Getting closer

Feb 13, 2012

So I'm 3.5 weeks until surgery.  Just typing that was both excting and scary.  I haven't been able to lose the pre-op weight I had been hoping to, but hoping to lose at least a little bit beforehand.  The liver shrinking diet should certainly help.   I see the surgeon for my pre-op appointment in two days, and also meet with anesthesiology.  Now I'm starting to contemplate who to tell beforehand. No one in my circle has gotten surgery like this, and I'm really embarrassed to share with people at work.  But I think that the more defensive one is about this, the more it welcomes and encourages people to judge you. I've been really inspired by the photos and the stories that I've seen on this website, and I hope I too can inspire some people in the future.  I've been going to a monthly group at my hospital for post-ops, and I think that helps get ready for this thing.  I know it's gonna be a journey - and not necessarily the most enjoyable journey, but I'm looking forward to getting my life back.     

Just short of two months until surgery

Jan 14, 2012

 I'm just short of 2 months until surgery. I could not ask for a more supportive wife, or more supportive parents.  And I know my 11 month old daughter is supportive in her own way, although of course has no real idea anything is about to happen. I'm looking forward to being able to follow her around, chase her, and get up and down with her without any pain or discomfort. I went to a WLS support group and felt good about things.  I was struck (or disappointed) however, by how weight and food decisions still have to remain at the forefront of everyone in the group's mind even years after surgery.  I know WLS is no magic bullet, and that it's just "a tool" (as everyone says over and over).  I've been disappointed in myself that I haven't been able to start losing pre-op weight yet.  Although I'm hopeful as I get into the final stretch that I'll be able to lose some weight.  It would be great to have some weight loss momentum going into the surgery. Also I hear that surgery goes better if the patient has recently lost some weight.

Some small little things with huge quality of life ramifications that I'm hopefully looking forward to:
-Fitting in an airplane seat
-Being more confident in professional situations
-Fitting in a movie theater seat
-Being able to jump up and down with my baby daughter and chase her
-Not being out of breath when taking just one flight of stairs
-Improved sex life
-Not having pain in my knees and ankles
-Not needing a CPAP to sleep
-Less back pain
-Shopping at normal clothes stores that don't only have odd clothing (like the XL stores all do)
-Fitting comfortably in a restaurant booth
-Not having obesity being the first thing people notice about me
-Hugging my wife without my huge belly getting in the way
-Not being embarrassed to be seen
-Being more comfortable in my body

Ok - I'm ready for this damn surgery! :-)

Had pre-op nutrition appointment

Dec 05, 2011

Had my first pre-op nutrition appointment today.  Getting anxious but I know that I need to do this.  Still gaining weight, even though I'm trying to lose.  I kind of have 3 good days and then 2 bad days, and I guess the bad days are winning.  I guess this is why I need to have the surgery - so that I can't cheat.  I know this will be hard, and I almost wish I could just fast forward a couple of years.  Reading everyone's blogs has been inspiring though.  I haven't found any that are not inspiring - has anyone actually had a bad experience, and not lost weight? Or gained it all back?  


Set a date

Nov 19, 2011

 Met with a new surgeon at another hospital.  Decided to go with this other hospital given its reputation and the experience of the doctor.  For a number of reasons, I am not able to get the surgery for another 4 months, but I am excited to say that I am scheduled for surgery on March 6, 2012.  I'm still eating like I'm in a "last meal" tour, but I hope to start tring to lose weight in advance of the surgery-  I understand that the surgery will likely go better if I have lost some wait, and I think it would be good to go into the weight loss with a 'running start'.  I looking forward to hopefully a major improvement in quality of life. I'm in pain all of the time currently, and I feel like I'm the center of attention when I'm in a room.  I have trouble fitting in seats in the movie theater, and arm chairs at work, which is extremely embarrassing.  Im tired of being out of breath whenever I walk a small distance, go up a couple of stairs, or taking care of my beautiful 9.5 month old baby.  She deserves better - I'm looking forward to being a more active father...

Gaining weight in anticipation of surgery

Nov 02, 2011

In my head I am excited about the prospect of scheduling an upcoming surgery (most likely the gastric bypass RNY).  I am noticing I am eating a lot lot more - sort of like a 'last meal' party that feels like it could last the next couple of months. I know this isn't good- and that the surgery will likely go better if I lose a fair amount of weight before surgery....

Had consult

Oct 30, 2011

 Weighed in at 419lbs for weight loss surgery.  BMI=64. Ugh.  Highest I've been.  I know I this is what I need to do.  Not looking forward to the upcoming year, but also very excited to live a healthier life, be able to chase my beautiful baby daughter around, and overall feel better.  I went to the consult thinking I should get the lap band, and left convinced to get the bypass.  Feeling anxious. Feeling overwhelmed. Feeling excited...

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