I'm Stuck!!

Nov 24, 2007

11/25/07  I am at 152# and holding. I have been stuck on this weight for over a month now but I will not be discouraged by it.  My weight fluctuates between 151 and 154# but most days it is 152#. I know this is just a mean old plateau and I'm not going to let it get the best of me.  The holiday season is here and instead of giving up until the new year,  I'm going to continue to fight the fight. I know that I need to be more consistent with going to Curves and getting back to the 3x a week routine. I'm also going to get back to my walking 3x a week. I'm pretty sure that will get my metabolism going again.  Our latest Biggest Loser contest just ended and during the12 weeks between July 30 and Oct 22 and I lost 9 pounds!! Even though the contest is over I plan to continue with the monthly weigh-ins until the next session begins.

Down 28# and counting...

Sep 06, 2007

9/1/07  I did my weekly weigh in today and I lost 2 more pounds!  My current weight is 153#--down 28 pounds from my highest post-op weight.  I have to get back into going to Curves 3 times a week to keep up with the wls lifestyle for continued success. I'll check in again next month.

Still on Track

Aug 28, 2007

8/28/07 Happy Re-Birthday to Me!!  It has been 7 years since my weight loss surgery.  I am happy to say that I have now lost 26 of the 42 pounds I gained.  I promised myself some non-food rewards atter each 5 pound weight loss that stays off for a week.  I have since bought myself 3 new blouses, size medium!!  I still owe myself 2 more rewards and I have my eye on some cute gold earrings and a new pair of shoes.  Please check out my profile to see how I lost the 26 pounds and be encouraged.

About Me
Jefferson Hills, PA
Surgery Date
Apr 09, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
June 23, 2000... No, I am not pregnant.
June 2, 2001... 98 pounds gone forever!!

Friends 8

Latest Blog 23
Happy Surgi-versary to Me!!
Worst Weekend Diet Ever!!!
OK...Three Strikes and I'm Out!!
What Happened to Day 3?
Made it through Day 2!!
Motivation and Encouragement
5-Day Pouch Test--3rd Try!!
Day 5...Dont go there!!
