The Tests Are Complete!

Sep 23, 2014

I finally finished all of my testing. I couldn't be happier! It wasn't as bad as I thought. The worst part was getting this doctors office to call that doctors off or having someone call me back. I mean, they called me back, I guess I just wanted them to pick up the phone as soon as I called. You know, since I'm the only one on earth who's important. LOL! (Patience isn't my strong suit) 


Weight loss surgery seminar- 7/22/14-  Complete

Met with surgeon- 8/15/14- Complete

Mammogram- 8/22/14- Complete

Chest x-ray- 8/22/14- Complete

EKG- 8/22/14- Complete

Lab work- 8/22/14- Complete

(CBC, CMP,U/A, Iron, TSH, B1, Lipids, H-Pylori)

Pap Smear- 8/26/14- Complete

Psychological Consult- 9/3/14- Complete

Support Group Meeting-  9/11/14- Complete

Psychological Consult (Second visit) )- 9/18/14- Complete

(Return with two week food journal and list of bucket list)


Weight Loss Center at Chesapeake Regional Medical Center

Chesapeake Regional Medical Center

Chesapeake Surgical Specialists



About Me
Aug 04, 2014
Member Since

Latest Blog 4
