Is anyone else hungry?

Oct 23, 2009

Ok so today I woke up genuinely hungry! Had not felt hungry for a few days and now am really wanting something to eat. Im on liquids until the 1st of November and am craving something I can chew. A cheeseburger or some mashed potatos sounds so good. cheese, tuna, something other then cream soup and my protein drinks and broth. Has anyone else had this happen or is it just me? I am 4 days post op and just curious..Thanks

Surgery went great

Oct 21, 2009

Im home and doing very well. Dr said my surgery was text book and that he was very pleased. My tummy is feeling great and I am drinking lots of fluids. I am home from the hospital and happy to be done with the surgery.Thanks to all for the well wishes..looking forward to  being thinner by Christmas..can't wait to buy jeans a size smaller :)

Today is "the" Day!!!

Oct 18, 2009

Today is the day..the day of my third birthday...My first was May 15th second was when I was about 5 years old and got saved...and my third is today as I have my RNY and start my new life as a soon to be thinner and healthier woman. I thank God for this website as I have made several wonderful friends and met a sister in Christ through this site. Please keep me in your prayers..I should be home Wed and will post then..I will be a post-op a great week and see you very soon..Katie
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Today Stinks

Oct 15, 2009 is one of "those" days..I went to the bariatric center today and they weighed me..I gained two pounds..I had been losing big numbers on my pre surgery diet of no carbs and then all a sudden BAM...2 pounds...sooo frustrating..I cried. They were so sweet to me and the nurse talked to me about it and said its prolly just due to my cycle or something and not to worry that Dr would look at my history and most likely not cancel my surgery. This after the nurse on Monday told me that if I gained weight by the day of surgery that they would cancel and I would have to reschedule...I am so upset..I know I need to take it to God and ask that he take my fear and upset away and give me peace about this..I just needed to vent and tell how I am feeling today..Lets hope that Monday goes better and that they do not cancel my surgery on me. I will sit down and pray and know that I will feel better after I do..God fixes everything


Oct 12, 2009

OH my goodness where to begin..I went to two more appointments at the bariatric center today and saw a therapist and the nurse. The therapist just wanted to make sure that I was aware of my bad habits and starting new good habits after surgery. The nurse told me all about my surgery..where to go the day of and what to bring to the hospital and yada yada...and then she tells me..we weigh you before we even take you back to have your Iv and stuff done and if you have gained any weight we cancel the surgery!!!! I was like OMG...what happens if I start my cycle and I have water weight and gain a pound or two? She was very sweet and said that would not happen because of meds I am on and to just not worry about it..easy for her to now I'm worried about it..I lost another pound from Thursday last week..I guess I should take that as a good sign and not worry about gaining any..I am doing what they told me and not over eating and I have not cheated at all so why in the world would I gain any weight??? If I don't get this load off my brain that will put weight on me for getting so excited only 6 more days till my surgery. I hope this week goes by fast for me. I am praying all goes well..not just for myself but for the other people having surgery the same day that I am..and those friends of mine that are still in the process. This is so life changing..I really had no idea 6 months ago that this is where I would be today and this is how I would be feeling..but it is


Oct 08, 2009

I saw the surgeon today and had a great visit :) I used to hate being weighed and now I am so happy to jump on a scale at the office. I knew I would have lost a little weight (or at least I hoped I had) but I was not prepared for what I saw...I have lost 7.5 pounds!!! In four days no less..I am so thrilled! The good Dr. C was proud of me and told me to keep up the good work. It feels good to be finally beating my weight issues..go me :)

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Where to Begin?

Oct 07, 2009

I am Katie..a 30 yr old woman, wife, mother, daughter, granddaughter, friend, and scrapbooker. I have been overweight most of my adult life, never happy with my looks. I have taken two years to come to the decision to have RNY surgery. I wish I could say the decision was easy for me and I just knew it was the thing to did not happen that way for me. I had to pray about it and do research about anything and everything that could happen and was I willing to take the risks. As I was doing all this my health kept deteriorating. I now have high blood pressure, depression, and have to be on medication. This made it even more important to make a decision.

I went to see Dr Christopherson here in Davenport to see if surgery was what I really wanted. It took us a year after taking the information class to actually make the Dr appointments. I say "us" becuase my husband Zachary is going through the same thing right now. He is having RNY as well three weeks after my surgery. So we are totally doing this together. It is scary to think that someone else would have to raise our children if we don't do something about our health. Between the two of us our copays for medication are over two hundred dollars a month now. We just cannot afford to go on living the way we are.  Health wise and money wise we are making ourselves sick.

So back to the good Dr. C and the people at the Bariatric Center at Genesis East in Davenport Iowa. They are so wonderful there..nice and make us feel right at home and comfortable. Everything in the office is bigger and made for plus size people. I never realizd how uncomfortable I was in a smaller chair until I went to the office and sat in a chair that was made for someone my size..what a difference..and what a rude awakening at the same time.

That was another reason I decided to have the surgery..I started to not fit into places that I love to go. The seats at our big civic center where all the big shows come is now off limits to me..I do not fit in the seats. I can't be mad at anyone but myself because I did it to myself. That has been the hardest part of this whole expirience is realizing that I am the one that has to take responsiblity for all of this and get over it and move on with my life. I can't have a constant pity party because that will get me nowhere. If I want to lose weight and be healthier I have to do it myself for myself..not anyone else.

That being said,,doing it for myself does not just benefit myself..but my family and my friends, my church and my community as well, Because I will be a more productive person when all is said and done.

So after many appointments, insurance approval, financial ability, and every other issue addressed..I picked a surgery date. It is offical I am having the RNY surgery. On October 19th 2009 I will start my journey into being a new and improved me. Im excited and scared about the whole process. I have made a scrapbook showing everything from my starting pictures and there will be surgery pics and lots of after pictures. I look forward to sharing this book with my friends and family and one day my daughters who will understand better with age why I chose to do this..not just for me..but for them too.


About Me
Davenport, IA
Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2009
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 17
