surgery and for Dr. Jawad and his staff.  I feel like I have started life over, like I've been given a second chance.  I am 21 pounds from my personal goal of 150 pounds!  I am 18 pounds away from a "normal" BMI!  Best of luck to all you newbies and to those considering WLS.  Everything that I have been through the last 5 months have been worth it!

My WOW moment for today!

Oct 13, 2008

My BMI is 29.9 today.  I am officially out of the obese category and into the overweight category!  This is so exciting to me because I started out being morbidly obese.  This is a huge achievement for me.  I weighed 185 this morning.  We went to my husband's grandma's funeral this weekend and I hadn't seen any of them since I had surgery.  My father-in-law didn't recognize me when he walked past me in the lobby at our hotel.  That made me feel great!  He said " you look so different, I didn't see you standing there!"  We are going to Louisiana next month for Thanksgiving.  I am really looking forward to seeing my friends and my mom.  I still do not feel any different.  It's crazy how the mind can play tricks on you.  I know I look different because of the reactions I got this weekend.  But I still see the big girl.  Hopefully, one day I will be able to feel normal weight wise.  I've been dropping about 2 pounds a week.  It's definitely a lot slower now than it was in the beginning but I'll take whatever I can get!  I walked 3 miles the other day while pushing my son in our jogging stroller.  I have never done that without taking a break.  I feel so much better about myself!  It's exciting.

O N E D E R L A N D !

Sep 11, 2008

Woo Hoo!  The title says it all!  I finally made it to Onderland this week!  I got on the scale on Sunday and it said 199!  So, I went to get my camera to take a pic and it was back to 200!  Just my luck!  So, I weigh myself again on Monday and guess what??  197!!  Yahoooooo!!  I was so excited.  BUT I didn't run to get the camera as I was scared what the consequences might be!   So, I made it to my goal of being below 200 by the time my in-laws get here on Tuesday.  Super exciting! 

I am starting to see a lot of hair in my brush and in the shower.  Yuck!  So, it looks like I will see some hair loss.  I have a full head of hair anyway, so hopefully it won't be so bad.  I plan on starting on Biotin after my 3 month check up next week.  And am hoping I will be able to start handling regular vitamins.  I am tired of these chewables. 

Everything else is going great.  We found out Monday that we will be moving to Ft. Walton Beach after my husband is done with his assignment in Turkey.  We will move there in June 2010.  It's a long ways away but we're happy.  We hope to finish out his career there and possibly stay there as my son will be starting Kindergarten in 2010 and we don't want to have to move him when he's in the third grade!  Only time will tell, but things are definitely great for us right now.

Hope everyone is doing well.  Thanks for reading!

10 weeks post op

Sep 02, 2008

Well, tomorrow I will be 10 weeks post op.  Life is relatively back to normal.  I am doing all the things I was doing before surgery (with the exception of eating, lol.)  My son keeps me super busy and it seems life never slows down.  I have lost 50 pounds since my consult and 41 pounds since surgery.  My weight loss seems a little slow.  Some days it gets discouraging because I step on the scale and I weigh the same.  But I can definitely feel it in my clothes.  I have been sitting at 201 for a few days now.  I am hoping to be 199 when my mother in law comes to visit us in two weeks.  I try to keep myself on a schedule for eating, vitamins and liquids.  It's definitely hard when I don't really feel hungry.  I dumped yesterday for the first time on a cup of milk.  I have been drinking it all along, it just didn't agree with me, I guess.  So, I won't be having milk again for awhile.  It wasn't a pleasant experience.  Good to know my tool is working though.  Not much has been happening with me.  Just getting ready for our move in January and also dealing with the tropical storms.  I am curious to see what Hanna, Ike and Josephine have in store for us.  Hope everyone is doing well and thanks for reading!

6 weeks and 2 days

Aug 08, 2008

Where has the time gone?  It's hard to believe it's been over 6 weeks since surgery.  The summer is going by so fast.  I've been doing well with my weight loss, it's definitely slow but I'm losing and I can feel it in my clothes.  I had to buy a new pair of capris yesterday as my old ones kept falling off of me.  I fit my butt into a size 18.  Go me! Go me!  LOL  Seriously, I cannot tell you the last time I wore a size 18.  So, I guess that is one small wow moment for me this week.  I am down to 211.  I went to the doctor on Monday and got the dreaded G-tube out.  Actually, it wasn't so bad.  I honestly learned to live with it after week 2.  I was 215 on their scale but I weighed myself that morning and I was 211 on my scale.  Of course, I was nekkid, lol!  So, I am sure that has something to do with it!!    I finally feel like my old self again.  I've been getting out and doing more.  And I feel like doing more.  I'm waiting on my son to wake up from his nap so I can finish cleaning my house.  My husband has been in Panama City for the week for work and is coming home tonight.  It's always nice to come home to a clean house. 

Three weeks out

Jul 16, 2008

Well, I am three weeks out today and I have been sitting at the same weight for five days.  It's FRUSTRATING!!  It's hard not comparing to others who had the surgery around the same time as me.  But then again some started at a much higher weight than I.  I went into surgery weighing 233.  I weighed myself the day I got home and managed to gain 7 pounds in the hospital.  I have been sitting firmly at 221.  So, of course that was stressing me out.  From what I've read and been told, it's perfectly normal to hit a stall this early out.  And I am sure this won't be the last time.  It's still aggravating!!

Other than that, everything else is great.  I am getting in my required grams of protein, right at 80 a day.  I am drinking all of my liquids and taking my supplements.  I think the hardest thing for me is drinking so much water.  I have never been one to drink a lot in the first place.  Sometimes it feels like my eyeballs will start floating!  I got out for the first time today (alone) with my three year old son.  We went to the mall.  It was nice to get out again and get some independence.  I was nervous about bringing him anywhere because I cannot pick him up and he has a tendency not to listen(what three year old doesn't!) but he did great.  I explained to him that mommy is still hurting and I am unable to pick him up.  He actually listened to me.  We had a great day!  We went to The Bear Factory and built him a dragon.  He's been great throughout this whole ordeal.  I was lucky enough that my husband was able to stay home with me the first two weeks.  There is NO WAY I could have stayed with my son.  He's such a busy body and needs constant attention!

Speaking of which, he wants my attention right now.  So, I will go for now.  Just glad it's today and not three weeks ago.

Post Op Appointment

Jul 07, 2008

I went to my first post op appointment this morning.  I have lost 24 lbs since my consult at Dr. Jawad's office.  I have lost 15 since surgery.  It's mind blowing!!  I was given a print out of what my target weight is and it's 137.  I just can't wrap my mind around it.  It feels so out of reach.  I was hoping to make it to 150!!  I got my staples out too. It feels so nice!!  Only four more weeks until the G-tube comes out.  It really isn't that much of a bother anymore.  I've been putting Isopure premixed protein drinks in my tube 3 times a day.  It gives me an extra 10g of protein.  I have been eating baby food twice a day so that is an extra 16g.  My protein shake provides 52g.  If only I can keep it up.  I feel so nauseated when I have to drink that shake.  Every day is different.  I had a heck of a time with it today!  Get nauseous thinking about it!!  Blah!!  Gonna have to try something else, I'm afraid.

I finally slept in the bed last night.  I've been sleeping in either the recliner or the couch.  It felt pretty darn good to sleep in a bed!!  I'm staying in the guest room as I still toss and turn so much.  Don't want to keep my hubby up all night long!!  Although he probably wants me to, but for other reasons  Haha!!

So, that's an update on me.  It's hard to believe I am almost two weeks out!!!

Went to the mall today

Jul 01, 2008

I went to the mall this morning with my mom, husband and son.  It wasn't so bad.  There is a nice play area so we decided to go there instead of the park.  My son really enjoyed himself.  I hate that he is cooped up in the house.  He's been so bad lately.  I think it's his way of dealing with the stress.  I can't stand not being able to hold him or pick him up but I know I will in the next couple of months.  

But I had my first outing since being home.  Mom and I went to JC Penney's while the boys were at the play area.  And went to to look at the puppies. They were so cute.

My mom made homemade beef noodle soup last night. OMG that is some good shit, lol!  It's my grandma's recipe.  I am about to eat some of it right now for dinner. YUM!!  When I say eat, I mean the broth, LOL!

About Me
Mary Esther, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 24, 2008
Member Since

Friends 36

Latest Blog 16
80 pounds gone!
My WOW moment for today!
O N E D E R L A N D !
10 weeks post op
6 weeks and 2 days
Three weeks out
Post Op Appointment
Went to the mall today
