March 16th, 2009

Apr 03, 2009

313 pounds, I lost 5 pounds from last month. 13 more pounds and i will be at 300! Two more months until my last wieght in. Time flys by so fast. I do have to admit its not easy but with great support of my husband I have made it through.

Febuary 16th, 2009

Apr 03, 2009

Thank you God! 318 pounds, I lost 9 pounds since last wiegh in. Wow! Wow! Wow! is all i have to say. Very happy, very proud!


January 16th, 2009

Apr 03, 2009

Wow 327 pounds! I lost 7 pounds since the last wiegh in. I can't wait until next month.


December 16th 2008

Apr 03, 2009

My first wiegh in and B12 injection. The Scale read 334 pounds. The B12 injection was not as bad as i thought it would be. Of course i'm a big baby when it comes to needles but i didn't feel a thing. I'm motivated and ready to do this! My personal goal is to wiegh at least 300 pounds when its time for surgury. I know deep down inside I can do this but i know its not going to be easy. If this was easy i would of been healthy along time ago!


Follow me through my Journey.......

Apr 03, 2009

December 14th, 2008

Seminar Day! "Wow I'm really going to take the first step in starting a journey that is going to change my life forever....." This is the thought that kept running through my mind. I felt like throwing up! But at the same time I was excited and anxious to meet Dr. Stigmann. Of course I had my supportive husband go with me. At no suprise Dr. Stigmann said i am a perfect canidate for this surgury. My BMI is over 50 which does higher the risk but he predicts everything will go well. I am 25 years old hieght 5'1" and wiegh 338 pounds. Of course i must meet some requirements before surgury. One includes a 6 month diet and I must loose at least 10 pounds. I have no doubt in my mind that i can do this.


About Me
Nov 16, 2008
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