Been too long...

May 23, 2009

I used to be so good at blogging, and I have failed miserably in the last almost 3 months! Yikes! I have only lost 4 pounds since my last post! Yikes again!! Obviously my weight loss has slowed and I feel a bit bummed about that, but I also know that with the weather getting better here in Oregon, I am outside more and getting more activity....hoping I can step up my activity. But that also means no more (small) bowls of ice cream while watching American Idol. Thank goodness Idol is done for now!!
I am loving all this energy I have found and wearing a size 12 feels AWESOME (only in Old Navy and GV), but still struggle with always getting my protein in and not snacking on things I know I should avoid. I am so thankful for my lapband and know that I would have fallen off the wagon if it weren't in place. My skin in a few areas is grossing me out a bit, but for the most part, that is covered by clothes, so I am good there. My upper arms will always gross me out, no matter how much I exercise them, I definitely have the "mom arms" happening. When I look at myself I still sometimes see a size 22, other times I see a 16, but I never see a size 12. When does that change??? UGH, what a rollercoaster this has been!! Good thing I love rollercoasters!!


It's official!! I am a member of the Century club!!

Mar 01, 2009

It's official...I stepped on the scale this morning and there it was......
I am down 100 pounds from where I was when I started this journey!!! YAHOO!!!!!I am also getting in to those size 12's...they are on my bum, but not looking too good yet, think I will wait another 5 pounds or so...


Feb 27, 2009

I cannot believe how long it has been since I have posted...but I check this site pretty regularly...about twice a month. I pretty much use it for research and check on ladies that have had WLS and have had successful pregnancies....I am pretty much obsessed with that right now. i cannot believe I am only 1.5 pounds away form the century has been a lot of work and I am so very happy to be back in regular size clothes, not PLUS!! I will write more when I am down to 187...or PG, other than waiting on that, things are fantastic!

196.5....thinking of babies

Oct 25, 2008

Here is what I wrote on my myspace page...I really don't want to type it all out again! :
Well, i don't exactly have anything specifically to write about, but it has been awhile since I have blogged so I thought I should update a bit. I am still loving the lap band, and have lost about 90 pounds, give or take 2 pounds depending on the day. I have reached several personal goals, last one being that I am the same size now that I was on my wedding day...woo-hoo! Now that I am at a healthier weight, I have once again begun to pursue my dream of having another baby. It has always been on the back of my mind since my surgery last year, but as my one year anniversary approached (that was when they said I could get pregnant), I started to get back into baby planning mode and made an appointment with my Gyn. My Gyn did a test on my tubes (HSG) to see if they were still blocked, lo and behold only one is blocked now, but I high risk for another tubal pregnancy (last January was the WORST), so off I went to a Reproductive Endocrinologist (R.E.), the same one that did my tubal ligation reversal in 2005. He looked at the results of my HSG and said we needed to get me back into surgery for a laproscopic hysteroscopy to see about getting rid of my uterine polyp (which I didn't know I had), as that could have been what was causing my miscarriages, and he would try to clean up my blocked tube.
So....that is what I did on Monday this week. I went in at 6:00 am and had yet another minor surgery. The RE said he was happy with the way the polyp removal went but he could not remove the tubal blockage as it was all scar tissue from the miscarriage. I go in for a follow up appt next Monday to see what our next move will be. There is a thought of Clomid--the first step in fertility medication to help with my ovulation...that would make me ovulate in BOTH tubes...pretty neat huh? Anyhow, that is the latest, I will update after my appt.

ONDERLAND is here!! Hallelujah!!!

Oct 02, 2008

I finally made it!! It took me longer than I would have thought, but I am here!! Goodbye 200's! I weighed myself this morning after a week of avoidence, and I surpassed where I thought I would be. There was that big 197 staring at me when I stood on that scale. It was beautiful.
I was getting a bit worried, because my Fertility doc put me on birth control to get my Uncle George back into town, and we all know that can cause weight gain, but maybe it kicked the 200's out the door? I just know I am happy, happy, happy and only 10 pounds away from that century club!

CRAWLING into one-derland...and ttc

Sep 07, 2008

Well, I thought that I would hit onderland by the end of summer,and technically, it is still summer so I suppose it will happen, but I thought it would be by Labor day. I have 3 pounds to go...but I had 5 pounds to go A MONTH AGO!! This is depressing! I have loved being in my size 16's and the 14's are getting closer and closer...they taunt me! I bought a pair of 14's yesterday, and just to torture myself, I tried them on...Well, if the spandex look is in again, then I guess they are great, but on a more realistic note, they are too tight, but they are on MY arse!! With the zipper up, too! The trouble is I still see pictures of myself and I still look like a fatty. When does that change??
On another note, I have been on depo-provera shots since my miscarriage in January, since I am supposed to wait until November to start trying. I decided that I would skip my last shot and let it get out of my system for a couple of months and we can officially start trying soon! I also went to my OBGYN last month to get all of this addressed, and she sent me to a HSG test to see if my fallopian tubes are (still) blocked since my weight loss. Well, what a surprise I got when they said the are BOTH OPEN!! My right tube has a cyst or pollyp on the side, and my left tube is wide open! I can't believe I had that same test a year ago and they said both of  my tubes were blocked (scarred from my tubal reversal surgery) and I was devastated! Also, my doctor didn't think weight loss was going to be a factor!! So anyone reading this can clearly see that if fertility has been an issue, don't be surprised if you all of a sudden get a little surprise in your tummy! =)
Anyhow, just wanted to update....I will write more when I hit that ONDERLAND in another week or two!! Woo-hoo!!

I am home

Jul 31, 2008

I can't believe I went on a 2 week vacation and LOST 2 pounds! I have never gone on vacation and come back weighing LESS! I am so happy, thank you lapband! I will write more later...=)


I am in Heaven...

Jul 07, 2008

Well, I am leaving for a 2 week road trip on Saturday morning, and will be back July 26th. I already knew that my band was too tight, so I called my doctor and they got me in for an unfill!! I cannot believe what a difference 1/2 a CC makes!! I can take my vitamins no problem, drink water no problem, and eat a strawberry, no problem! I can't wait to eat today and see what all I have been missing!! I am so, so happy I got this unfill before my road trip!!!!

tired of mushy!!

Jul 03, 2008

I am really getting tired of soup and soft foods. i have suspected that I have been too tight for awhile now, and have wondered if I should go for an unfill. I now have Providence and am covered for fills and post op care through them, so I am trying to transfer care to Dr Patterson in Portland. My current doctor's office (4-5 hours away in Coos Bay) almost took 3 WEEKS to get my paperwork faxed up to the new doctor, so I am now in the waiting process to see Dr Patterson. I like losing the weight so fast, but would like to be able to eat a salad or something solid every now and then. I love chicken and not even been able to eat that! If I am careful and have tea before and during a meal I MIGHT be able to have 2-3 bites of solid food, but if I do anymore, I get stuck and throw up.
On the positive side of things, my last pair of size 18's are out the door. I put them on this morning and I had the whole hangy crotch thing goin' on. Too bad, I liked those jeans!
I went to my sister's wedding last weekend and enjoyed that size 14/16 dress!! I got a brainstorm of an idea at the last minute and decided to wear my "Miraclesuit" bathing suit under the dress (for that extra control I love). It turned out to be the very best decision I could have made because the temperature was over 100 degrees (pretty unusual for Oregon weather), and I was not the sweaty one!!! YESS!

nothing new...again

Jun 17, 2008

Well, I didn't lose a thing this week! I would have thought this would have been a "good" week, too! We went camping last weekend and I recently discovered that drinking tea before a meal stretches my band and helps me to eat easier, anyhow, we went camping and I thought I would try some bratwurst...WRONG!! That was painful, painful, painful! Not only did it sit in my chest, but I puked it up after about 1/2 hour, and some stayed stuck for the rest of the night. I had reflux all night, and pretty much felt like poo all evening. So, no BRATS for me! Bummer, I love them! Nothing else going on, just a quick little update! =)

About Me
Damascus, OR
Surgery Date
Sep 23, 2007
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