The official results

Oct 26, 2010

So I went to see the surgeon today for my one year check up..and everything was perfect :) I am a little low on my protein...gotta take that up a notch..BAM! we have to have blood work done to check my B12 again..but all is well otherwise..I have lost 145 pounds from my highest weight..I am so excited!!! This number just blows me away..and the pictures speak for themselves. I hope to get them posted on here soon so that you can all see the difference a year has made in my life. I just got a part time job this last week and will be standing and running around on my shifts..I could never have done that a year ago carrying around all the extra pounds. Hubby has lost 106 pounds and is doing great as well. I am so grateful to have this site to come to and my support groups..thanks to all who comment and give me feedback too..Hugs..Katie

A year ago right now....

Oct 19, 2010

One year ago today at this time I was just getting ready to head into surgery..I was not nervous or scared..I was ready to change my life..and I have! Today is my one year surgiversary and I am celebrating by spending a quiet day at home. I have been very blessed to have a great support system of not just Dr's and staff..but also friends and family. I have been keeping everyone updated on facebook and to see the love they all pour out on me is just so amazing and such a blessing to my spirit. I have also had the support of my husband Zack who will have his one year surgiversary in three weeks..I am so proud of him. I could not ask for a better friend or partner to go through this journey. I was 386 pounds at my heaviest..and at last weigh in a few weeks ago I was 238! I have not been below 250 in a LONG time..and I finally weigh less then my hubby. We go to the surgeon next Tuesday to have our one year follow up..I can't wait to see what my numbers are and what the actual offical weight loss is. I am going to try and get some pictures loaded soon so that everyone can see the new and improved me. I look forward to continued sucess and even better health in the comming years. Thank you all for your kindness and means the world to me. Hugs..Katie

Wow For Now

Jun 28, 2010

Oh my gosh Im so excited I can hardly stand it..I have finally hit the 100 pound mark on my weight loss!!! I have lost 19 pounds since the 17th of May..that means even with vacations and running around I still managed to lose a large amount of weight...I am really happy with this. Hubby is down more as well and I finally weigh less then him for the first time in several years. Mind you its only by three pounds...but hey I will take what I can get. I hope this finds you all well and healthy and big hugs..Katie

4 1/2 months out

Mar 09, 2010

Hello to all..just got home from the surgeons office with DH and we have wonderful news..300 pounds is a thing of the past..not just for me but for DH too!!! I am down another 15.5 pounds and currently weigh 293..which is 93 pounds from my all time highest weight. DH is down 100 from his highest and now weights 285.5..I am so proud of both of us. We see the doctor again in May..I will have to go in before that and be weighed because I don't think I will be able to wait that long to see my numbers. Had to share the good news..I have to post to the boards too and on facebook so all my friends and family know about our current numbers. Thank you all for your encouragement and support

Be Blessed..Katie

P.S. I did NOT cry in the office when I saw my numbers on the scale..but I wanted to..last time I was under 300 was almost 7 years ago!

36 Hours!!!

Mar 07, 2010

So here I am up at midnight on a Sunday and my mind is racing. I can hardly wait until Tuesday morning..DH and I are going to see the surgeon for the first time since our surgeries. We will also be weighed for the first time in over 6 weeks! I can't wait to see what the scale shows. I'm hoping its a big loss..I really am looking forward to scrapping another page into my book about it. I am making a scrapbook about my surgery journey including before and after pictures and stories of what I went through. Its still hard to look at the pictures of me before surgery and believe I really looked like that. I think its important to keep a record of your journey in your own way..this is just the way I'm choosing to document mine for future generations. I want my girls to know someday what I went through with the surgery..I hope it helps keep them motivated to live a healthy lifestyle and keep them from going down the path I did. I am also telling some of my DH story as he is such a big part of mine as well. He loves that I scrapbook and looks forward to seeing the new pages I create for it. I should post pics of the pages on here so you can see some of my artwork. I do much more then just stick pictures on a page :) Well off I go to try and catch some sleep before I have to get up with little girls in the morning..big hugs to all and I will blog again after the appointments on Tuesday. Katie
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Seems like Yesterday

Mar 02, 2010

Hello out there in blog is early and I am up so thought I would drop a short note on my page to keep you all updated. Things are going very well for DH and myself. We have both lost over 65 pounds now and feeling better everyday. We had to buy new work jeans for the hubby as the old ones were in danger of causing mooning he has had to cut 6 inch sections off the ends of his belts. I am down two sizes in tops and four sizes in pants since much fun to go shopping now for clothes..I fit into my best girlfriends jeans!!! She actually made me try them on and they fit..they were a size 18! which is actually 5 sizes down from where I started..HOWEVER..I said I fit into them..I did not say that I could breathe or walk in them!!  She is now trying to convince me to take all her clothes and borrow them because I am just going to under grow them anyway..what a sweetie she is..she is so proud of me . We go to the Dr next week and I will finally know if I have gone below 300 pounds. I cannot wait to see if hubby and I have both actually done it already. It seems like yesterday we had the surgery and next week we might both actually be at a weight that neither of us has seen in over 6 years. I promise to get some full length pictures up on here for all to see our progress. Im hoping the girls at the dr office will email me the before and three month pictures so I can post them on here. At least there is one of my face from just a few weeks ago. No new pics of hubby as of yet..Im trying to get him to sign himself up for his own page and blog for such luck yet..but I think Im wearing him off I go to get kiddos ready for the bus..I hope you have a wonderful day and I look forward to reporting to you next week about our new numbers..until then Be Blessed..Big Hugs..Katie
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Getting Thinner

Dec 03, 2009

Oh my goodness how time has been seven weeks now since my surgery and 4 weeks since my hubby's surgery and we are both feeling amazingly good. We have our moments when we feel crummy for no apparent reason..but over all we are feeling really great. Today Zack put on a pair of jeans he has not been able to wear in over a year and still has room in them :) He was so excited and I am for him too. I am in a size 22 pants down from a 28-30 :) I have not worn jeans in a long time and now I feel so liberated. I bought one outfit for me for Christmas that I cannot wait to wear and I got to buy the pants in the smaller size range!! Have not been able to do that in over 6 years and now I can..I am starting to feel like a new woman. People are noticing my weight loss now and it feels really good. My Mom hugged me yesterday and said she couldn't believe how thin I was getting and then said she was proud of me..I like that people are proud of me because I am proud of me too. Two years to decide to do this was way too long..I wish I would have done this a year ago..But its all in God's timing and the timing was right because I feel wonderful. To those out there who are just starting the process or just out of surgery..keep the faith and stay strong..its all worth it in a very short time :)

Hubby had WLS today!!!

Nov 09, 2009

Today is the 9th of November and my husband Zack had his WLS RNY today! Everything went great just as we expected that it would. He is resting comfortably at the hospital and I am at home trying to rest so I can go and be with him tomorrow. I am so excited his surgery is done and now we can start on the road to being healthy together. I saved him a seat on the loser bench...can't wait until he sits down and holds my hand :)
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Dr. Apt Today went great!

Nov 03, 2009

I had a wonderful visit today with Dr. Christopherson. I have lost 10 pounds since surgery which makes a grand total of 31.5 pounds lost in four weeks. I am very happy with that and look forward to seeing where I am after Thanksgiving when I go back to see the dietitian and the physical therapist. I am going to start walking I should have been walking since the day after my surgery..but I will start today. Bought new tennis shoes and have to put them to good use. Thank you to all the well wishes before and after my surgery. It is so helpful to have encouragement..I look forward to watching my numbers go down and the numbers of my friends go down as well.

Rain Rain go Away

Oct 29, 2009

Hello all out there in blog it is gray and rainy..the kind of day that makes you want to crawl back in bed and sleep the day away..I do not have that option today! My girlies get out of school early and I am taking them to their Great Grandma's house for the afternoon..and then they go to their Grands house for the weekend. I have been doing really good with the protein and trying to find different liquids. The carnation instant breakfast, sugar free of course, and the doubble strength milk has been the best so far..tastes like a choclate milk shake. Some of the other protein stuff has an aftertaste to me that I just cannot stand. I bought one tub of a flavor I wont even drink now because the flavor does not taste good to me since the surgery. I can tell I have lost a little weight because my clothes are fitting better now..will be interested to see on the 3rd of November just how much. I can eat some food on Sunday...soft food but still food..can hardly wait..just a few more days.
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About Me
Davenport, IA
Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2009
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 17
