48 hours until my surgery can I drink pickle juice??? 1/2/12

Jan 02, 2012

 So here I am day 4 of my liquid diet and It is about 48 1/2 hours until my surgery start time.  I am mixed feelings.  Nervous and excited.  Do I want to turn back,,,not at all.  I have 10 more pounds to get to the 25 pound mark of my pre op weight loss goal.  Of coarse I found out yesterday that my sons kindergarten registration starts the day of my sugery.  So I have to register him next week.  I figure if I am going to be up walking, I should be ok to take a ride over to the elementary school to fill out a few forms and walk around.  I am sure by that point I will ba begging to get out of the house.  Of coarse I will not drive.  It will be an exciting couple weeks!!  My baby will be registered in big boy school!!!
I have to get him a TB test, but I think hubby can run him to the peds to do that on friday.  
Back to me.  I have started to accept the living with real food thing.  I had to cook for hubby and son since hubby is useless in the kitchen.  Thank god my mom will be here the first few days to help until I get fully on my feet.   I made perogies.  Man I wanted to devoire them!!!!  Also after 3 days of soup, yogurt, pudding and protein drinks I find my self wanting texture.  I think that is going to be my problem.  I want pickles and pretzel rods with mustard.  Although with the pickles I am willing to drink the brine, lol.  Loaded with sodium I know, but will it kick the pickle craving...yes!  I know this is the beginning so I better get used to it.  My hubby keeps telling me "you wanted this".  And if he tells me one more time I am shoving my foot up his ass!!!  I know I wanted it, I know this was what to expect, but it is still not easy to go through...EEUUUGG!!  This is just the tip of the ice burgh.  I hope it will be easier when I have a 1 oz pouch and not a 64 + oz stomach to fill. 

Almost here! 12/22/11

Dec 22, 2011

 I had my IVC filter placed yesterday.  Let me tell you, the procedure wasn't bad at all.  I knew the radiology tech who gave me a shave, lmao!!  Turns out we know the same person who helped train me to bcome an EMT a long while back.  Talk about bonding.  The wosrt part about the whole thing was the lying flat for 4 hours.  My back couldn't take it.  I was in tears by hour 2.  Then eating lunch with my head barely elevated.  They gave me a turkey sandwich, a saltless soft pretzel with no mustard vanilla wafers and warm milk.  Oh and a banana.  I had more crumbs on my chest.  I couldn't eat the pretzel with out choking.  Who gives a pretzel with no mustard to someone lying down!?  This was a cath tray too, so it was supposed to be a finger food tray???  

I do have to get preadmission blood wrok dont next thursday.  My surgery time is 1230 on the 4th.  At least I dont have to be there at 6. I have to be there at 1030.  They said I would only be there overnight, and would be realeased lated the next day.  I feel that is too soon, but that is insurance companies for ya.  

I am starting to get a bit more nervous and excited.  I am buying all of my vits and supps on the 3rd when I get my money.  I only have my powdered calcium.  

12 days and counting......


About a month away...12/5/11

Dec 05, 2011

 Well I got a phone call this morning with my surgery date!!  Wednesday January 4th, 2012.  Next Monday I have my preop physical and then preop education and nutritional education class and exam.  Thank God for my mom.  She is watching my little one after he gets out of preschool so I can go since Mike has to work.  She is going to be doing alot for me through out the surgery.  We used to have MAJOR issues, but after the birth of my son, we have gotten alot closer.  I am So excited.  My last hurrah is Christmas dinner...I start my preop liquid diet on the 30th.  Not a great way to spend new years eve, but one hell of a resolution!!

The Waiting is Almost Over...11/29/11

Nov 29, 2011

 Whelp, (Is that even a word??  I have said it plenty...Any how) I called the surgeons office yesterday to see where I stood in the approval process.  But since Medicare doesn't preapprove, it shouldn't take long.  The lady..Chris, asked me when I was looking to have my surgery, I said I was aiming before the end of the year like the end of DEC, or beginning of JAN.  So she said she had to talk to Dr Noonan and get back to me.  Today I came home to find a message on my voice mail from her saying that she didn't forget about me and that she is waiting for the surgeon to talk to the other surgeon to figure out OR openings I guess.  She said I would receive a call with a date as soon as that is done!  I am so anxious!  And I have anxiety issues to begin with, lol.  

 My turkey breast I made instead of a full turkey was the best turkey I ever made!!! It was SO juicy...Like lunch meat almost...I am so getting that again.  I got full rather quickly, actually after one plateful(really full).  And of coarse I went backed and picked at the turkey....I hope they sell it year round...It is perfect to make for a protein and have it for the week.  

As for my "birthday binge", I will call it, lol.  I didn't do too bad.  We went to IHOP and I did splurge, but I leveled it out with protein too.  As far as dinner went, I didn't eat as much as I thought.  First of all I decided to change my destination to Golden Corral instead of Chinese, figuring, there are more healthy choices there, and I was right(minus the chocolate waterfall, but I am not even going there). I gained a total of 4 pounds over thanksgiving/bday 4day weekend.  But I already lost 2 of it, so not bad.  

Well let me cozy back under my snuggie...It is cold and rainy here in PA.  
I will update as soon as I hear!!  Hopefully very soon!!! 
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Happy Turkey Day, or for the Vegetarians..Tofurkey Day~11/24/11

Nov 23, 2011

 Happy Thanksgiving to all!  
As I sit here, I ponder how much of my pre op weight I am going to gain back over the next 2 days.  I feel like since this will be my last "good" Thanksgiving, I had to make the good family favorites., although I am making only 2 turkey breast roasts this year to save on the fat.  I am not making THAT much, just.....deviled eggs, 2 casseroles(carrot casserole and spinach casserole, stuffing, broccoli  and cranberry sauce for 3 people.  Then tomorrow is my birthday so we are going out for breakfast with my mom then me and my fiance and son are going to a chinese buffet for dinner.  I feel like I have to have my last harrah.  I have been GREAT on my preop diet up until this point, and I plan on going back to my diet on saturday.  I find it had to believe that I will gain back all 13lbs I lost.  In lue of a cake my fiance is getting me a fruit tray, atleast that is something right??  
Well Off to get the xmas decoration out.  While everything is cooking we are decorating and putting up our artificial tree.  Then we are watching Miracle on 34th ST at 6(a bit early I know) and Happy Thanksgiving Charlie Brown at 8.  Gotta love traditions!!

God Bless!!

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Buttoned Up..Now the Wait....11/17/11

Nov 17, 2011

 My EGD went very well!  I did learn one thing, that makes my anxious about my BIG surgery day.  I DO NOT like going out when they give me the anesthesia.  It is an out of control feeling, I don't like!  I must have had my bottom lip caught between the teeth guard and my teeth, because it has been killing me since yesterday.   Dr Nonnan was awesome! She came and talked to me multiple times, even when she already did and I didn't remember it, lol.  Everything came back normal.  Today I got a letter from the cardiologist for my preop clearance appt.  Then the pulmonologist called about their appt.  And I have the sleep study on Sunday.  I am buttoning everything up, now I just need a surgery date.  The surgeon said that even though medicare doesn't preauth, they still get their approval...Whatever that consists of.  Then they will call me with a date.  This is going to be the hardest part.  At least I have the various appts to help pass the next few weeks, but after that I am at a loss.  I just hope I have a date by the end of dec.  Really hope by the end of nov, but I think that's pushing it, lol.  

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The Big Day...Well not the BIG BIG day...11/16/11

Nov 15, 2011

It is 5:15am and here I sit.  I am thirsty as hell!!  I have been tossing and turning so I finally got out of bed around 4:30.  There is a wicked smell in my room.  IDK what died under my bed, I am afraid to look!  Hopefully Ayden just left food out or something.  It is raining out.  Mike has to bring Ayden with and he can't leave...What is a 5 year old supposed to do at a surgery center for 2 hours???  I pray that he is a good boy!  If only it could have been a bit later and he could have been at preschool.  Well I guess I will go do something constructive, like gather toys..
Until next time.....
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Tomorrow Bright and Early 11/15/11

Nov 15, 2011

Tomorrow morning I have to be at the surgical center at 6:45am and I should be done by 8:15.  I have having a EGD done.  They are shoving a scope into my mouth down to the top of my small intestine I believe.  They are checking for ulcers, hernias and other abnormalities.  If that comes back clear, they would normally submit info to the insurance companies for preauthorization.  But since medicare doesn't preauthorize, as long as it comes back clear, they are just going to call me to schedule a surgery date.  What I don't understand is does that mean that I am approved??  Once I have a date, meanwhile I still have to see the specialists and lose the preop weight.  

On to my discovery of the centery!  Bacon salt!!!  Ok, it doesn't EXACTLY tastlike bacon, but you get the idea.  And it is kosher, vegatarian and low sodium.  I put some on my eggs, it wasn't bad.  The company makes other bacon flovored stuff from lip balm to mayo.  Very odd.  Well TTYS!! 
Bacon Salt!!

Bacon Whore and Medicare!!! 11/7/11

Nov 07, 2011

 Here I sit at 280.  I don't know what I expected.  I lost 3 pounds in 3 days and now I am not moving.  I decided last night to break out my Weight Watchers points plus crap.  I did the original weight watchers points I lost 40lbs(I gained it all back of coarse), but then I bought the new points plus program and couldnt lose a damn thing.  Unfortunalty I gave the old program to my mom, so I will give the new one a shot again.

 I realized that living next door to a deli sucks!  They make breakfast sandwiches all day long...That includes bacon.  I would eat anything in bacon...ANYTHING!  Give me a shoe, wrap it in bacon, I would eat it, lmao!  I am a bacon whore,  lol.  That is my #1 weakness.  I have a pound of it in my fridge I bought BOGO before I knew I was starting this diet, I just popped it in the freezer.  I am trying to justify how I can work it into my diet,....Not so much, but I am trying like hell.  

I did get a boost as far as the surgery date waiting game goes....I called the program coordinator to find out where I stood exactly in the process...She said once I get the scope done(scheduled for 11/16th) and it comes back all clear, they will go ahead and submit everything to the insurance company to get preauth.  Once that gets approved they will attentitivley give me a surgery date.  Meanwhile I continue with my specialists and diet.  But since Medicare said they don't preauth anything I would assume that as long as the scope comes back clear then they could schedule me right??  
Hmmm.....Now I want to call her tomorrow and ask her specific as far as medicare.  


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Diet..Day 3....11/5/11

Nov 05, 2011

 Well, I have decided to cut artificial sweeteners for now.  Atleast as much as possible.  I know once I get the surgery, I will need them, but all they are doing now is making me hungry sooner.  Now that I am drinking water inbetween meals, as opposed to diet soda/tea, I stay fuller making it much easier.  My biggest problem is all the food commercials.  I never realized how many there were!!!  My goodness!  All I want to do is dive into my Popchips, which I am saving til later, to have my 1oz serving, and they play the Applebees commercial, a car commercial then a Joe's Crab Shack.  WTH!?  Does the whole world know I am dieting??  Although then I do sit there and watch the Cooking channel and Food Network, lol, so that one is on me.  

I had 1 hot pocket and a 6 oz mug of cup o soup for lunch.  Not exactly diet food, but much smaller portions then I am used to, so I consider it a victory.  Sofar I lost 3 pounds, but I think that is mostly water weight, since i have been peeing like a race horse all day.  Hey pounds are pounds and I will take what I can get.  Well I am going to put my chicken in the oven, so I can finish making dinner so I can sit down with Ayden and watch the Grinch and Wizard of Oz..  Good Night!  

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Oct 13, 2011
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