Research Study at Dallas Medical School w/ Bariatric Patients

Aug 26, 2007



UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas is conducting a research study on the effect of a 12-week exercise program on physical fitness and energy expenditure after bariatric surgery.   They are currently seeking participantsa age 18-65 with a BMI over 40.  Subjects must have had gastric bypass or gastric banding surgery more than three months ago. 

This is not a paid study but personalized supervised exercise sessions will be provided.  If you are interested, contact Claudia Quittner at
214) 648-9296. Please let her know you heard about the study from Ann B. Don't worry I am not getting anything if you participate…just want to be able to track where volunteers come from.  I am just a volunteer helping to locate post bariatric patients in the Dallas area interested in the participating in the study.  They will go over a screening questionnaire as well as inclusion/exclusion criteria with you when you call.

 Good luck to you.










First Day Back to Work

Aug 17, 2007

Dr Arnold's office has a standard three recup period when they fill out medical leave or work release paperwork.  They had August 21 as my return date.  I had my two week post op visit on Monday.  Without much begging, Dr A gave me permission to go back to work half time today and Monday.

I went in early today.  I am a workaholic for sure but something was very different today.  I was relaxed even though I was driven to accomplish priorities.  It felt good.  I am so energized.  I should be taking a nap right now but am too fired up to sleep.

p.s. My home scale shows I have lost 5 lbs this week.  I set it to weigh the same as my doctor's office.

My Rant

Aug 16, 2007

Today may be one of those days I should have stayed off the computer.  

There was a post with the news about a Missouri man who was denied the ability to adopt because of his weight.  Ren. Hosp is going to do wls pro bono for him.  There was lots of discussion.  I had someone's post just hit me all the wrong way even though she is someone I like.  She said
"I mean is being overweight that much different from being an alcoholic? You wouldn't give the baby to an alcoholic right?"

Here is my response:
I can't even believe you said that.  Being overweight is not the same as being an alcoholic.  I understand the similarities of having challenges.  So far in America driving while fat is not a crime while driving is.  My driving was never impaired because I had too many calories that day.  I never stole to get brownies.  I never hung out on the corner begging for a cheesecake.  I never beat my spouse or harmed my children because we had coffecake at brunch.  

I am offended that anyone would say being overweight is the same as being an alcoholic when it comes to parenting.  I have seen great and horrible parents of every size.  If I were a judge I would give a child to a fat person before an active alcoholic every single time.  

Having a fat parent affects a child in so many ways but having an alcoholic who is actively drinking can kill them.  It is harder being as active as you might want to be with youngsters when you are overweight but it shouldn't stop someone from having the opportunity to give love, stability, and support to a child needing a family.

I know this is only my opinion so I don't need tons of hate emails okay. 

I may go in and delete my post but that's how I feel right now.

Two-Week Post Op

Aug 13, 2007

I had my two-week follow up appointment with Dr Arnold today.  He was pleased with my progress.  We talked quite a while and he answered detailed questions I had about the roux limb lengthening he did for my revision.  All in all it was a good appointment, I do have two blood clots that we are watching.  I am being allowed to go back to work half-time on Friday which makes me very happy.

I also spoke with the nutritionist who is so smart and caring.  We have spoken numerous times and she has been a great resouce for me.  She reminded me to have three meals a day with two protein drinks in between as a snack.  I have never done that.  The previous bariatric program did not advocate that.

How do you get used to three meals a day?  Pre original surgery I never ate breakfast and often passed on lunch.  From dinner was on. :(  I have been fortunate so far because I haven't been hungry but I am well aware that will change over time.

So who has a great three-meal-a-day habit so you can teach me how to do it?


Aug 13, 2007

I originally had RNY surgery in March of 2003.  I lost down to 270 in 2005.  I have regained back up to 356.6.  I started the process to get into a weight management program and/or have a revision. My insurance has approved revision surgery at 100%.  

My revision surgery was done July 30, 2007 at Baylor by Dr Arnold.  They were only able to lengthen the limb.  The pouch size is unchanged.  After 2 weeks post op, I have lost 20lbs even and it feels good to be moving ahead.

Mourning for Mom

Aug 10, 2007

Today is the anniversary of my mom's death.  I miss her desperately.  I wish she were here for so many reasons.  She would be so happy for me.

First Support Group Meeting Post Revision

Aug 09, 2007

I went to my first support group meeting that Baylor Medical Center conducts monthly tonight.  It is the first one I have attended since the revision.  When it came time to do breakout discussion groups, I was put with the Newbie Group (less than six months).  It felt really weird since the group leader had less experience than my four years.  There is a certain look of fear that comes across some people's faces when they learn you have had a revision.  Your presence is a reminder that things can go wrong or regain is possible.

I attended because I know how important support is to long-term success.  The best thing I got out of going was accidentally meeting one of my OH friends in person.

What do you say when someone asks why you had a revision?  What do you say without going into all the details or scaring someone to death?  How do you make your place in support or discussion groups when you have more experience or knowledge than the peer leader?  I will keep attending because I know it is important to me.  Maybe I will get more out of the September meeting.

Response to Question about Last Meals

Aug 07, 2007

What you are doing is very common for folks who don't have a lower-calorie or liquid diet before surgery.

Another perspective is that every pound you gain with "goodbye meals and treats" are pounds that you will have to work to lose after surgery.  Why make things harder on yourself?

Another perspective is that you know exactly what they taste like and they will mostly likely taste the same after you reach your goals.  For me it was crème brulee.  I used to love it.  I have seen friends who are at goal order crème brulee and fully enjoy two spoonfuls and be content.  I avoided doing the last-meal eating because I know the wls doesn't mean that I will never be able to have something again once I am at goal.  I know I may or may not want it in the future which helps my behavior and actions now.

Another perspective is that "it really isn't about the food".  I used to despise hearing that.  Before wls I thought I just liked food...the smells..the tastes...the cooking...etc.  For me it took much soul searching and support to realize that obsessing over food and massive eating indicates something else is going on.  I had to examine what thoughts and feelings I was trying to soothe with eating and behaving that way.  What was I afraid of was a question that made me stop and think before just going on automatic and putting a large volume of food in my mouth.  Are you afraid to be slender?  Why do anything that will keep you from getting there sooner?

I've learned a lot in the past five years that I have come to this website religiously, gone to wls support groups, and been on my own wls journey.  I don't know if anything I've said will make any sense or be helpful.  I am just sharing from my heart and experience.

-Don't eat anything that isn't healthy or supportive of your goals.  It is never too soon to start practicing great skills that will help in the future i.e. taking small bites, no drinking with meals

-Start finding things to do instead of eating i.e. scrapbooking, crotchet, whatever.  You will have more time on your hands I promise.  It takes less time to make meals now for my family than it did when I used to make an appetizer, meat, starch, vegetable, salad, and dessert.  I don't have midnight raids for popcorn, chips, cookies, whatever.

-It may sound goofy but going to the mirror before you want to have one of the "goodbye treats" to look yourself in the eye and ask yourself "So I really want this?, Will I be happy tomorrow that I ate this today?"  You may decide to go ahead and eat whatever it is but at least you have given it some thought and not just gone on automatic.

-Just say no.  You are worth so much more than any "fattening, sugary, salty, etc foods" that you love.  It is never too soon to start toward the new you.

I wish you the very best on your wls journey.  I commend your bravery and honesty.


First Revision Weight LOSS

Aug 06, 2007

I weighed at my surgeon's office this morning.  I am down. 16.2 pounds since sugery last Monday. (356.6>>>>340.2)

Ann's Liquids

Aug 05, 2007

Ann's Liquids:

Sugarfree tang

Sugarfree tang w/ Nectar Strawberry-kiwi protein

Lite white grape juice

Limeade (made with splenda, true lime, and water)


Lite orange juice

Lite orange juice blended with frozen banana, strawberry, and yogurt

Sugarfree pudding

Special K protein water

Lite apple juice

Diet Ocean's Spray cranberry

Beef broth

Cream of chicken soup

Hood Carb Countdown milk with chocolate protein powder

Pink lemonade

Sugar Free Jell-O

Herbal tea - Celestial Seasonings peppermint is yummy

Sugar Free Popsicles 

Cool whip lite folded with choc protein powder

Strawberry-banana V8 Fusion lite

About Me
Dallas, TX
Surgery Date
Apr 11, 2007
Member Since

Friends 350

Latest Blog 23
Broken in Baylor
Feeling Like Hell vs Asking for Help
New Eyes (subtitled: I was blind but now I see)
330 and Stuck
First Meeting with Trainer
Cheese crisps from Kathie in Hawaii
Exercise Decision AND Action (YMCA Offer)
