Follow me through my Journey.......

Apr 03, 2009

December 14th, 2008

Seminar Day! "Wow I'm really going to take the first step in starting a journey that is going to change my life forever....." This is the thought that kept running through my mind. I felt like throwing up! But at the same time I was excited and anxious to meet Dr. Stigmann. Of course I had my supportive husband go with me. At no suprise Dr. Stigmann said i am a perfect canidate for this surgury. My BMI is over 50 which does higher the risk but he predicts everything will go well. I am 25 years old hieght 5'1" and wiegh 338 pounds. Of course i must meet some requirements before surgury. One includes a 6 month diet and I must loose at least 10 pounds. I have no doubt in my mind that i can do this.


About Me
Nov 16, 2008
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