Getting very anxious...

Sep 10, 2008

9-10-08 - I am getting very anxious.  Less than a week to go!  Only two more days of real food, then I have to switch to two days of liquids prior to my surgery.  Judy called me today to go over last minute details before my surgery.  I asked her a few last minute questions as well.  I have been sleeping alright the last two nights, but tonight my stomach is just tearing up thinking about the surgery.  Tomorrow is my son's birthday, but we are actually celebrating it on Friday after he gets out of school.  We will be making homemade pizzas and of course birthday cake.  Probably the last birthday cake I will ever eat lol. 

I tried to call Andrea today at the hospital to see how she was doing, but she was not in her room at the time.  Then I was busy all evening and never got a chance to give her a call back.  I hope she is doing well and everything went just fine for her.  I am going to try and call her again tomorrow morning, hopefully before she is discharged from the hospital. 

I have my list of things that I need to pack ready to go and will do that Saturday.  I can't believe the time is just about here.  This month so far has flown right by.   I need to go buy a sewing tape measurer, since I cannot find my other one so I can get my measurements prior to leaving on Sunday for Bismarck.  I also will take my pre op picture too.  Judy took a couple pictures of me at my very first consultation with them, but that must just be for their personal records.  I believe I am as prepared as I can be for the surgery, and probably have gone a little overboard on some things lol.  I just want to be as prepared as possible so I can be as comfortable as possible when I come home with as less stress as possible.  I will have enough stress I am sure with pain and uncomfortness from my other conditions.  So I am just trying to be prepared.  I am at the point where I am ready to have this over with, but dont be fooled about all the scary things running through the back of my head.  I am trying not to think about them too much, but they are definitely present. 

Actually Losing Some Pre-Op Weight

Sep 04, 2008

9/4/08 - It is a miracle.  I have stuck pretty well to my 1500 calorie diet since I started it.  I weighed myself today and I am down to 369.  It is amazing!  Normally, once I hit a weight, I am stuck there, never going up or down.  I have been stuck at 374 for a very long time since getting there. 
I am still anxiously awaiting Sept. 15th.  I am ready for it to be over with already.  August never seemed like it was going to end, and finally has.  So far these first few days of Sept. have flown right by.  I am expecting a phone call from Judy anytime in the next week as she informed me at my last appointment. 

I have not been sleeping well at all and not feeling completely up to par the last few days.  I took an Ambien the other night and I will not be taking anymore of those from now on.  It took a long time for me to fall asleep and I woke up feeling absolutely miserable, like I was hit by a Mack truck.  And since then I have felt real crappy.  So, no more Ambien for me.  I cannot end up sick.  I am also having a lot of issues with my allergies since it is so dry out here and all the haying and stuff going on in the fields.  So I really need to be careful, so it doesn't turn into something more and ends up postponing my surgery. 

Diet Plans recommended by Dr. Bruderer for Post-Op

Aug 25, 2008

8/25/08 - I am going to post my diet plans here mainly because I have been asked by many people what that consist of. This way I will also have it in front of me here to and not just buried in my binder here at home. 

Week 1 (9/16) - Clear liquid diet - 1 cup, 6 times per day

Week 2  (9/23) - Full liquid and Pureed - 4 - 6 TBSP. (1/4 - 1/3 C.) 6 times per day and 1 cup liquid, 6 times per day

Week 3 (9/30) - Dental Soft - 4 - 6 TBSP.(1/4 -1/3 C.) 6 times per day and 1 cup liquid, 6 times per day

Week 4 (10/7) - GI Soft - 4 - 6 TBSP. (1/4 - 1/3 C.) 6 times per day and 1 cup liquid, 6 times per day

Week 5 (10/14) - GI Soft - 6 - 8 TBSP. (1/3 - 1/2 C.) 5 times per day and 1 cup liquid, 6 times per day

Week 6, 7, 8 (10/21, 10/28, 11/4) - Regular - 6 - 8 TBSP. (1/3 - 1/2 C.) 5 times per day and 1 cup liquid, 6 times per day

Week 9, 10, 11, 12 (11/11, 11/18, 11/25/ 12/2) - Regular - 8 - 12 TBSP. (1/2 - 3/4 C.) 4 times per day and 1 cup liquid, 6 times per day

Week 13 and beyond (12/9) - Regular - 12 - 16 TBSP. (3/4 - 1 C.) 3 times per day, Snacks - 4 - 8 TBSP. (1/4 - 1/2 C.) 1 - 3 times per day and 1 cup liquid, 6 times per day

Clear liquid diet - decaffinated beverages, sugar free beverages, Crystal light, low sugar sports drinks, sugar free gelatin, sugar free popsicles, strained 100% fruit juices, fat-free clear broth or bouillon, plain hard candy.  Tips: Take 1 swallow every 15 seconds or take 5 to 15 minutes to drink 1 fluid ounce.  No gulping!

Full Liquid Diet - (Foods that are liquid or become liquid at body temperature, start protein, all foods should be sugar free or lite) Sugar free cocoa, skim or fat free milk, protein supplements, malt o meal, sugar free puddings, fat free yogurt, fat free half and half, 100% nectars, orange juice, low fat cream soups (strained if needed), tomato juice, sugar substitute, plus other foods already mentioned.

Pureed Diet - (Texture similar to whipped topping, squash or baby food, shouldn't have to chew anything, eat and drink slowly, drink liquids 30 to 60 minutes before and after eating solid food)  Lite margarine, oil, low fat gravies, fat free mayo, fat free salad dressings, fat free whipped toppings, fat free sour cream, fat free cream cheese, pureed fruits (no strawberries, raspberries or blueberries), unsweetened applesauce, fruit smoothies, pureed lean meats, pureed cottage cheese, pureed meat casseroles, low fat cheese sauces, egg custard, mashed potatoes, pureed macaroni, pureed rice, mashed sweet potatoes, blended soups, pureed vegetables (no corn, lima beans, fresh peas or kidney beans), salt, pepper, bland spices, herbs, plus other foods already mentioned.  Tips: Remove skins from fruit before pureeing.  Add mashed potatoes to soups to thicken.

Dental Soft Diet- (Foods are low fiber and not spicy, Keep meats and other foods moist, other foods such as fruit and vegetables cut into pieces size of pencil eraser, CHEW FOOD VERY WELL, eat and drink slowly) - Crisp white toast, plain snack crackers, low fat stuffing, low fiber/low sugar cooked and dry cereals, chopped/lite canned fruits, bananas, pears, peaches, melons, cooked or baked fruit, ground meat, poultry, baked fish, casseroles, beanless chili, meatloaf, creamy peanut butter, low fat cottage cheese, eggs, egg substitutes, tofu, tuna, canned chicken, mashed or baked potatoes, low fat scalloped potatoes, white rice, soft pasta or noodles, low fat broth based soups, low fat cream soups, well cooked soft vegetables and all other foods already mentioned. 

GI Soft Diet - (Foods are still low in fiber and not too spicy, meats, fruits, vegetables and other foods diced into small pieces size of diced carrots, eat and drink slowly, chew foods well) Oatmeal, diced tender lean meat, low fat deli meat and all other foods already mentioned.

Regular Diet - (Gradually add one new food a day, higher fiber fruits/vegetables and whole grains, chew food well and continue to dice foods, continue to follow low sugar/low fat diet, avoid caffeine as a lifetime habit, avoid alcohol as a lifetime habit, if I do not tolerate a food, try again in a couple of weeks and continue to try for up to two years, separate liquids from solids for about 6 months to avoid dumping, continue protein for life) whole grain breads, brown rice, whole grain pasta, whole grain crackers, low fat waffles, low fat pancakes, popcorn, oatmeal, whole grain low sugar cereals, low sugar and low fat desserts in small portions, fat free yogurt, 100% fruit juice, light syrup canned fruit, fresh fruit, unsweetened frozen fruit, dried fruit, round and loin cuts of red meat, seafood, chicken and turkey without skin, low fat luncheon meats, venison, low fat cheese, beans, beef jerky, baked french fries, baked potato chips, fresh/frozen or canned vegetables, lettuce salad, sugar free lite syrup, sugar free jelly, taco sauce, salsa, nuts, seeds and all other foods already mentioned.

Foods to avoid lifetime:
Caffeinated beverages, sweetened beverages, whole milk, 2% milk, alcohol, white bread, pretzels, snack crackers, low fiber sweetened cereals, high sugar desserts, sherbet, high fat desserts, sweetened juice, canned fruit in heavy syrup, frozen fruit with syrup, rich sauces for instance Alfredo, bacon, olives, butter, all other fats not already mentioned, tough and dry meats, fried and breaded meats, high fat sausage, bologna, hot dogs, regular cheese, fried hashbrowns, deep fried french fries, regular chips, white rice, potato skins, high fat cream soups, vegetables with high fat sauces, sugar, honey, syrup, jelly and candy.

My Pre-Op Appointment

Aug 25, 2008

8/25/08 - We went down to Bismarck on 8/17 for my appointment on 8/18.  We went and did some school shopping for our son on Sunday and stayed overnight at Super 8.  When we arrived at the appointment, I went and registered and then went to the business office to take care of my payment.  At that time they also pre-registered me for my surgery.  Then we went up and first I had my vital, weight taken and was given the EKG, then Judy came in to see me.  We went over a few things and questions that I had for the doctor.  All of my questions were answered except for the pubic catheter one that I have serious concerns about.  She told me to talk more about it to Deb.  Deb was next to come in and see me.  I found out that Deb and Dr. Bruderer will be working very close together as far as them being the ones who do rounds, etc. while I am in the hospital.  She went over a few things with me as well.  I then brought up the pubic catheter issues I have.  We discussed it in very detail and explained my experiences in the past with her.  She was not sure what will happen with it, but had a very clear understanding of my past history with catheters.  She told me to remind them again when I am admitted into the hospital as she will discuss it further with Dr. Bruderer.  So as of this point, I still do not know if I will have the pubic catheter put into place or not. 

After seeing Deb, we then went down to lab to have my bloodwork done and then over to Xray.   We then had about 45 minutes until my nutritionist appt.  We went down to the cafeteria and fed our son, who thankfully was doing very well sitting around in waiting rooms, etc. while we were seeing everyone. 

We then went to the nutritionist appointment.  There I was finally able to meet Nicole and Andrea.  They were both great ladies.  I was so glad to finally be able to meet them, although we did not have much time to actually talk.  Andrea will be having her surgery on the 8th, and Nicole will be having surgery the same day as I am.  They are both on my friends list if you would like to visit their profiles.  Anyways, the nutritionist went through page by page what our post op diets will be.  During the appt. she had out a set of measuring cups.  It was very interesting to see how when my stomach will be the size of an egg, or 1/4 cup, how we are supposed to gradually put 1/2 c., 3/4 c. to a full 1 cup of food and fluid into that small 1/4 c. sac.   Seems almost impossible to me lol.  I had a bunch of questions for the nutritionist that were answered.  Most important thing to remember post op is to get our protein in!  Meats or protein rich foods come first, then vegetables then everything else after that if there is still room to get it in.  Protein is such an important part of our body for many different reasons.  And with taking in so little food, that is the most important thing we need to get in.  Hubby and I learned quite a bit from this appointment.   I am so glad that he has been there through every single step with me so that once surgery is over, he will know exactly what is happening, what is expected and needed, etc.  It will as they continually say, change our lives forever in many different ways.

Once that appointment was over, we then left, made a quick stop at Menards to pick up some lumber and headed home.

Friday we went grocery shopping and bought a bunch of meat as usual.  When we got home, I divided the meat up into a bunch of individual packages of 1 oz., 2 oz., and 3 oz. portions.  This way, since I HAVE to eat so often throughout the day, all I have to do is pull a package out to prepare for myself.  I will gradually increase to the 3 oz. over the first 6 weeks, so I prepared some of each portion sizes, so they are ready to go. 
I am getting very anxious for Sept. to roll around.  Surgery is still scheduled for Sept. 15th.  I will be admitted into the hospital at midnight.  Surgery will take 1 to 1 1/2 hours. I should be released on Sept. 18th if everything goes well, then we will be staying an extra 2 days as recommended by the surgeon just incase I have any problems.  Hubby will be in a hotel the entire week.  My father in law will be coming out to stay with our son, since he will be in school. 

Exercise, etc. and issues

Aug 11, 2008

08/11/2008 - I have been keeping up with my 1500 calorie diet real well the last week with no problems at all.  I have also been very down and out and in major chronic pain from a major fibro flare and also working out muscles that I have not worked for a long time.  I am a bit worried about post op with my exercising.  There is no way I can live with this pain and I am not able to function at all, not that I can really function to begin with. 

I have gotten tons of information and ideas from people here from sharing my concerns about this on Q&A.  Many people though do not realize that I have gone through numerous pain specialists in the past, and that I am extremely limited to who I can see as I do not live in a highly populated state and have the option to just go from pain specialist to pain specialist.  I have also taken just about every medicine they have all suggested to me.  If any of them worked, I would not be having these issues.  I really wanted to take one of the valium I have here, but I did not, as I want to save them for closer to surgery.  I plan to discuss this more with the nurse at my pre op to see if she can offer any suggestions or help to deal with this pain. 

Yesterday, I went and picked up my recumbent exercise bike.  I am excited to try it out, but also very leary of the pain I will endure yet again after using it.  Hopefully it will get put together tonite after hubby gets home from work. 

Other than all that, I am going crazy waiting here.  August seems to be going by very slow so far compared to the rest of the year :(   We are going down to Bismarck on Sunday for my pre op appt. on Monday.  I am excited to meet two ladies from here who also have their pre ops on Monday and one of the ladies is having her surgery the same day as I am. 

New diet, updates, etc.

Aug 04, 2008

8-4-08 - On Friday I received papers from the surgeons office confirming my pre op appt. and surgery date.  In that letter, it stated that I am to check into the hospital at 12:01 AM Sept. 15th.  I have to be on a clear liquid diet for 2 days prior to surgery.  I have to drink a laxative the night before at 5 pm to clean myself out.  I can't wait! NOT!  Im sure that will be a real blast sitting in a hotel room on the crapper all night lol.  

I was given 3 prescriptions.  One for the laxative, one for Valium and one for Ambien.  I went and got those filled on Saturday so they are all set for when I need them.  I am a bit anxious to take the Valium, since that is the only pain med I have been given prior where I was actually able to walk on my own.  Even though they are given me the med for anxiety and nervousness prior to surgery, I am actually looking forward to possibly being pain free when I take them.  All the doctors I have had in the past will not prescribe it to me because of obvious addiction reasons, etc.  But it sure would be nice to be pain free. 

They also reminded me about the protein and multi-vitamin.  Well I have already been taking those for a couple weeks now. 

They also encolosed a new diet plan that I need to follow until 2 days prior to surgery.  I will not be able to weigh more on surgery day than I do on my pre op day.  So  I need to be careful and hope that my thyroid does not cause me to gain any.  That would really suck!!! So I now have a 1500 calorie diet, low fat, low sugar diet. 

I also received my papers from the financial dept. Friday too.  I was shocked when all I have to pay out of pocket is $692.  I thought it would be at least double that amount.  They say that is what we owe for our coinsurance amount, but I need to look into it, because as far as I know, prior to them sending this letter out, our coinsurance was alot less than that.  So I am not sure exactly how they came up with that amount.  The surgery estimate will cost $20,828.00.  So I am glad I do not have to pay 20% of that.  I thought for sure I would have to and that would turn out to be my nightmare in all this.  But thankfully in reality it is a very small amount I will have to pay.  So I plan to pay what we owe when I go in for my pre op appt.  since it has to be paid in full within 10 days of surgery. 

Saturday we went grocery shopping and bought all new foods for me to start eating for this new diet.  It took us hours to get out of the store, because both me and the hubby had to read everything and more that we bought so we knew that we were buying the right things lol.  I set up an account at to start keeping track of my food intake and fitness.  That is a really cool site and it is all free.  If anyone is interested in checking out my progress there, the website is

Today, I did some rearranging in the kitchen to prepare myself for postop.  I took a set of cupboards that is easy access for me and put all my food into it and things that I need post op.  That way I will not be trying to get around the kitchen for this and that.  It will all be in one place.  I also split up a bunch of jerky, carrot sticks and peanuts for my snacks while on this diet.  That way I can just grab a bag and not worry about eating to much at once.  So far the last two days, I have done excellent at staying below 1500 calories without really any effort. 

So that is about it for now.  I have some really mixed emotions tonight about surgery as I received information about someone passing away today after RNY while in recovery.  How horrible that must be for their family when they were all looking so forward to a new future.  I do not know exactly what happened or anything, but it really brings the reality of it to life how dangerous this surgery can be.  My stomach has been turning and I have felt really crappy since I found out. I am sure it is some anxiety, etc. creeping up on me and I am thinking about taking one of those valiums, but do not want to unless I need to in order to save them for closer to my surgery if I need them then. 

Getting ready for surgery..

Jul 31, 2008

7/31/08 -  I have been doing a lot of research here on this site and many other places in the internet world too.  I have been trying to prepare myself as much as possible for after surgery.  I am taking my protein and found one I like, taking my multi-vitamin, trying to stick to a low carb, low sugar diet and also printing out a bunch of recipes, etc. for after surgery.  I have made myself a grocery list for the things I can have on my liquid/pureed diet for 2 weeks after so that we can purchase those items right before surgery.  I have been going swimming a couple times a week and doing my workouts in the pool that I learned from aquatherapy back in March.  I am also using a stretch thing for my arms. 

Today I purchased a recumbent type bike exerciser since I found out it may be weeks before I can get in the pool after surgery.  The nurse told me the other day that I will not be able to go into the pool until my incisions are completely healed.  And that could be anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 or 8 weeks depending on how they heal.  And in this time, they recommend tons of walking to the best of your ability.  Well that is not something I can do at this point, so I debated between a tread mill (so I can hold on to bars and walk) and an exercise bike.  The recumbent bike I came across after tons of research is lot cheaper than a treadmill, so I bought one.  I wont get it for a couple of weeks at least, because I am having it shipped to the store and that seems to take longer than direct ship to my house.  So now I am excited to start using the new bike. 

I also have a bunch of questions written down, things for the doctor and the dietician, althogh some of the questions I had answered the other day from the nurse when she called.  One of my biggest questions, and still is even after talking to the nurse is because of experience in the past, from childbirth and three other major surgeries, I have always had trouble peeing after being catherized and it has kept me in the hospital for up to 3 days longer than I should have been there just because I could not pee.  I am like allergic to the tubing, etc. or something and it like swells me up very bad and then things just do not work right.  Well my last major surgery I had, I had a pubic cather put in place, which goes through your pubic area through a hole in your skin.  The nurse says that they normally will not do that and questioned me about it.  Then she told me to discuss it more when I come down for my pre op appt and they would make a determination then.  I really do not want to be stuck in the hospital for longer just because of that, and it is so uncomfortable, because I have to pee and cant and then they just continue to catherize you and flare things up, so its a ring around the rosy process. 

So other than all that, I have been preparing myself as much as possible for my post surgery process as well as my pre op.  I am so excited and so anxious for Sept. to get here now.  I can not wait to start my life over and do the things that I have always wanted to do, especially since having a son who I would love to be doing so much more with.  Instead of sitting arond all summer long, we could be out doing "physical" things and enjoying life and time spent together.  One day I will be able to do that!

I have a date!!

Jul 30, 2008

7/30/08 - Wooooooooo I have my surgery date!! Surgery will be Sept. 15th and my pre op appointment will be Aug. 18th.  At that appointment I will have to have an EKG done, blood work, chest x ray, talk to the nurse and see the dietician.  I was also told I need to have my portion of the payment into the financial dept. 10 days prior to surgery.  Hopefully it wont be too much.  I am a bit worried about our coinsurance cost.  I have already met our deductible as far as I know.  Then I believe I will be responsible for 20% of the costs.  I will know more when I receive all my papers from Dr. Bruderer's office probably by the end of this week.  Is it Sept. yet?


Jul 29, 2008

7/29/08 - I received my approval letter in the mail today from the insurance company!!! Now I just need to set up my pre op and surgery dates!!!

Some updates

Jul 27, 2008

7/27/08 - I went and saw Dr. Bruderer on July 15th for my consultation.  Everything went great with the appointment.  They gave me a very full binder to read through from everything prior to surgery, to the day of surgery, to the days after surgery to the rest of my life to live by.  I was told to read it and know it.  They took my weight and vitals and all and figured out my exact bmi, etc.  I talked to Dr. Bruderer about which surgery to have as I was debating between the gastric sleeve and regular gastric bypass.  After talking with him, we decided my best option would be regular gastric bypass aka RNY.  He assured me everything would go good, that I was at a perfect age to have the surgery, explained some things to me, etc.  He really is a great and personable doctor!  He had laryngytous(sp?) while I was there which was kind of funny watching and listening to him try to talk.  It actually kind of removed some of the apprehension I was feeling prior to the appt.  I was told to start my protein supplement and multi vitamins.  I was told to start my low sugar, low carb diet as well. 

I was told everything would be sent off to the insurance company by the end of the week and would know about approval in 2 weeks time.  As of yet, I have not heard anything after calling the insurance company and Dr. Bruderer's office.  The insurance company received everything on July 21st.  They all told me I could be having surgery by the end of August.   I am soooooo excited!!

When we left there, we went to GNC to check out their protein supplements.  I bought a bunch of different kinds to try out so that once it was time for surgery, I had something in place to use.  I have since grown to like Isopure Chocolate.  The others I do not care for so much at all, but will probably be good for when we are on the go, since they come in already premixed ready to drink formulas.  I can handle the Whey liquid protein bullets somewhat, so that is probably what I will stock up on for my "on the go" type supplement. 

I have also started taking my multivitamin.  I bought chewables right away, since buying in larger quanity was cheaper and I will need chewables after surgery.  OMG are they disgusting!! I am taking Centrum Chewables. 

I have also started trying to eat some low sugar, low carb items.  Since I have never purchased this type of food before, I have been doing a lot of research and just the other day, I wandered around through Walmart, while waiting for another store to open, and read the labels of a bunch of different foods to get an idea of what I am looking for, etc.  I have also been getting a few of my "lasts" in.  My "lasts" being the foods I will never be able to eat again lol.  Although I have been feeling really sick to my stomach the last week and basically having to force food down me.  I think it is all from stress and anxiety of the surgery.  So I really even have not eaten much of my "lasts" yet. 

On the way home from Dr. Bruderer's office, which is a good 3 hour ride, I read through my binder they gave me and went over certain things in it with my hubby.  I have been searching out recipes, etc. to make for post op, and also to ask questions if need be for the dietician about any of the ingredients.   I have also joined a couple of online support groups since there are none in my area.  They seem to be great groups, but some of the information provided by members seems to be conflicting, etc.  So I just need to be careful to what I hear from others and really go by what Dr. Bruderer suggests, etc. 

I was also told to start my exercise program when I was at my appt.  This comes as difficult to me being the physical state I am in.  So, I talked to the hotel here in town and I can use their pool for a small charge.  We also have a water park here too and so far last week I have been swimming twice and have worked out with what I learned in water therapy back in February for my fibro and degenerative disc disease.  I also purchased weights, that go from 1 lb. to 5 lbs to wear on my ankles while in the pool for extra resistance while working out in the deep water.  I also purchased a band type thing to do minimal exercising with on my upper body on the days that I do not go to the pool.  At this time, there is no way I can even think about doing both the same day or I will be in so much pain and I am already in severe chronic pain just being me. 

So that sums up what has been going on the last couple of weeks so far.  I am very very anxious to hear from the surgeon that I have been approved so that I can get my date set up.  One of my biggest concerns right now is trying to figure out what we will do about our son, since I will be having surgery when he is back in school.  And the hospital is 3 hours away and then we have been told to stay in a hotel 1 to 2 days afterwards to make sure everything is ok, once I am released from the hospital.  So, I am hoping that maybe my father in law can come stay with our son during that time, although hubby thinks that son can take care of himself.  I do not think so!!! Maybe one or two days, but not a whole week. 

About Me
Watford City, ND
Surgery Date
May 21, 2008
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