Karen G. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Beth, Wow, congratulations! You are doing fantastic. Hope we can meet up soon for coffee at Starbucks.

Karen G. 22 years ago

^j^Angel Report^j^ Beth is doing so well, I'm so proud of her! She was able to start eating today, after passing her leak test and getting her NG tube removed. She said her first sip of ice water was fabulous. She is running a temp. of 100.2, and was waiting for the nurse to come in and check it again. She might get to go home on Sunday (what a wonderful Mother's Day gift that would be!) Until the next update...Angel Out ^j^ Nordic

Mary P. 22 years ago

Beth, I hope this finds you feeling better. I hope you are up and around very soon. Look forward to seeing you at support group on monday nights, SOON!

Tina P. 22 years ago

Hi Beth, congratulations on making it to the winning side. God bless you!

Karen G. 22 years ago

^j^Angel touching down for a landing^j^ I talked to Beth tonight by phone. What a difference a day makes. She sounds so much better, I assured her it gets a little better every day. She is still on ice chips and has a tube down her nose and throat. A leak test is scheduled for tomorrow, and if all goes well...out comes the tube, and she will get to start eating. What a trooper Beth is...she answers the phone, and asks me how I am....lol. That's it for today's update. ^j^Angel out!

Karen G. 22 years ago

^j^Angel*Report #2^j^: I spoke with Beth tonight, she sounded tired. She said "she felt like she got hit by a truck". She's nauseous, and has been allowed to have ice chips and everyone's favorite...the lemon swab. She has been up and walking. I'll talk to her again tomorrow night, and will keep everyone posted. Angel out...

Tracy P. 22 years, 1 month ago

Beth~ Congratulations on your surgery. May your doctor's be skilled, your nurse's be compassionate and your recovery be speedy. ~xoxo

Bonnie G. 22 years, 1 month ago

Your Angel-Karen flew by to tell us that U are doing fine and in a room. Glad to hear that U are recovering nicely. This is an exciting day to share with all of us. Now U are officially on the other side - The Loser's Club, Congratulations on reaching for your dream and making it come true. Your Canadian Postie Sis...

kylakae 22 years, 1 month ago

Beth, congratulations on making a safe journey to the losing side. Get plenty of rest now and take good care of yourself and your new pouch! I look forward to watching your progress!

Karen G. 22 years, 1 month ago

^j^Angel*Report^j^ I just spoke with Beth's nurse; Beth did well through surgery, and is resting in her room. I didn't want to disturb her tonight, but will probably talk to her tomorrow sometime. Way to go Beth! You're officially a postie! ^j^Angel out..for now.
About Me
Dublin, OH
Nov 22, 2001
Member Since
