What a difference a year makes....

Sep 10, 2012

All I'm going to say is "WOW"!!! I feel great....sleep apnea is gone! I'm going to run/walk/crawl this year's Turkey Trot! I need and will get some current pictures up...just working like crazy and time is very short. I haven't even had time to keep up on this site. But I promise to get something up soon. Keep rocking that sleeve while you can...weight loss does slow down to a crawl BUT muscle buildup from working out keeps the body strong and slim so it all works out in the end. Dr. says 20-30 pounds to go..I think maybe more....but we'll see.

DAY 328 - BROKE THRU TO 199.5

Jul 23, 2012

Just went to the Bariatric Surgeon's office today for my checkup...it's almost a year. Broke thru the 200's and I'm officially 199.5! I feel great! They thought I was crazy 'cuz I took a picture of the scale to show everyone. Dr. Krause is extremely happy with my progress. I have never felt so strong and healthy. Working out does wonders....I feel strong and empowered. Strength training 3 times a week and swimming 4-5....and then a form of Tai Chi on Fridays. I'm rocking!!!Broke thru the 200's into the 190's!!

Day 307...

Jul 02, 2012

 Still 202...can't wait til I break thru to that 199!! But I'm doing GREAT...working out like crazy! Gotta get back to work...will add more later!!

WOW! 4 more pounds 'til 199.....

May 23, 2012

203.4.....Can't believe I weighed in at that this morning at the Beaumont Weight Control Center. Now I know it's in the morning and I ususally weigh in at night so I may have some "adjustments" with the weight...but I can't believe it. I'm so excited...I haven't weighed that in I have no clue....early '80's maybe? I love the way I eat now! I love the way I exercise now! I love the way I look now! I love the way I feel now!

Congrats to me!!!

Day 254 - In my 8th Month...

May 10, 2012

Well, here I am in my 8th month since surgery on September 1st. Day 254.....I think I'm doing great! Not losing fast but I really don't care. I feel like I am shrinking. I see that I'm shrinking. New clothes are getting baggier. People are really starting to notice. This sleeve  has been a god send.

BUT....I can see where it takes a Village to help you on this lifetime path…

• I still need to go to my Beaumont Weight Control Support Groups - Wednesday night and Club Bariatric as well as the cooking classes, nutritionist, psychiatrist, doctors, etc.

• I need to still have two trainers for strength training as well as still getting on the treadmill and swimming 4-5 times a week.

• I still need to focus everyday because I can see where I can fall back into old patterns...there's head hungers, boredom eating, tired eating, party eating still plague me. Temptation is around every corner...and just because I look good it doesn't mean that the weight will stay off. It can come back sooooo fast!

But I know with patience I can do this...it's hard work...but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I really and trully believe I can do this for the first time in my life. Congrats to me!!

7th Month Since Surgery...Weight Gain!

Apr 11, 2012

Well, I just had my first weight gain!! Sodium intake over Eater was super high...ham, crackers, easter treats. Didn't go crazy but didn't pay too much attention to what I should have been doing and over the weekend either...thus, I shot up 3 pounds.

Scares the hell out of me. But I'm okay with it....why?

I learned my lesson that I can never, ever take a day off if I want to keep this weight off for good. It just goes to show you that I'm still pretty fragile and the weight can come right back on with or without the Sleeve. Little setbacks like this teach me what I can and cannot do. Yes I did workout over the weekend so I'm sure that helped to keep some of it off but that was the easiest 3 pound gain I've ever had!

Okay....so what do I do now? I don't look back....I jump back on the horse and keep riding. Going forward...learning my lessons on how to live with my Sleeve for the rest of my life.
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6 months...197 Days...

Mar 13, 2012

 WOW! How time flies when 'yer having fun...er....uh I mean losing weight. Down from a 26/28 to a 16/18. Feeling GREAT! No problems with food. Saw the surgeon last month and he was happy. Saw my Weight Control Center Dr. last night and she was happy. Saw the NUT also and she was happy. This has been a ton of work but what a great process. 

Had a little setback the last couple of weeks...twisted my back. Legs started to go numb as well as the saddle area. Tweaked it exercising. Wouldn't be so concerned if I had not had back surgery in '09. Had an EMG on Friday...MRI on Saturday and will get the results tomorrow. One dr. seems to think I'll be able to get by with an injection while the MRI technician (though not a doctor) said he didn't see anything terrible. Both seemed to say it is mild...but it sure feels weird! But the good news is that it's starting to come back slowly. I would hate to have come soooo far only to have to go a little backwards until I'm healed again.

Still got to get pictures up....but I'm workiing on it!! 

5 month Appt. w/ Surgeon!!

Feb 14, 2012

Met with my surgeon Dr. Kevin Krause this morning and according to his plans I'm doing GREAT! To keep up the great work. He will see me again in another 3 months....sometime in May. 214....that's how much I weighed with his scale. I can't even remember when I weighed 214. I feel great....scares are minimal...clothes don't fit (what a horrible problem to have) and I can pretty much eat anything other than a few problems with tomatoe sauce and green/red peppers. 

Gotta slow down on the exercise though....I may have over done it a little. Tweaked the back and toes feel a little numb. Scary seeing I had back surgery in'09. Slow down....take it a tad slow. Don't have a set back with the exercise. 

In 5th Month - Week 22...

Feb 09, 2012

Everything is going as planned. No problems other than stressed from over-working. Which causes "head hunger" which now, I understand better and know when I'm going to do it.

• No weird food reactions....wait....except to spaghetti sauce. I think it's the acids in the tomatoe sauce that kind of gives me a little trouble. But just a little.

• Clothes don't fit...but that's no big deal. I just wear a lot of workout wear from Target.

• Hair loss....very, very minor. In fact...hair stylist says I'm not losing any but for some reason I see a few fall out.

• No stalls. Just slow downs because one week I lose 3 pounds...the next week I stay the same or lose 1.

• Working out like never before. At 51 I'm the healthiest I've ever been in my life.


1 comment

Week 22...

Feb 02, 2012

All I can say is "When the hell was I ever 215??" I can't remember.

Had a huge weight loss this week....over 3 pounds. Could be because I upped my working out to 3 days of strength training instead of two, 3-4 days water aerobics, 3-5 miles a week on the treadmill (walking at 3.0) as well as 1 day of meditation/ahi chi.

I feel great and I'm just looking at it as 15 more pounds 'til my next goal...to get into the "100's"!! Fifteen pounds...only 15 pounds. I simply can't believe what a tool this has been to help me get to this point in my weight loss journey.

It's a miracle.......................xo

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 30, 2011
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