W4: 6wks on Atkins

Aug 02, 2010

To recap - 6-wks at a time/ 10-lbs at a time.
The goal: Lose 59 lbs & get back down to my goal weight - 165 lbs.
The plan: Mental - Consider my weight loss plan in increments of 10-lbs at a time so it is less intimidating & seemingly overwhelming than needing to lose 60 lbs.
Physical - Attack my weight loss by doing 45-60 min's. of cardio 4-5 days/wk + 45-60 Min's weight lifting 4-5 days/wk alternating upper/core/lower/core/upper muscle groups, & 1 hr of yoga 1x/wk
I may have started off that way, but lost steam about 2.5 wks into the program. I noted that over the past week (at least) that I have been putting in just 30 Min's of cardio in the AM session (instead of 45-60 Min's). Why? Ive been getting up later & later, thus not making it to the gym as early as necessary to get in a full 45-60Min's. Additionally, Ive not been going back in the afternoons for PM WO sessions - so i havent been doing the 45-60 Min's weight lifting 4-5 days/wk alternating upper/core/lower/core/upper muscle groups.
Since i "realized" that (i was essentially cheating myself & not holding to my own plan) I adjusted my thinking & behavior. I got up on time twice last week & was able to put in 45 Min's 2x last week. Now i need to add back in the weight training & I'll be back on track.
**That said - my son returns to school in just 2 wks. Over the past 4 wks, Ive really become accustomed to my AM-WO sessions (i like getting in & knowing that its basically done for the day & nothing can interfere w/ that). However, I wont be able to continue once he goes back to school (gotta get him up & going in the AMs & off to school). So I'm kinda at a loss on that right now...

Meal plan: Rotate meal plans every 6 weeks in an attempt to keep my metabolism jumping. Starting off w/ Atkins.
I started with the Atkins program on June 29, 2010. To date, I have lost 13-lbs in 4 weeks. That's an average of 3.25 lbs/wk!
Honestly, I have to say that I am amazed that this diet & exercise thing is actually WORKING as most of the time I feel like I'm winging it. I don't eat any of the foods suggested in the Phase 1 info (listed below). I just pick stuff that's lower carb & low cal. That said, I have been able to stick to a 1300/day cal count.
I still consider myself in the induction phase (or phase 1) b/c i havent yet "learned my lesson" & achieved a steady 20gms of carbs/day per the phase plan. So i repeat the phase each week, until i get it right. Ive been really close & have gotten closer than EVER BEFORE - but I'm not there yet. Here's the info on Phase 1:

Objectives of Induction |  How to Do Induction Right |  What You Can Eat in this Phase
 Supporting You During This Phase |  When to Move On (Q & A)  

I inquired about & kinda started the process of getting the StomaphX procedure. Why? IDK - I thought it might "help" me reach my goal. But in taking into consideration the work I've put in & the rate at which I am current losing, I have opted NOT to pursue the procedure. Additionally, statics show most patients only lose 30-40lbs - that's about all i need to lose, & I think it would be more problematic in the end (swallowing, eating slowly, chewing chewing chewing everything so it doesn't get stuck b/c its really more likely that things WILL get stuck & then Id have to go in for MORE procedures yada yada I like chowing down on my food & shoving spoonful's in my mouth LOL).
so I'll pass on the stomaphX & stay my current course. Its hard work, like nothing I've ever done before, & its paying off. :)


About Me
San Jose, CA
Surgery Date
Sep 15, 2003
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