3 Months and going strong!

Oct 04, 2011

I just hit some great milestones!  After weeks of hovering at a total 98 pound loss, I finally eased over the edge and can say I've lost over 100 pounds.  105 to be precise.  I lost 50 pre-surgery and now I've lost 55 since. 

This weekend I flew to Denver for the weekend with my BFF to visit some friends.  It was the first time in a long time that I bought one airline seat and that was great!  When I climbed over 350 I got questioned at check in if I could fit in the seat and although mortified, I knew it was a valid question.  From that point on, I opted to buy 2 seats to save myself from any embarassment of being Kevin-Smith-ed off a flight for not fitting in my seat.  In 2010 I travelled quite a bit for work and my company VERY nicely purchased two seats for me.  I'm lucky to have a company that would do that so I could go and represent them. 

On the flight from Boise to Denver I asked for an extender, and used it.  I fit fine in the seat and never dreamed I wouldn't need it.  On the return flight, the attendant said she would bring it to me, so while I waited I tried  the seat belt and it FIT!  It's the small things that make me happy. 

My next hurdle is EXERCISE.  I was great the first 3 weeks, and then I've hardly done any.  Eating is going great, and I follow my doctor's recommendations pretty much to the letter on food, vitamins, etc.  However, on exercise, I have not been a model patient.  However, I will start NOW.  I want to keep losing at a decent pace, tone, and hopefully shrink up some of this hanging skin I'm starting to get.  The good news is the exercise will be MUCH easier now that I'm 100 pounds lighter.  I can do this!
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More Recovery Updates

Jul 26, 2011

So, after getting into a great routine I was doing very well!  Then, one week after getting out of the hospital I started to have a really sharp burning pain in my abdomen when sitting up straight or standing.  If I was laying or reclining, I felt no pain at all.  It really affected me for days, put a crimp in my walking etc and I made an appointment to see my surgeon (well, his PA).  Of course, when I got there on Friday, I wasn't having the pain.  We talked about it, she pushed on my abdomen...nothing.  Then as we were wrapping up our discussion, I had moved to a sitting upright position by this point, it started to burn again.  She said that since I was so worried about it maybe I should go for a CT scan.  So, off to the hospital I went.  The pain continued through the weekend, but again was totally fine when I was reclining or laying down.  Finally on Monday, the pain started to subside (it got better every day, but was still super painful once in a while).  My doc's office said to take it easy (some walking, nothing too hectic, no lifting etc) and come in for my regularly scheduled post-op follow up on Thursday.  Today I haven't felt that pain at all (FINALLY).  So, the plan is to go to my appointment on Thursday, then go back to work.  I am looking forward to this as being at home is BORING.  :-)

It's DONE!

Jul 16, 2011

The first thing to report is that I lost all the weight my surgeon requested of me by my deadline of 7/6/11!  Yahoo!  I worked hard, and managed to lose 50 pounds by my pre-surgery appointment.  I then celebrated a bit over the next few days and enjoyed a few of my favorite foods:  pizza, a margarita, chips & salsa, and a pasta dinner complete with garlic bread, Cesar salad and chocolate cake for dessert!  Very enjoyable!

I went in for surgery on Monday, July 11, 2011 and all seemed to go according to plan.  I'm not a big worrier in general, but I was a bit nervous about being in the hospital as I've never had any type of surgery and I'm well aware of the potential complications from anesthesia.  Plus, I have slight issues with asthma, allergies etc so I was concerned about further complications of pneumonia or something.  However, so far so good.

St. Luke's Regional Medical Center in downtown Boise, Idaho is where I had my surgery and I had some wonderful care-takers while I was there.  Kristy, an old friend from my church youth group was my first nurse, so that was helpful!  My night nurse both nights was Amber, and she was delightful- fun and upbeat, sarcastic enough to be interesting and we discovered a mutual love of musicals!  I was fortunate enough to have my mom there most of the time during the day, and she is very comforting and helpful.  I am also lucky enough to have had friends visit and spoil me rotten!  I've received flowers from friends locally, as well as Seattle, Denver, as well as family in Tennessee!  I even received some from my friend in Singapore!  I'm definitely well-loved/spoiled. 

As anticipated, I was able to be released from the hospital on Wednesday and I'm opting to stay with my mom for a week or so before going it on my own.  I haven't experienced a ton of pain, and I opted not to take the Rx pain medicine after leaving the hospital, but just my regular doses of extra strength Tylenol!  The worst part is moving from a standing position to sitting or laying down, or getting up from laying down or sitting to standing.  Other than that, the discomfort is annoying, but pretty mild. 

Once at my mom's (again, I'm lucky to have a good care taker!) I settled into a routine of protein shakes, naps, walks, and resting as well as visiting with some friends.  I find I tire pretty quickly, and the pain in my stomach can get uncomfortable, but so far so good.  I'm looking forward to feeling better and having more energy.

For now, I'm just concentrating on my walks (3 per day of 10-20 minutes), protein drinks (I'm getting in about 45-50grams of protein per day), liquids (I'm totaling about 50-64 oz per day), and plenty of rest.  Not to mention Tylenol every 4 hours!

I am focusing on getting better, and I look forward to a point when I feel good.

My time is coming soon.....

May 31, 2011

It's starting to feel real that I'm having surgery and I'm super excited.  I am scheduled for July 11, 2011- my life changing day.  I'm luckier than some as my insurance approval wasn't an issue, it went through easily.  Now I'm scheduled for all the pre-surgery appointments- the dietitian, a WLS Nutrition class, and then my pre-surgery appointment with Dr. Oakley.  I'm eating well, on track to losing the weight he requested before surgery and everything is going well so far. 

I have a great support system in my family and friends and I am ready for this journey with all it's ups and downs.  I look forward to learning more and more on this site about people's experiences, successes, struggles, and stories.  Thanks for sharing, for being open, and for answering all those pesky questions I am likely to ask in the next month.  It is a wonderful resource to have access to all of your wonderful thoughts and ideas.



About Me
Boise, ID
Aug 17, 2010
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