Consultation here we come!

Aug 13, 2008

I have decided to get switched!  I found a surgeon who is preferred by my insurance.  The funny thing is, I was looking at Dr. Keshishian and really liked the reviews I saw BEFORE knowing he was preferred.  It was an answer to prayer to see that Dr. K was preferred.  I have my first consultation August 23 in Ukiah.  I am in Sacramento, so that is kind of a haul.  Either way, Delano or Ukiah, I am going to be driving.  My mom said she would go with me which is fantastic.  My husband has been less than supportive at this point.  I am not sure if it is because he is so sick of seeing me start yet ANOTHER weight loss program and failing.  I can see how this could be frustrating to him.  Either that or he is just an ass. 

I am going to take all my research and put it into a binder.  I think I read that idea on here somewhere.  That way I can have it with me to add questions or to get questions answered during my consultation.  I think my DH would also feel better knowing I am literally armed with information.  It he pisses me off I will smack him with that "information".  Lol! 

I get so sidetracked on these blog things.  Ok.  Focus.  I will also be getting my psych evaluation the day of my consultation.  That actually does have me nervous.  How honest can I be?  I feel like it is an interview and I have to sell myself.  If I say the "wrong" thing will it be over with?  Scary thought.

I was checking out other people who went through Dr. K and it seemed like they were into surgery pretty fast after their first consultation.  It seems pretty crazy to think I could have surgery in the next two months.   I will keep you all posted (you all meaning all one of you who read this).


How things change...

Jul 20, 2008

It is funny what a bit of research can do to a girl!  I am now fully confident that the surgery is the right step for me.  HOWEVER, I can't decide on which one!  Only a couple of weeks ago I was debating between lap-band and RNY.  Now-with a little research under my belt-my gut is telling me to proceed with the DS. 

There a few factors that worry me though:  My insurance will cover the RNY completely, however the will only cover it 40/60 if I go for the DS unless I can find a preferred doctor in my area.  I have not.  I have not yet extended my search to hundreds of miles away, but should I?  Is that safe to have a surgeon 8 hours away in case of an emergency?  Also, I have heard PLENTY of all the things that can and do wrong with both short term and long term post-op RNY folk.   In a way, it freaked me out, right into the warm and loving arms of the DS.  On the other end, I don't hear hardly any complaints about the DS.  What does that mean?  Could the DS possibly be that much of a miracle?  Or am I not searching the right places to find complications?  I like to be armed knowing the worst, and it seems that the worst is not that bad with the DS.  That makes me worried that it is too good to be true.  I know, I am twisted right? 

This blog makes little to no sense.   The bottom line?  I am still searching for the right WLS for me, one complication at a time :)

Seminar Yesterday, Dr. Today

Jul 08, 2008

I am putting things into action.  I went to the seminar that is required by the surgeon I have selected.  Today I am going to my primary physician to get a referral.  I am nervous and hope this goes smoothly.  

I have to get pre-authorization from my insurance medical director.  That is going to take a little bit of back and forth.  I still feel like I am swimming blind here.  I am trying to absorb so much information in such a short time.  There is a hurry to get the insurance through so we can schedule surgery before the next decade ends, but the rush is overwhelming.

I can say I feel much more confident about my choice to have RNY over Lap-band because of my eating habits and personality type.  It seems the better solution for me. 

I am hesitant to get excited or hopeful at this point.  I am sure others have felt this way, you start something new that is supposed to turn your life around.  WW, Jenny Craig, pills, etc, and each time it does not work.  I am so afraid that this is going to fall through that I can't be hopeful just yet.  Right now I am just scared.  Scared it won't go through, scared it will, scared of the actual surgery, scared of not having it. 

About Me
Sacramento, CA
Jul 06, 2008
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Consultation here we come!
How things change...
Seminar Yesterday, Dr. Today
