03.25.09 It's been awhile........

Mar 25, 2009

I hope everybody has been doing okay.

So, where have I been? 

Let's see....

Had car accident, hurt my back really bad and was out of commission for a bit.  Been going to physical therapy 4x a week to fix my back and it's been working.

Had hormonal depression brought on by menopause..well that's what my GYN told me.   I had to have a hysterectomy last year and my hormones have been all over the place since then.  For some reason, they got super out of whack a few months ago and let me tell ya, it was not pretty.  I was crying all of the time and when I wasn't crying..I was eating.    I probably gained about 20 some odd pounds since the last time I post here. 

Because of the accident and my mini bout with depression, I had to put stuff on hold for a minute.  I missed my appt with the WLS surgeon and when I tried to reschedule, they gave me an appt date of OCT. 1st!  I was like hell nawl.   
Oh well, I spoke to several folks, my PCP and went online to find another WLS surgeon.  After my research, I'm glad to say that I'll be attending Dr. Sosa seminar next Thursday! Whoo~hoo!     I'm so ready to get this party started y'all!!

Any-ho, I hope y'all have a blessed day!


01.28.09 Hello all! Just trying to add some music......Enjoy!

Jan 28, 2009

Still trying to post my playlist on here and it is not working!

ETAl: Got the music going!  Thanks again YESS!

01.22.09 And the walls came tumbling down.....

Jan 22, 2009

And all because of a chicken wing!!

I was doing so well on my diet or healthy eating habits or whatever you want to call it and then BAM!!  A chicken wing.  That's all it took for me to fall off the wagon.  Once I placed that juicy, delicious chicken wing in my mouth, I knew I could not stop at one.  It's like a drug calling me, tormenting me.  It was 2, then 4 and then 12 wings in total.  I look at the plate of bones in total shame.  How could I?!  What's going to happen when I have WLS?  Will I be able to control myself? 

*** shakes fist in the air **


Umm...by the way, I'm back on the wagon as of today.

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01.12.09 It's been one whole week.....

Jan 12, 2009

And so far, so good.  I've been eating nothing but fruits and veggies during the day and drinking my meal replacement shakes at night.  I've also been getting my water in!  I just need to keep this up for the next few weeks and then I'm going to do an all liquid diet for a week.  I'm going to need prayer for that one.

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01.08.09 My name is Linda and I'm an addict....

Jan 08, 2009

There, I said it!

I have been addicted to Dunkin Donut's ice coffee for the past 6 months now and I can't shake the habit!!!  For months, it is a must for me stop by DD's to get a large ice coffee, french vanilla, cream and sugar w/caramel swirl.  Do you know calories that large coffee contains?!!  How much sugar?!!  Lawd, you really don't want to know!   Yesterday, I told myself, "Linda, you are NOT going to DD's this morning" and I was good 'til about 10am.  I started shaking, sweating, demanding people to get me an ice coffee from DD immediately!  Ok, not really but that's the way I felt!  This morning, my Mazda drove me right to DD's drive thru, my mouth just opened up and said "Yes, one small ice coffee, french vanilla, cream and sugar w/caramel swirl".    Well atleast it was a small. 

I see this as a test.  I know that I will not be able to have that (among other bad but yummy foods) once I have my WLS and this is best time to start breaking my bad eating habits. 
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01.05.09 Happy New Year and a New You!!

Jan 04, 2009

I told myself that I need to lose atleast 20 -25lbs before seeing the WLS surgeon.  So I went to the store and got my fruits, soy milk, yogurt and everything else that I need to get the ball rolling.  I really need to keep in my mind that this is for the long run.  That is a start (again) to get my life and health back on track.  And most importantly,

I'm tired of being fat!

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12.30.08 Inspiration.....

Dec 30, 2008

I know we get our inspiration from different sources but can a shoe be an inspiration to lose weight? 

If that's not inspiration, I don't know what is!

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12.30.08 Aches and pains.....

Dec 30, 2008

My whole entire body hurts.  Knees, ankles, back and chest.  I CAN NOT wait for a pain-free day!!!  I am so tired of literally rolling out of bed limping to get to the bathroom because my left ankle and knee can't take the weight 1st thing in the morning.  Argh!  And how I wish that I can stand longer for 5 minutes before my back gives in and I have to sit my fat ass down somewhere.   I mentioned my aches and pains to my doctor the other day and he started off with those dreaded words.......Because of your weight blah, blah, blah!     

Sigh....I praying for the day when I have my WLS and be done with all theses aches and pains. 

Now, let me get up and take some dayum Aleve.  
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12.26.08 Come on January!

Dec 25, 2008

Aww the holidays.  A time for family, friends, love, joy and ...............................EATING!!!!  My goodness, I really never paid attention to the amount of food that is around during the holiday season.  Folks at work bringing in cookies, cakes, pies and homemade egg nog.  Family members spending hours upon hours in the kitchen preparing the perfect holiday meal.  And dammit, temptation is a mothershutyourmouth!  I nibbled, tasted, sampled and noshed a gain of 5lbs!!!  Imma need for 01.01.09 to get here quick fast and in a hurry!


12.20.08 I got my WLS package from the surgeon today.....

Dec 20, 2008

How exciting!!  I have to read and fill out a bunch forms and answer a lot of health questions.  Once I mail it back, they will contact me to set up a consult with the surgeon. 

I'm on my way folks!!!

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