100 Pounds Off Me

Feb 05, 2008

Wow, moment in time, I have lost one hundred pounds. I am so glad I started to seriously lose weight over last year. I know this weight needs to be gone. 

I am at home and wishing I was out. Oh, yes, somewhere where I can see people.

A knock at the door this morning was just a mistake. Our apartment is 9, and they were looking for building 9. 

I was up again so very late. It was past 3 in the morning. So much for going to bed sooner then the two nights that I stayed up til 2 30.

Just checking weight loss websites. 

Did I send any emails that late? Oh, yeah...that is the telltale give away that I was up late.

One friend in Dominica was up then also. I sent her a reply email starting with the question: Why are we both up so late?

I want to see her in April so I put our timetable so she can find time to visit. She lives in the capital city, which is SW, and we will be staying in Marigot in the NE. It is a tiny island but the travel time is 90 minutes because it is all switchbacks over the volcanic mountainous range through the interior.

So, a month post op, and going for my visit with Pablo Gazmuri tomorrow. I guess I see a nutrionist also. I better check my notebook.

Now, I better eat something. Oh, oatmeal sounds good, soothing, warm food. I love oatmeal. I also like grits. 

And maybe I will polish my nails...all the better to vote today. It is Fat Tuesday, and Super Tuesday. It is pouring out. I am sitting on my butt too long. 

Nuff said...out of here.

Later, I will find out how to get the golden card for losing 100 pounds. Later, I said. Oh, no the person in me who wants instant gratification is trying to rise up!

hey it is nice to lose

Feb 04, 2008

I meant to stay away from the scale.

I posted that I want to stay away.

Yet, I go in the bathroom, disrobe, and weigh myself.

I am so undisciplined. I just want instant gratification that I lost weight.

Still, in all the times that I was at a plateau I wanted to know that soon I would drop weight.

My clothes are fitting less tight or extremely loose. I have a hard time finding appropriate clothes for church. I better start finding what I need to wear the night before. I need to stop taking so many clothes out of the closet and not rehanging them cause they are not the right fit. Yes, I need to give them away!

What I did for exercise today was walking around the apartment to get things organized. I got rid of trash in the one bag rather than the four barrels for Bobby to take to the dumpster.

I did laundry.

Here's what I ate  two licks of peanut butter from a tablespooon, 1/3 of the instant oatmeal package, twenty carrot slices mashed, five tiny spoons of baby prunes ala Gerber, mashed potatoes and applesauce.

Oh, I have not journaled this week in my book. I was going to do that daily.

I keep having the inclination to write to people and put it off. Here it is almost 2 30 again. Argh, what am I doing up so late.

Mom was online near midnight. She needs to get sleep. I need to get sleep.

I have nothing but make work to do tomorrow. I should get to sleep no matter what. 

Tomorrow, shower first thing, try to get in six meals with three by noon time...and pay bills.

Wednesday, one pm go see Dr Gazmuri, and must remember to go to Circuit City to return the Verizon device. Yes, bring forms for the doctor to fill out for disability insurance, and return to work paper.

So, Bobby brought the mail home. Another day another stay at home day for me. Good thing Dean came over and helped me move the computer and the couch. I like this angle for the couch. I like having the window free.

Two pounds gone over weekend

Feb 04, 2008


Feb 02, 2008

Mbake's Birthday Party today

Feb 01, 2008

Well, I cannot be long. I have to get going to the shower. I had my scrambled eggs. My two grandkids, Anthony and Maya came over to spend the night.

Mbake will be so happy to see Maya at his party!

I am happy to go.

My Husband is Wonderful

Jan 31, 2008

Bobby managed to move two big totes of pictures into the bedroom without me hearing him do it. He moved the one I had worked on yesterday back to the bathroom closet. It is supposed to be his closet! It is a large storage closet for everything from vacuum to Christmas.

I awoke at 4 00, 6 05, 7 16 and 8 13 am, and decided that would have to do. I do not like to sleep too long, and my body will not let me. I can lay in bed and hope to sleep. I can read and fall asleep. I just have so many issues with sleep. I stayed up doing stuff on the computer, and checking out this web site.

I think that every time I left the computer yesterday, I went back to it.

I was glad when Suzanne called so that I could tell her about Shelly. I did not call over to the hospital, nor Shelly's cousin's home. If she went there she would need to rest.

Suzanne has had such a busy week, and she will have another. I know she is retired but she has diabetes, and needs to update her insulin pump. It was great that there was a seminar where she could get in contact with another doctor. 

When we were in Scotland, her pump just stopped working. It seemed as if there was not the expertise in Scotland as in USA. It took quite a few days before the new insulin pump reached her. Fortunately, Marsha Slayton was able to assist her, and help inform the doctor over there as to what she needed then. 

So, Suzanne will not be traveling again with us. It scared her too much. She was healthy all along. 

Oh, I have to drink so I will stop then load pictures into the scanner to put on this blog.

Thiago did not get over here yesterday, and I napped! 

Bobby called just as I lay down. I did not get up. He would be okay.

Thiago is coming again

Jan 31, 2008

Okay, I have a new friend...for the moment. He is coming over again with the new computer hard drive and the reinstallation of Windows XP for just over two hundred dollars.

He may come today if it all works out well as he has 4 to 6 available. It would be great to have company though paid company today.

I get real bored but I find stuff to do. Today I am going through some more of the big picture container where I have pictures from Camp Aldersgate, Anthony and Mbake and even Emily as little ones, pictures of my sister and brothers children. Oh, so many pictures. Some with duplicates that I am sure I meant to send to the others in the pictures.

I have a picture box for Mbake with his mom and dad when he was younger and lived with us. I have put in the many pictures I took of him that may not be at their home.

Firedog came

Jan 30, 2008

Well, Thiago came to help me with my computers. It was a long afternoon with him attempting to get the AOL Broadband modem to respond. He did all sorts of things that finally worked. I have been amazed by people's skills before. I am truly amazed at how he pulled it off.

So, he configured the networking, and I do not have to use the Verizon device to access the Internet. Thankfully, that was part of a 30 day free trial. I am saying thanks, because it meant that I was up and online all this time.

I have been bored so many days while recuperating. Imagine if I did not have any distractions since the surgery at the beginning of the month.

My day was uneventful before this true geek showed up. I was looking through old picture packages, and getting rid of some, while putting some in album slipcases. I took so many pictures.

I do not have enough albums. I know some who make scrapbooks. It is a talent.

I have some pictures in a box for Mbake to look at. I expect that he will love it. He was so interested in the ones that I had out last weekend.

I hope he enjoys his birthday party at Higgins Armory. It is a Knight Theme for his party. I know the others will enjoy their time with their friend. Mbake has lots of friends.

I am not tired. I think it is beginning to show when I am up late. My friends often comment on the late emails.

Yes, I get energized later in the day.

So, next week, I get to eat real food. I am getting concerned that I will not do well with food that is not all mushy!

Let's just say with the experiences with the scrambled eggs not being soft and feeling kind of full too early...well, I know eating will be  a challenge. I do not want to be tempted by sugar free syrups and such that imitates the undesireable foods that I ate before.

At times, I am wondering if I am feeling hunger or food lust? My friend, who also is named Linda, had a pork loin cooked for her at the Indian restaurant. It looked so gooooooooooooooood!

I used to love pork, and could imagine myself taking a bite as many did.

So, maybe that was head hunger. I ate some chicken chili well blended, the remains of the beets, and some peaches that I had cooked for lunch. Imagine a three course meal.

Oh, and the little bowls that I had thought were three ounce bowls are really two ounce bowls. I am thinking that all the time I filled or nearly filled the bowl...I thought I was eating three ounces. Or if I could not finish, I said, ah, but it is three ounces.


Jan 29, 2008

What to bring my friend, Shelly, when I visit her in the hospital. Or, when to go. I thought this was all the emotional conflict that I would have yesterday.

I called and found out where to go. I easily found the directions on Mapquest. I left after eating some goat yogurt mixed with pistachio sugar free jello. I had to sift out the three nut pieces! 

I stopped at the grocery store up the street and found some pretty carnations in a deep purple with goldenrod. Oh, not the goldenrod. I did not notice the yellow offset color was a weed that causes sneezing in many. I told the young woman that I had a vase that was about 8 inches high. So, she cut down the stems.

On my way so easily until I got to the part where Mapquest and reality does not jive. I stopped and called my daughter because the place I was sitting in a driveway was back to the highway into Worcester. I do not get out to her home often but knew it was where I had been the last time I left her home.

I tried again getting back on 290 west and off the exit, going the direction and looking carefully at all the left turns and NONE of the street signs said the correct street name. I was caught up in traffic and sought her help again.

Kris said get in the Target parking lot, and came over. I was sitting in the car crying. I just felt like I mess up driving directions, and get lost ALL the Time.

My friend must have given me the address of her doctor because when I arrived it was just an office building. I went over to the big building near, found out that I was at the wrong entrance. I saw and used a bathroom thankfully. I had been sipping my Nectar ice tea protein drink all the way out. 

I must have looked lost as one woman when I stopped had just past me and turned and let me know I was on the right track. One more hallway up. Me and a man who had walked past the elevator got on. 

I got off and went into the wrong room. See, here I go again.

Shelly is such a nice person. I had brought the flowers and set them in the vase when she recognized the golden rod. I gave her a nice up to date long sleeve t shirt. It is a deep teal color. I think she likes it!

I barely got to visit when all the people who came in for the 3 PM shift started arriving. Poor Shelly, two were students, and they were slow to get blood, and to do the full body check. Shelly's mom came in and spoke with me. I was seated where another patient could be. 

Well, Shelly was tired, and I had to go. Her dad arrived, and could show me down the stairs and right across the street from the parking. I knew I had seen 290 and would have to follow a one way street, and go around when I saw my dear friend Tony. Or was it Tony. I beeped but being a city he did not look.

He said turn around, go back and take three lefts. I would be at the right 290 going east not west which is the one I had seen.

I get so confused that I wrote it down. Tony said go a half mile, and well that was a mistake. I think a half mile was the total not from the street at the lights. I was driving right back past the hospital. Oh, no, drive by Tony again? Or just keep going because I was on Belmont St.

My friend was waiting for me, and when I thought I had it all sewn up, and would be there by the time she needed to leave...and now am I going to get stuck in Route 9 traffic. Tony called me on my cell phone, and I did not recognize the number. He sounds so deep on the phone. I said I do not know you. He called back, and low and behold I was forced to go on to a road. Here I was in a left turn lane only. He said you could be on Plantation Street. Yes, I recognize it from earlier when Kris helped me. He said you will come to 290 and soon I did. I talked to him as long as I was heading there and onto the ramp.

We work together, and he was a saviour to me yesterday. What an emotional high to finally get headed where I needed to be.

I was on time, and we got over to a friend's home because she had directions. I was glad to follow directions that were not Mapquest. 

We had a round about way to get to an Indian Restaurant in Maynard. I enjoyed a spinach with cottage cheese spoonful from my friend, Mimi. I had about 5 spoonfuls of my mixed vegetables called Pav Bhaji. It was the appetizer, and I took some home. I had some of my friend's Chicken Tikkia Masala sauce. I ate this all over 45 minutes, and after a half hour I drank the glass of water.

I awoke to see that I am still at 243 pounds. I began the day eating some cottage cheese and peaches that I had cooked up in a sauce.

I have to shower and get ready for the geek who will fix my two desktop computers. 

On Monday, I got a perm. I guess I look good. It was styled for me, and for once I did not wash it right away with a conditioner. I felt I looked old. Oh, no old but thinner! Mixed emotions there............


Jan 25, 2008

I just began thinking of friends. I miss one friend who died in 2004. I visited in a nursing home for seven years. Often, I would go to see her on Tuesdays. When the book Tuesdays with Morrie came out we often joked about how I saw her on my day off.

I took Jeannie places many times from the Wayside Inn, to church, to a Persian Restaurant. Jeannie was a delight to be with and someone I could trust. Jeannie was hard of hearing, and sometimes I had to say that what I wanted to share I just could not share it out loud!

Jeannie had to use a walker as she had had surgery on her hips. Jeannie was always very tentative while walking. Since she had trouble hearing, she would stop when she wanted to hear what you had to say.

My grandson Anthony would visit with me, and Jeannie all those years that he needed me to watch him on my day off. I began taking Mbake to visit Jeannie, also. While Anthony was shy at first, Mbake just took to Jeannie, and her roommate Edith so well. Jeannie had taken care of children when she first came to America from Newfoundland.

I miss my friends at work. My husband brings home reports of those that ask about me. I wish they could come to visit.

And, he is going to work again tomorrow for overtime. I am grateful for the overtime while I cannot get it. He will run off the disability insurance forms that I need to fill out, get the doctor to fill out his portion, and have the postmaster fill out before sending it on to the NALC MBA Insurance Company. It is a thousand a month. I have had this for many years. It costs $12.50 every two weeks. I hope that I will be able to collect the one thousand. It has an exclusionary time period before it goes into effect. I don't think I can get the full six weeks covered. I just have to dig up my copy of the policy.

About Me
Marlborough, MA
Surgery Date
Nov 15, 2007
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