MAY 2004 

My dianoses:
1) Restless Leg Syndrome
2) Fibromyalgia
3) Asthma
4) Clinical Depression
5) Bulging disks in back
6) Degenerative Arthritis
7) Psoraiasis
8) Prolapsed Uterus
9) Rectocele (week rectal wall)
10) Cystocele (dropped bladder)
11) Environmental Allergies
12) Chronic Fatigue and Headaches
13) Borderline Diebetic
14) Anemia
15) Diverticulosis (diagnosed through CT scan with
contrast 6/10/2004 and is a weekness in either and intestine or the colon)
16) Reflux
17) Sciatica (spelling may be off)
18) Gallstones

I am 4'11" and weigh 221 with a BMI of 44 or something like that. I have been interested in surgery since joining a Weight loss in Mass. site that a woman put together for women who have undergone it or are contemplating it.

I am having difficulty keeping up with my six-year-old child. She has disabilities and gets very upset when I am unable to sit and play with her on the floor or even ride a bike with her due to being fatigued constantly with all of my medical problems.

HERE ARE SOME POEMS I WROTE. HOPE YOU ENJOY THEM. They are both located at and put in Barbara Gagliardi. Oh and they messed up on one and just put Barbara Gagliard. They forgot the i at the end. lol ENJOY, HUGGS!!

Why I love you

Why do I love you?
Let me count the reasons.
I love you because you resemble the seasons.

Just like the silence of snowfall at night,
your silent touch can make everything right.

Spring is the time for Nature's new start,
and each day you rekindle this love in my heart.

You're playful like Summer,
with your bright cheerful smile.
You are a free spirit with a carefree style.

You have many colors like the season of fall,
and to love you truly is to discover them all.

And as the years pass
and the seasons go by,
my love for you
will never never die!!

Love is a Journey

Love is a journey I take with you,
through thick and thin, I will stay with you.

Love is a journey I will always feel,
you are my life, no matter what the deal.

Love is a journey through good and bad,
I love you so much, that sometimes I am sad.

Love is a journey with no end.
I love you now, more than I have said.

MAY 5, 2004
I have scheduled an appointment with my primary for the 11th. I also called the surgeon I was told to go to and he is booked three months or more out. I am on a waiting list. Anyway, two steps down; LOTS to go and I am soooo excited. Found out today also that one of my good friends is scheduled for the 29th of July for her surgery. Neither one of us knew the other was even contemplating it. Now I find out we BOTH are and for mostly the same reasons. Anyway, Cannot wait to get the surgeon appointment. I am going to an orientation meeting that he has every third Wednesday of the month. This month it is on the 19th and I will be going with my friend. Anyway, cant wait. Going to bed now. Don't know if I will sleep, I am so excited to finally be starting my steps to a new me. Well the old me in a new body. Or should I say an old body which I have not seen since the age of 17, before my first child came. Started that at 96 pounds and went up to 185 with FIRST. Went down to 127 and have not been that size since. Anyway, time for bed or I will keep typing all night. LOL HUGGS!!

MAY 11, 2004
Another day is here and I gained a couple pounds. Now I am 223 which makes my BMI 45 now instead of 44 like it was. NO clue why I gained. BUT this day is one of the happiest of my life. I went to my primary today for a physical, and asked her point blank for a referral to Dr. Lirio for surgery. I explained why and within ten minutes, my referral was written and in my hand. Important step done. I was almost in tears when, without even thinking about it, or trying to convince me I should not do it, she said "I am happy you decided on that. Several of our patients have gone to Dr. Lirio and are doing great!" Just like that, I was so happy I almost cried. She told me she couldn't wait to see my progress once I get scheduled for my consult and get a date. I need a sleep study done because my primary thinks I have sleep apnea on top of another sleep disorder I have. I told her to just wait to schedule that until I know when my surgery date is going to be, since several people tell me they make you have a sleep study anyways. If they find you have apnea, do they turn you down for the surgery? I certainly hope not. I am too psyched to back out of this NOW. Anyway, hopefully I will be posting again soon. HUGGS!!

MAY 15, 2004
Well, I went to a BBW party last night that our friend runs. Mentioned my WLS that I am going to have. After a while of telling me the bad things and that some people die, they finally told me they support me 100% if this is what I want to do. It is not really what I WANT to do, more like I HAVE to do. I have so many medical problems, that I have a sheet typed up on my computer that I bring to each new doctor. It lists my 13 medications, all my surgeries, diagnoses, etc. Easier than HAND writing all of that on the form most doctors offices give you to fill out at the first visit. Actually, I was complimented on it by my surgeon who is doing my hernia operation this coming Friday. LOL Maybe he will give me a job when I lose all my weight and get rid of some of the symptoms that come with my medical problems?? LOL Anyway, I will post soon. Thanks for reading my profile. HUGGS!!

MAY 24, 2004
Well, it is Monday and three days after having my hernia repaired. I think the hernia hurt less than having the repair. LOL I feel as if a truck ran me down. Anyway, I stepped on the scale today as I do most Mondays and was very shocked. I am up to 233. One week ago, when I had preadmission testing done for my hernia surgery, I was only 223. I gained TEN pounds in ONE week. No clue how since I am broke and there isn't that much food in my house at this time. LOL

I went to the Wednesday meeting last week and purchased the book, "The success habits of weight loss patients." Very interesting reading. Anyway, the meeting was interesting also and I met some awesome people. Two women, (sorry can't remember names), showed me their before pics and they look so incredible now. One is two months out and lost over 70 pounds and looks fantastic. I cannot wait to show people my before and after pics.

I called Dr. Lirio's office today and now, not only do they need a letter from my primary, they also need one from my Rheumatologist. Well, whatever they need, I will try to get ASAP. My primary was supposed to send a letter two weeks ago. Still has not sent it. I have an appointment at 11:30 today, so plan on giving her ANOTHER reminder since she was all for me getting this surgery. She seemed almost as excited as me. Anyway, enough of my rambling. I can't wait to post a consult date and then a surgery date and etc, etc. LOL Will post when I know more. Thanks for reading my profile. HUGGS!!

JUNE 3, 2004
Well, I am STILL waiting for Dr. Lirio's office to receive the letter from my primary. My primary keeps telling me it is going to be sent, but WHEN??? I have called them three times about it. She was gung ho about me doing it to begin with. Anyway, going to a support group meeting on Monday which Dr. Lirio will be at. His receptionist told me that the more groups I go to, the quicker I could get a date. They like to see everyone show they are actively seeking support and information. Anyway, will post soon I hope with my consult date. Thanks for reading my profile. HUGGS!!

JUNE 5, 2004
Just stepped on scale. Weight is now back to 223. Either my scale is broken or I really DID lose a few pounds. We shall see next week. My doctor's office is sending me some papers to fill out and also having me do some blood work. This is starting to sound real now. Anyway, my webpage here has been done by a Leigh Ann. Thanks Leigh Ann. You did a fantastic job. Was not sure though how to update with all of the HTML here. LOL Hope I didn't mess anything up. Anyway, with the docs office sending me paperwork, I am off to a start. They finally got letter from my primary and are just waiting for a letter from my rheumatologist saying if he feels I am a good candidate for this surgery. DARN!! I certainly think he WOULD considering he told me if I did not lose a lot of weight, I could end up in a wheelchair and I certainly do NOT want that at the age of 42. Anyway, will write soon. God Bless. HUGGS!!

JUNE 7, 2004
Well, Dr. Lirio's office just called (6/7/2004). I am going to see him in a group orientation on Wednesday to get information and stuff. I still cannot get a consult date cause my rheumatologist is very very slow at getting me the letter I need stating medical necessity. I KNOW that he will write it, just a matter of WHEN. I put call number two in to his receptionist today. Told her AGAIN, what I needed and she is going to speak directly to him. I am hoping to have this information by tomorrow so I can bring it with me to the orientation on Wednesday. I am also going to the Monday night meeting that Dr. Lirio will be at tonight. I am so psyched. Even my mom is happy for me I think, but also worried. Anyway, my mom has been with me almost every time I had to have surgery or delivered a child. She is my rock and I thank her immensely for being there for me, so hope she stays steady for me during all of this. I am scared, but at the same time, thrilled to death. My parents live about a half hour from me and I really don't see them as often as I would like. My sleep problems keep me from driving that distance. I have been VERY sleepy driving lately which is not good. Also, Dr. Lirio is in Schenectady, so have to drive a ways to get to him also. BUT all of this is well worth it. Guess I can kill two birds with one stone and visit my parents when I see him, although Mom works during the day which is the main time that I get out. LOL Anyway, The more psyched I get the more I feel little butterflies flying around in my tummy. LOL I am happy and sad at the same time. I recently lost a very good friend (OR someone I THOUGHT of as a very good friend) She cannot seem to be happy for me undertaking this journey in my life. She wants me to stay fat cause she says when I get thin, I won't want to be her friend which is FAR off of the truth. Once someone is my friend, they are a friend for life, unless they totally use me or blow ME off. A friend is a friend through thick and thin. My other best friend is all for me getting the surgery. AND she is happy due to my health concerns that will be helped with this. Anyway, This is going to be a completely new life for me as I have never been thin as an adult. I became overweight from the age of 17 after having my first wonderful child. Weight went uphill from there. Least I have weighed was 165 and the most was 240. Right now I have been fluctuating between 223 and 240. Right now I am 224. Anyway, I am rambling and better get ready to see my doctor. Having a LOT of abdominal pain and spotting and do not know if it is from my Hernia surgery a week and a half ago, or something new. HOPE nothing NEW. Anyway, will update soon. HUGGS

JUNE 9, 2004
Another hot day today!! Went to a group meeting with the physician today where he described the entire surgery and hospital stay etc. I have a one on one consult on June 29th. Yippee!!!!!!! I am psyched. I do not have to do anything with my insurance. They contact my insurance for me and everything. They will contact me when all of my testings are scheduled. Oh, and HEY, I always thought I was 4' 11", well guess I have been fooled, both my PCP AND Dr. Lirio's nurse have me at 4' 9". I am way SHORTER than I thought. Anyway, will write more soon. Huggs.

JUNE 10, 2004
Well, had a CT scan with contrast of my abdomen cause I have had a lot of abdominal pain since my hernia operation. Found out the results today. I now have a NEW diagnosis. I have diverticulosis, which is a week pouch in the intestine or colon. I do not know if I had it all along, or if it happened when my hernia was repaired. I DO know I did not have it when they did the CT scan to find my hernia, which was about two months ago. Although they still did not figure what the pain is yet. Not to be gross, but also, when I have a BM, I bleed vaginally. Does not sound normal to me. And do not know the verdict on that one yet. My OB/GYN was called this morning and as of 6 p.m., I still have not gotten a call back. I am scheduled for surgery with him on June 15th to have a D&C and an Endometrial Ablasion which sloughs off the endometrial lining of your uterus so you cannot have children and it makes periods either go away (YEAH!!!) or be minimal. Although there is still a 1% chance of pregnancy as with a tubal. But he did not want to do a hystorectomy because he SAYS I am too young. Who says? I don't want anymore kids. LOL I have a learning disabled child who may also have Bipolar disorder and do not NEED anymore children. LOL Although Sarah is my entire life and the most important thing to me right now. Which, of course, is one of my main reasons for wanting WLS. I want to be able to do things with her instead of her being upset because I can't. Anyway, will update more later. Thanks for visiting my profile. HUGGS!!

JUNE 16, 2004
Hello again. Went to a support group meeting tonight. Was in a fantastic mood when I got back home. Things are finally going for me as I want them to. THEN I came home to the phone ringing. It was a male friend of mine. He asked me where I had been all night and I told him that I was at a support meeting. He literally LAUGHED at me. Said I don't need a support group. Just need to eat less and eat better. I was ready to cry. First of all, he does not understand a lot of the things I have told him. For one, my doctors tell me I am storing fat because I am not eating enough calories, which is true. I hardly eat. SOOOO, Of course, he said to me, His girlfriend hardly eats and is thin. So I am like, ok, she has a different metabolism and probably did not stretch her poor stomach out by eating from depression for at least ten years. He then told me I could do it on my own instead of taking the EASY way out. Easy? Not easy from what I read on OH and certainly not from what I hear others say at the support groups. Anyway, I do not care if he is going to support me with this or not. It is MY decision and MY life and my DAUGHTER'S life that I am doing this for. Nobody elses. I have two great friends who are totally in support of me and this surgery. And my best friend knows it is just a TOOL and that I have to work very hard at it. She is only worried in case I am unable to follow the proper guidelines, BUT I want this so badly, that I will have NO problem following. I may not like it too much at first, but when I start shedding the pounds and am able to do things with my six-year-old, I will feel FANTASTIC. I cannot wait for a surgery date and I am going to make darned sure I am 100% ready for it, no matter how hard I have to work at it. Anyway, enough of my ranting, lol, I guess I better get some rest. Will post again soon. HUGGS!!!!

JUNE 26, 2004
Hello all. Just mentioning that my consult is almost here. Tuesday is my one on one consult with my surgeon. Cannot wait!!! HUGGS!

JUNE 30, 2004
Had my consult yesterday. Dr. Lirio qualified me for surgery. Just waiting for a latex allergy test to be done in order to get scheduled for surgery. He said I would be on Medifast for 4 or 5 weeks prior to my surgery. I had hoped only 2 weeks. LOL Anyway, will post when I know more. HUGGS!!

AUGUST 13, 2004
Hi to anyone reading this. I have just been given a surgery date; December 6, 2004. YEAH!!!. Had to see a LOT of specialists and so far have gotten clearance from all of them. I have two more to get. The gastroenterologist is the only one I am worried about though. I have to have a colonoscopy cause they found something on my barium X-Ray. The gastro doc said it is probably a valve because of where it is, but the colonoscopy will tell for sure. Anyway, my fingers are crossed and the colonoscopy is on the 25th of August. Can't wait!! NOT!! Will update again soon. HUGGS!!!

AUGUST 17, 2004
I GOT APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My insurance company called me yesterday to tell me. That is the ONLY good thing that has happened this week and I cried when they told me. I cannot wait until December 6th. I am so psyched about it. Dr. Lirio's office only contacted them on Monday morning about it and within FIVE hours I was approved. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!! That is me. Anyway, gonna call everyone I know now. Huggs!!!!

AUGUST 24, 2004
Here I am again!! I have my colonoscopy tomorrow and a queazy feeling in my stomach thinking about it. I think I can tolerate the solution I have to drink, because I tasted a drop of the powder on my finger and it has no taste. I have to mix it with gatorade and found one that I am able to tolerate since I do not really care for gatorade. Anyway, I get to start drinking that at 6 pm; eight oz. straight down ever 15 minutes. Yummy!!

I went to Darien Lake for the weekend and had a good time until we went to Six Flags. I am 20 pounds lighter than I was last year, and could NOT go on my favorite ride. I had to get off because the seatbelt was about an INCH too short to go around me, even with my belly held in. I was soooo embarassed. I wanted to cry. I WAS able to go on ONE coaster, called the Predator, but it is a wood coaster, and those things rock you all over so I had a headache by the time I got off of that. Anyway, my friend wants me to go back with her and try some of the rides that I was AFRAID to try. I know the seat belts are different in them all, but they ALL should be standard in size so they fit all sizes, not just smaller people. I was very upset for a man in front of us who could not get on and at that moment I KNEW I was not gonna be able to go. Anyway, I KNOW how everybody feels, whose profiles I have read when they talk about airplanes, etc. I just could not imagine buying a plane ticket and THEN finding out you cannot use it. Anyway, I will update after my lovely colonoscopy tomorrow. HUGGS!!

AUGUST 26, 2004
Had my colonoscopy after two days of JUST liquids. It was not too bad. The stuff you have to drink had no flavor mixed with gatorade, but I picked the wrong gatorade. I had watermelon which tasted very sweet. Anyway, the colonoscopy went fine and nothing was found except my diverticulosis, which I already knew I had. I am doing well, and only need ONE more doctor to clear me for surgery. That is the pulmonologist and I see him tomorrow. I will wait eagerly for his decision now. HUGGS!!

OCTOBER 4, 2004
Well, I have been very busy and unable to put anything into this page, but I am here for a bit today. I go for an emergency hysterectomy tomorrow, due to hemmhoraging almost every time "Aunt Flo" comes to visit. Had an endometrial ablasion for that already, that did not work. Well, this will, since they are taking the entire uterus out.

Anyway, it is a transvaginal hysterectomy, but my WLS surgeon said that it could still cause adhesions and it might result in my WLS scar to be longer. I can deal with that. I already have an 11" scar from side to side from having bladder surgery in 1998. Anyway, THAT is scheduled for tomorrow and I am hoping it goes the way I want it to; easy and no trouble.

My WLS is scheduled for December 6th, and I am only 27 days away from starting medifast protein shakes to lose 10% of my body weight before surgery. I am getting nervous and excited at the same time because I KNOW that is the beginning of my new life. I am going to hang out at a place called "Red Robin" on October 30th. We are gonna have a nice lunch and hang out for a couple hours talking and stuff. It is my LAST real meal before going on the medifast and my WLS. I do not plan on cheating on medifast and I guess I need prayers to help. I am hoping I can do it, but I do have an almost 7-year-old daughter who I have to feed real food to. Anyway, that is all for now. Will post more after my hysterectomy tomorrow.

This is just a little thing I saw while reading a profile and thought it was interesting.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave
safely in a well preserved body, but rather
to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting
"...Holy sh*t...what a ride!!!!!"

NOVEMBER 2, 2004
Don't forget to vote!!!

Well, today is day number 2 of my Medifast diet requirement prior to surgery on December 6th. I will be on it for almost five weeks. Day number one was ok. Number 2 is a little harder, but will make it through. I weighed in at 234 at the start of medifast and will update each week after my visit to the surgeon's office. HUGGS!!

NOVEMBER 5, 2004
Today is day number 5 of Medifast and my weight is down only 6 pounds. I was told I should lose about 15 pounds the first week. I have not cheated either. I drink the five recommended medifast shakes and 60 ounces of plain water and an 8 ounce cup of hot decaf tea. Maybe my scale is off? I hope so. Anyway, will update again on the 8th, after I go to my surgeons for a weigh in. Huggs.

NOVEMBER 16, 2004
Today makes it just two weeks and six days until my surgery date. I only have two people who are very supportive of what I am doing. The problem is, they both have large families to take care of meaning I have no help after my surgery. My ex-boyfriend is coming to stay with me for the two weeks following surgery, but he works from 4 am until around 2 pm, so I don't really know how much a help he will be. I have a seven-year-old to take care of which is why I asked him for help to begin with.

Anyway, I have only lost 9 pounds on the medifast so far and thought I would have lost more since I am starving myself.
:-) There are only so many ways you can flavor vanilla and chocolate medifast so that it tastes good enough to drink.

Well, Gonna stop going off on my problems. LOL I was hoping that maybe if I kept this page updated, I would find someone willing to be my angel. Guess we shall see. HUGGS!!!

NOVEMBER 30, 2004
Hello to anyone reading this. Well, I started out on medifast weighing 236 pounds and as of yesterday I weighed 218, which means I only lost 18 pounds all together in four weeks on medifast. I should NOT have had the small piece of turkey on Thanksgiving, but it was very hard to resist.

Well, I went to my surgeon's office yesterday for my last visit before surgery. Somehow someone overlooked the fact that I had tested positive for H-Pylori (inflammation like ulcers in the stomach) Well, my doc was going to postpone my surgery till after the holidays because you have to be on a PrevPak for at least two weeks prior to surgery. Well, since I only had one week before surgery, I was in tears. It took a while for the doc to come in but he came up with a solution that was able to make me stop crying out of disappointment. He gave me a weeks supply of the PrevPak and said that while I am in the hospital, he would have them give me five days worth through my gastric tube. That way I could still have my surgery on the sixth. Anyway, a PrevPak consists of four, 500 mg Amoxicillan; two 500 mg of Bioxin; two 30 mg of Prevacid. Now THAT is a lot of antibiotic in the pak. (Two Thousand milligrams of the amoxicillan a day and one thousand milligrams of the bioxin a day.) AND they leave a nasty taste in your mouth. LOL Anyway, If I had called my friend or mentioned to the doctor two weeks ago, that I had a mineral or vitamin like taste in my mouth, we would have known earlier that I had the ulcers. Unfortunately it was overlooked in the docs office by someone, AND I did not mention that awful taste in my mouth. From now on, I tell anything, even if it seems dumb. I just thought it was from the medifast. Shows how much I know!!!

Anyway, I have 6 days to lose the last 6 pounds I have to lose. Wish me luck!!! Surgery is at 7:45 am on the sixth. Have to be at the hospital at 6:00 am. I am getting excited and nervous all at the same time. I am very confident in my surgeon though, which is very important. He is very thorough, which I was happy about yesterday with the H-pylori thing but glad he came up with a way to still have me get the full treatment and not miss my surgery.

Well, I will probably not post again until after surgery. Hope a lot of people say their prayers for me and maybe I will eventually get an angel. Does't seem like anyone is eager to become one on the website. As soon as I have my surgery and am more aware of the ups and downs and stuff, I will be happy to volunteer to be someone's angel. Huggs to all that read this today.

Oh, thought this quote was interesting:

- Work as if you don't need money
- Love as if you've never been hurt
- Dance as if nobody can see you
- Sing as if nobody can hear you
- LIVE as if the Earth were Heaven

HUGGS TO ALL and GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DECEMBER 5, 2004
Well, it is the day before my surgery and I am on clear liquids for the whole day. I lost the 23 pounds plus 2 more that my doc wanted me to lose before surgery. THAT is a good thing. Didn't wanna be canceled this close. Anyway, I will be in the hospital for a week (Mon-Fri. Have to receive injected antibiots through my gastric tube due to my H-pylori test beeing positive. So I might be in the full five days. Not sure. Anyway, I will post some info as soon as I am able when I come home. Huggs to all!!!!!!!

DECEMBER 15, 2004
Well, as of today I am nine days POST op. I feel ok. Just cannot seem to tolerate ice cold water anymore, which used to be my favorite thing to drink. Takes me quite a while to drink a 16 ounce bottle, cause it has to at least be cold. Just can't be REALLY cold. Maybe a couple hours of refrigeration. Cannot tolerate warm water, never could. The protein powder that they say is flavorless is NOT flavorless. It is nasty and disgusting and the only way I can get it down is mixed in diluted apple juice.

I go in for my post-op appointment on the 22nd and will get my gastric tube out that day. They already took the tube for my gallbladder out the day after surgery. It seems wierd not having appointments as I cleared everything for this month to recuperate.

OH, and GAS~~~!!!! My seven-year-old daughter told me I smelled disgusting. LOL All night last night I had pain in my pouch and BAD gas. Had to be the squash I ate?? Maybe. Anyway, gonna finish my water now so I can eat in half hour. I am a bit hungry for some chicken I just made in the blender. Yummy!!! Huggs to all!!!!!

DECEMBER 30, 2004
Just a quick hello and how is everyone reading this? I am doing fantastic.

Huggs to all reading this!!!!

JANUARY 16, 2005
I was told by a friend that I needed to update so here it is.......
I am down to 189. Actually, I have been fluctuating between 192 and 189. I will take the 189 over the other any day. LOL I have not updated lately cause I just have not felt well. I have a 1/4 inch spot on my incision that separated and became infected. Now that part of me hurts a LOT. Plus, I am starting to pack because I am going to be moving soon. SOOO, I am probably overdoing it. Have a support group meeting on Wednesday and will talk to my surgeon or his assistant, depending on which one is there. Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone who is reading this and will post again soon. Huggs!!!!!!

MARCH 17, 2005
Well, a happy St. Patricks day to everyone. DARN!! I can't eat my usual corned beef and cabbage, so gonna have a piece of chicken and some squash. Oh well. LOL
Hope everyone out there reading this is well. Love and huggs from Barb

MARCH 25, 2005

Well, on to some new things. Been having severe cramping and pain in my right side and back for about five days now. Went to ER on Tuesday and saw a doc who ordered a CT scan which was normal. He called my wonderful Surgeon, Dr. Lirio who told him to give me an enema to take home and some gas pills and pain pills. WELL, the pain had not gone away as of today so went to Docs office and he ordered an Upper GI, (nasty stuff to drink) and it seemed to be ok. SOOOOOO now he is thinking Kidney stones cause of where the pain is in my back, so have to go on Tuesday for a Renal Ultrasound. Sound fun? Not really. Anyway, will update after all of that is done and over with. Thanks to anyone reading this and Huggs.

APRIL 1, 2005
Well, my CT, Ultrasound, AND Upper GI showed nothing out of ordinary except a small intestinal blockage, so NOW the doc wants another CT Scan on Tuesday, and if that STILL shows nothing, an endoscopy will be done. The pain in my abdomen is not as bad as before but it is still there, so I guess we shall see what is going on.

APRIL 15, 2005
Weight is at a plateu for two weeks now. I am still 157 pounds. Hope I haven't stopped losing. I know, maybe if I drink more liquids. Hard enough getting 64 ounces of Water in. :-) Will try. Doing really well on the protein.

Next week I have another Upper GI. Last X-ray turned out that I was constipated. CONSTIPATED and throwing up and dry heaving. Went to ER per docs request. Did NOT know that being constipated could make you that sick. NOW I know, but didn't even realize I was constipated cause I DID go regularly. He said, JUST NOT ENOUGH!!! Anyway, will update after next test.

APRIL 22,2005
I now weigh 152. YEA!!!! My surgeon told me yesterday that I should get down to 130, which seems high to me but he said your weight SHOULD be higher the older you are. I want to get down to 115 to 120. One-hundred-thirty is TOO high for me since I am short. At least I think so. Anyway, we shall see what happens. Started doing my protein again. I add it to my tea so I can tolerate it better.

Had my upper GI yesterday and I guess everything is ok. Pain is from adhesions and I guess something I just have to deal with. Will update again soon. Huggs to all who come by to check out my site.

APRIL 26, 2005
I am now about 18 weeks or so post-op. I now weigh 149 as of this morning. I still do not have the energy I thought I would have after losing so much weight. Even getting a B-12 shot monthly is not helping with my energy level. I am constantly tired feeling and fatigued. Hope this is not normal. I also still have a lot of pain in my bones due to my fibromyalgia, so still am unable to do a lot of things with my 7-year-old. She is the main reason I had the surgery. I thought and hoped the weight loss would help me to be able to lead a fuller life with her. I feel so discouraged at times. Not sure if it is normal for me to feel this way.

Anyway, my upper GI last week showed nothing and my doc said the pain is probably just adhesions from all the surgeries I have had. Will update again soon with a new pic of me after my 85 plus pounds lost. Huggs to all!!!

MAY 9, 2005
Well, I have plateaud at 147 pounds. Drinking more and still not losing. Adding protein powder to my drinks during the day and I am STUCK!!! Boy is this frustrating. Huggs to all!!!!

MAY 19, 2005
Today I weighed in at 143 pounds. YEA!!! I also bought a dress for the first time that was NOT a 2X or 3X; it was a size TEN. I was soooooo THRILLED. I had surgery in December and have only 23 to 35 left to go. BUT will be happy even if I dont lose much more since the tummy tuck will take at LEAST 15 pounds of skin off me. SOOO hope you are enjoying my journey as I certainly am. Huggs!!!!

MAY 31, 2005
Today I am 138 pounds. I have two more pounds to be at the Century Mark. YEA!!!! I started my journey at 236 when I weighed in before starting my Medifast supplements. I am doing great. Weight is slow coming off now, but at least a couple pounds every week or two is making me happy. Will update again soon. Huggs!!!

JUNE 5, 2005
Just weighed in at 136 pounds. HIT THE CENTURY MARK TODAY since I started at 236 pounds in December. YEAH!!!! I bought a size TEN jeans that buckle instead of a 2X stretchy pair. I feel great, but sometimes depressed cause of the hanging skin I have. Since I am short it is very noticeable. My brother took a full body picture of me a few days ago and once he e-mails it to me, I will send it to be posted on my page here at OH. Huggs to all!!!

JUNE 27, 2005
I am back here to update once more. Going into the hospital for what I am hoping is my last surgery ever. I go in tomorrow morning for a laporoscopic colon resection. Taking a lot of junk today to help me cleanse the bowels. GROSS!!! Anyway, they were waiting to do this until I got to my goal weight which I have. I started out at 236 and as of today, I am 129 pounds!!!!! You can only imagine how great that is. I hit the century mark and am still going. Not losing as much right now but losing just the same. I have not weighed 129 in OVER 23 years. YEAH!!!!! Anyway, I will try to update here after my surgery which will be at least a couple weeks from now. I will be in the hospital aproximately five, maybe more days, according to my surgeon.

I am going to fill in some stats on me while I am here. Have not been on in a while, so bear with me.

The first weights are with medifast from November 1, 2004 to TODAY, APRIL 1, 2005

November 1, 2004 started at 236 pounds
November 8 2004 weighed 229 pounds
November 15 2004 weighed 226 pounds
November 22, 2004 weighed 220 pounds
November 29, 2004 weighed 218 pounds
December 6, 2004 weighed 209 just before surgery
December 22, 2004 weighed 203 at two week post op visit
December 30, 2004 weighed 197
January 3, 2005 weighed 194
Jaunuary 16, 2005 weighed 189
Jaunary 24, 2005 weighed 184
February 6, 2005 weighed 179
February 14, 2005 weighed 176
February 28, 2005 weighed 172
March 3, 2005 weighed 169
March 12, 2005 weighed 167
March 17, 2005 weighed 164
March 25, 2005 weighed 160
April 1, 2005 TODAY weighed 157
May 9, 2005 weighed 147 (Average only ten a month)
June 27, 2005 TODAY weighed 129

The weight seems slow to be coming off, but it is coming off. I have lost a total of 107 whopping pounds in a little over six months. I cannot believe it. I do have a tire around my middle where the skin is just falling, which is going to depress me greatly. I am a short person, only 4 foot 11 inches and as the weight slips lower, the flab falls to the middle and it will look awful on me. Have to wait two years for a tummy tuck and I am now below my docs goal for me. My PERSONAL goal is 120 and am now 129. Anyway,
Huggs to all who read this.!!!!!

JULY 14, 2005
Well, I am down to 127 pounds and because of hitting goal, I went into the hospital on the 28th of June for Laparoscopic Colon Resection. WOW!!! What a mouthful. Anyway, everything turned out ok from that. Surgery was a few hours and the first hour was used to get rid of all my abdomenal surgery adhesions. Was in the hospital until July 3rd, then went back in from July 9th to the 11th. Was on IV potassium and morphine for pain. Still feeling a bit crappy but wanted to update for all my friends who read my profile. Take care and huggs to everyone!!!

JULY 26, 2005
I am 122 pounds as of today. Still seem to be losing, but kind of hoping I do not lose too much more. Hopefully the weight loss will hit a permanent plateau by the time I am down to 120. I bought a size SIX jeans today. I was wearing a ten about a month ago. The six are snug but perfect. I NEVER thought I would be in single digit pants again. Last time I was a single digit, was a size NINE at the age of 16. WOW!!! Anyway, all is going well with me and I will update again very soon. Huggs to anyone who reads this.

JULY 28, 2005
Well, I hit 119 pounds today. Still losing no matter what. Do not know if that is good or bad. I had hoped to stop at 120 or so since I get LOTS of compliments now. Anyway, we shall see what happens now. Huggs to all.

AUGUST 12, 2004
HURRAY!!!! I am 117 and stable now I believe. I am in a size SIX jeans. Have not work that size since the ripe age of 16. WOW!!!! Huggs to everyone in their success and being in the century club.

AUGUST 25, 2005
I guess I was wrong on the 12th. Not completely done yet. lol I am now 114 pounds and in a size 4 petite jeans. I bought a beautiful dress to wear on New Years Eve!!! Saving the tags and stuff they said I can exchange if I need to. Hopefully not. I am now being called the "Incredible Shrinking Woman." YEA!!!!! We are having a weight loss surgery fashion show and dinner on November 18th. I cannot wait. It will be great and Colleen Cook will be there. Anyway, huggs to everyone and love and joy.

112 and finally stabilized. Wearing a size four petite and need the skin removed but have to wait a year. Anyway, huggs to all who read this.

I am 109 at 4' 11" and happier than in a long time!!!! I am updating my profile with my new pic and hope to see it on here next to my before picture soon. Huggs to ALL!!!!!

SEPTEMBER 27, 2005
And remember: "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention
of arriving safely in an at tractive and well preserved body, but rather to
skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body
thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming "WOO HOO, What a Ride!"

JANUARY 6, 2006
I am here!!! Sorry it has been so long but I am enjoying my life. I weigh 101 and have been stable for over a month now. THANK GOODNESS!!! For a while I did not think I would ever stop losing. I get so many compliments now it is crazy. Anyway, just wanted to update and say I am doing well and am now healthier than I have ever been. Huggs!!!

FEBRUARY 6, 2006
Well, the last month has been awful. I am weak, tired, and just have a zero energy level. I am down to 97 pounds and doc wants me to gain weight. HA HA HA!!!! I eat!! Believe me, I eat. I can eat almost anything now. I do not throw up anymore and can eat fattier foods in moderation and cannot, under no circumstances, gain weight. I have been trying. This gastric bypass really worked on me. LMAO I just need some ENERGY!!! Anyway, wanted to update all you peeps out there. Huggs to all. Have to get going. Support group tonight.

APRIL 20, 2006
Hello everyone. Wanted to update. Been a couple months. I am still around the 97 to 99 pound range and doing well. Doc tried to put a feeding tube in but no go. I am happy now with my weight loss and am starting to look better. (Had a sunken looking face when I got down to 91 pounds, but now that I am up to 99 or so and stable, I am looking much better)

Life is grand as a thin woman. People treat you SOOOOOO different. I treat fat people the way I WANTED to be treated when I was fat. WE ARE PEOPLE TOO!!!! I see a big person and know they struggle just like I did and I need to be there for that person no matter what. Even if they are not into the gastric bypass, that is their choice, but they are still a person and deserve all the respect that I am NOW getting as a thin person. Hail to everyone who reads this, both fat and thin. WE ARE ALL PEOPLE AND WE ALL DESERVE RESPECT AND CONSIDERATION!!!! Anyone who decides to do the gastric bypass MUST do it for themselves. DO NOT do it cause someone else wants you to. NOT a good idea. Good luck to all who will endure through the surgery and god bless to all who decide NOT to do it. The choice is yours. I am glad I made my choice to have the surgery and would do it again in a heart beat. I love you all and god bless. Huggs from Barb in Mechanicville NY and I will post again very very soon with updates on my new life as a thin woman.


Oh, before I forget, I went from a 3X top to an XS and went from a 2X pants to a size ONE TO THREE> YIPPEE!!!!!! Down from 240 pounds to 99.

AUGUST 28, 2006
Well, I STILL have not been on a rollercoaster except for my weight. it flies between 99 and 106. Doc wants me back UP to 130, but between you and me, I am happy where I am. As long as I do not go below the 99 or above 110 at the most. I am only 4 foot 11 inches, so the weight fits in my opinion. Anyway, hope all are well that are reading this and YIPPEE, I am almost TWO years out. December six is my anniversary. Only a little over three months away.

DECEMBER 6, 2006

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME!!  Yippee. Two years out and maintaining a weight of 106 pounds on a 4 foot 11 frame.  Better than the 240 my frame WAS supporting for over 25 years.  I wish I could say that all my medical problems are gone, cause they aren't, but I would STILL do it again in a heartbeat, just to see my daughter's happiness that I can get on the floor with her and do things. 

I typed my introduction before figuring out how to get all of my original information backed up that was on here. I was DEVASTATED thinking it was all lost.  Thankfully I was able to retrieve the information on my old profile. 

At two years out, I want to tell everyone out there to make sure they are WELL informed before making a decision that will drastically change your life. is THE best site out there that I have found. Unfortunately I have not been updating as much as I should be for the sake of "newbies" but certainly hope to try and change that.  Really not much that I can add daily to my profile, but will try what I can.  Good luck to everyone in their decision process and to all who have succeeded already, CONGRATULATIONS. 

Huggs From Barb

About Me
Springfield, VT
Surgery Date
May 03, 2004
Member Since

Latest Blog 1
