Passed the 50 pound mark!

Feb 27, 2008

I just was so excited when i weighed myself this morning and the scale said 234! That makes it 53 pounds lost! YESSSS!!


Feb 23, 2008

Wow- I weighed myself this morning and I have to say that I am totally diggin' this band again! Now that I actually have restriction, I think I can safely say that I am no longer at a plateau! I am now 2 pounds away from the big 5-oh! Yep, that's 50 pounds in 4 months...YEAH BABY! Love it!

Update..3 months post op!

Feb 19, 2008

Well, sorry about that last post...I was a bit bummed. I did end up having a miscarriage, the "baby" was in my tubes, so I had to go into the dr to get a methotrexate shot so that it complete it's miscarriage. Well, that took a whole month to be effective! But now, I am on depo-provera, and not thinking about babies at all right now!
I went in for my second fill, and was steady at 245. I think I gained a couple of pounds during the miscarriage thing, and was a little disappointed about it, although I wouldn't let me be too hard on myself about it!
I met what I am guessing is an intern who did my second fill on Feb 13...that was just 6 days ago, and boy can I feel it!! I can barely eat anything solid! I am getting things stuck right and left! This must be what they mean when they say "good restriction"!  I find that if I have more than a few bites of anything, then I begin sliming, and have thrown up about 3 times now. The good news is that I am down 3 pounds since my fill, so my total loss is 45 pounds in 4 months! Not too shabby!
My goal is to get down at least 15 more pounds by the beginning of April when I go in to the doc again. I won't pressure myself however! Thanks for reading! =)

Busy new year so far

Jan 06, 2008

Well, I have not blogged for awhile, I know. I can't believe it has almost been 2 months already since my surgery! I am happily down 41 pounds since October 22, and down 27 pounds since surgery. I am going in for my next fill on January 28, and boy do I need it.
I found out on New Year's Eve that I was pregnant. I know, the doctor had said wait a year, but since my tubes are blocked, I thought we were fine. Anyhow, I started bleeding and clotting this weekend, and it is pretty much how my last two miscarriages went, I think I can safely say I am miscarrying again. I had bloodwork done yesterday, so when I get those numbers back, i will know for sure what I already know in my heart.
My focus once again is weight loss, weight loss, weight loss.....

Belly photos

Dec 20, 2007

Well, I braved it and had my daughter take pictures. I think I will do this every so often to remind myself of where I have been and what progress is doing to my belly, and to my face on the face shots! yahoo!! View more of my photos at

First fill

Dec 19, 2007

I got my first fill yesterday! I was so worried about it the whole trip down to Coos Bay, and I got there around 3:00, and was out of there by 3:15! I got right into the appointment, got my official weight (down 36 pounds) and into the exam room i went. The nurse came in and took my blood pressure and asked a few questions, then right after that, the doc came in, gave me 2 shots to numb the area, and in with the big needle,a nd I was filled! He said he gave me "4", but "3" is standard. Does that mean 4cc or does it mean .4cc? I forgot to ask. Oh well, I definitely feel it and am happy with it for now! I weighed myself this morning, and am down another pound, so that is a grand total of 37 pounds now! Woo-HOO!!!!!!

5 weeks post op

Dec 15, 2007

Wow! I can't believe how incredible this journey has been! I started out on Oct.22 at 287, and it is only December 15 now, and I am down 36 pounds! Unbelievable! I tried on some jeans that were in the back of my closet yesterday because we were having a Christmas party for the patients at work, and I wanted to look nice. I put them on and they fit nicely...and they are 2 sizes smaller! I love this! I am going to go through my closet today and weed out the bigger is not like I will ever need them again!! LOL!

4 weeks and 2 days post op!! SOLIDS!!!

Dec 09, 2007


I can't believe how happy I am to have real food!!! I ate a baked baked potato and yogurt for my first "meal", probably not the best choice, but I didn't plan at all, and panicked when I got to the restaurant with my friend (we went to Wendy's to celebrate). So, luckily they all went down OK, although I drank tea with it because it was so dry. That was at about noon, and I was so full I did no eat again until the next morning. That was Friday. Yesterday, my family wanted to order pizza, and since I can have cheese now, I said OK, so I got out a low carb tortilla and filled it with pizza topping (chicken and bacon bits, with cheese of course!), and thought I made a healthier choice, but didn't figure in the no liquid with my food and started to hiccup over and over much that it hurt. I even took a few sips of water, and that didn't help, so I jsut had to wait. Soooo...after that experience, I think i will stick with soft, "MOIST" foods only!
I stalled on my weight for about a week, and really worried that I was done (don't all of us novice dieters do this??) with my weight loss. I weighed myself this morning, and whaddya know, down  4 pounds since last week!! Yay!
I don't hurt anywhere anymore, and have been back to work on modified duty for almost 2 weeks..then I go back to regular duty on Thursday. My first fill is next Monday, the 17th of December...really excited for that one!!

3 weeks and 1 day post op

Dec 01, 2007

Wow, I can't believe it has been 3 weeks already! I feel so much better every day, and pretty much feel totally normal now. I was really excited because I was down a grand total of 32 pounds, but when i weighed myself this morning, the scale lied and said I have gained 4 pounds!! HUH?? I haven't done anything different except go back to work, so I would have thought that I would have lost more! I am hoping that when I am onto mushies, I don't gain more!!
I go into see the doctor for my follow up and my first fill on the 17th of December...a little more than 2 weeks, so hopefully I don't gain much more between now and then.
Anyhow, not much more to update on...just at a boring phase of the game. Hey, it's DECEMBER!! 24 days till Christmas!

2 weeks and 2 days post op

Nov 25, 2007

WOW! I made it through Thanksgiving!! Not too bad! I brought broth and jello and that is what I had. It was a lot of family around and we had a great was not a big issue for me. The food looked and smelled wonderful, but since I was with family I had not seen in awhile, I tried to focus on that...and it worked!!
I weighed myself this morning and am down 31 pounds since October 22nd! I can't believe it! Yeah!!

About Me
Damascus, OR
Surgery Date
Sep 23, 2007
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