Fustrations does not even begin to describe what I feel!

Aug 05, 2008

It's been over a month now since i had my last visit to the psyc. I STILL have no report which I just don't get. I called to my insurance only to find out that they HAVE paid 2 of 3 claims (They are processing the 3rd as we speak) so there is NO way he could be witholding due to payment. AND they over charged me $25!
This is the ONLY thing that stands in the way of me being submitted. I alreayd know the DS is an approved surgery with my insurance provider so that won't be an issue.

I think this brings back the same feelings as when I was searching for my biological family. But in that case it was 6 years of "it's almost done" only to find out none of it was true. I found my family on my own.

So now I'm not so patiently waiting to call the Dr's office for the 4th time in the past 2 weeks. I REALLY don't want to have to go the revoking my rights route:(

NP down, almost ready to submit to insurance!

Jul 15, 2008

After a VERY disappointing day yesterday of not having my pap results back as promised and the psych eval not being written up as promised, I was feeling VERY down today about going to my NP appointment. I had read so many horror stories about how the NP was negative about the DS and would push you towards the RNY.

Anything BUT the above happened, she was WONDREFUL, supportive and understanding. She did not attempt to push me towards any surgery. I told her that  I was most interested in the VSG but was still contemplating the DS. She said that the DS is much easier to get approval for as most insurance companies go based off of what Medicare approves (which the DS is one of them) So we have chosen to submit it as the DS and I will continue to do my research. If I opt only to have the sleeve, then we will stop at that and save the “Switch” for later.  Soon as the psych gets his butt in gear and writes up the report and I get my butt in to get my labs completed, I will be submitted to insurance. She Is thinking either September or early October.

I’m becoming even more obsessed with research and trying to really pin down my 2 options and which will be best for me. I’m back leaning heavily towards the DS again. I just need to make sure that I am honestly committed to a lifetime of taking the supplements that I need.

Psyc eval #2 here we come

Jun 27, 2008

In about an hour I'm going to have apparently what is the ultimate test to find out if I'm crazy or not so this should be interesting. I don't think I am but a few have wondered if I'm bi-polar or not. This doc that I'm seeing now says #1 my ADHD can mimic these effects and #2 the cronic pain I suffer is a HUGE factor in my mood swings, we shall see.

On another happy note, I'm down 9lbs AND it's the FAUX time of the month! While I am VERY excited about this, I also realized that I'm still not back to where I was when I decided to being this journey. I have seriously put on 20lbs since I knew I was going to do this.  My hope is to take this 20 back off and then some for the pre-op. i almost feel like I would be cheating if I don't.

Pysc vist 1 down, 1 to go

Jun 19, 2008

So yesterday I had my psyc eval. I could have KILLED the Dr. when i first met him, the way his eyes went crazy when I said something and the expressions on his face, I could feel myself get defensive. Fast fwd 10 min, I start to realize he has other lil twitches to him. It's NOT him rolling his eyes at me, it looks to be an acutal medical condition, PHEW!

So it turned out that one of his special interests is in ADHD, something I have suffered from for all of my life. I learned more in that 2 hours with him then i had EVER with all my diff dr's over the years.
He also understood my cronic pain and WHY this surgery is almost like my last option for ever living a normal life. He was FANTASTIC!

Needless to say, he said that he has no problems approving me, I have to go back on the 27th for a some kinda 680 question eval to make sure I'm not a psyco. I can't wait to find out if I am!

Psych eval scheduled

Jun 10, 2008

So 2.35 hours and 15 "customer service reps" in various departments later with my insurance company, I was finally given the names of a few psyc's in my area that will do evals. I made a few phone calls and picked one who is very famillar with and seems great over the phone AND could get me in next week!

The road to recovery

Jun 08, 2008

So I figured I should start keeping track of everything, this too while I pray I would never forget, will fade over time. I also have read countless people's profiles and nodded my head while I was reading.

I have decided for sure that the VSG is the surgery I want. I am going to be doing this though OHSU. I went to my Nut appointment with Dietician S. On May 30th. It was a great appointment and she said that I am one of her most educated pt's to this day as far as surgery wants, needs, desires and understanding. That made me feel amazing.

She did a weigh in on me and I can sadly now say that my highest weight is 308lbs. I am shocked, saddened, disgusted and completely motivated all at the same time. I have never been "ok" with stepping on the scale, and I was horrified, but as Nurse S. pointed out, "we have your weight, we can track progress."

When she said this, it all kinda clicked. I AM in charge/control at this time. I have 45 days (well less now) to drop all the weight I can before going to my NP in July. I I can do my pre-preop diet which will #1 make me more healthy for surgery and I’m secretly hoping will speed the process up. I have already done my echo-cardio (I have taken phen-phen before) as well as getting my sleep study done. I will make sure to get my Pap done (just because it’s due) and also ask my Dr to run more labs on me just to have EVERYTHING completed by the time I reach the NP. (Oh yeah, going to be calling around to get psych eval done too)

About Me
Somewhere, OR
Surgery Date
Nov 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 44

Latest Blog 16
weight notes
Didn't think it could be THAT bad but it is! (Ohsu and wait tim
Pre-op lab results as of 08/11/08
Random DS facts that I've had to wrap my mind around
First of many "is this really happenings"
How this process has triggered the same feelings as adopting my
