
Aug 31, 2009

This is a letter I just finished writing to Tatem:

When did it all start? Hard to say really.  I had been the skinny kid then the pudgy kid and then the skinny kid and by high school I was the skinny kid who thought she was the pudgy kid which resulted in myself becoming anorexic and dropping lots of pounds.  Luckily that didn't last long but it did cause my metabolism to go out of whack.
Then in grade eleven (2002) I met a guy and he and I had a long six year relationship where we would eat out constantly and eat junk food together and he always had ice cream at his house! oh it was delicious!  About halfway through that relationship I went "hey, I look fat in this skin".  I had ballooned to 302lbs. My highest weight ever.

I started trying conventional methods of weight loss, slim fast, lean cuisine, nutritionists, gym membership, personal trainer. But it didn't work because I wasn't ready to lose.  I was still madly in love with chocolate!! Fast forward to 2008, I've lost about ten lbs and my boyfriend has broken up with me.  I'm now determined to lose weight.  I go to see my family doctor about seeing a surgeon for WLS and he sets up the consult.  My consultation went great and they say I'll be approved by the government in two shakes of a second. (In Canada the government pays). Great! I go to see the nutritionist and the social workers and I start thinking, maybe I should give it one more go. Maybe now that I'm ready to lose weight I should see if I can do it on my own.  So I cancel my appointments and inform my surgeon's office that I'm not ready.

I start walking everyday and cut out the junk food, I'm down another ten lbs.  I start to realize that this gusto won't last forever so I go for outside resources and join LA weight loss, which at the time I didn't know had collapsed in the states and filed for bankruptcy.  There Iose another 18 lbs and then they go bankrupt up here and I'm left alone.
I'm still doing okay though haven't really gained weight back.  I'm down from 302 to 263.  I told myself when I lost fifty pounds I could get my labret pierced.


About Me
Sep 28, 2008
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