Coming clean to friends

Oct 28, 2014

I really wasn't sure about putting my personal business on Facebook but since I have so many friends I know love and generally care about me I will go ahead and tell everyone what's going on right now.

I made the decision to have weight loss surgery. I can no longer fight my weight or food addiction. I've struggled with my weight my whole life and please know this is not a choice I made overnight. I got the help of an amazingly awesome doctor and together we decided this would be the best course of action for me. I know that surgery isn't a quick fix. So many people think this is cheating or taking the easy way out but its really not!

This is going to be a major life changing experience that is not going to be easy but I made a choice to LIVE! Live for ME!

If any of you know anything about addiction then you can relate to my struggle. Some people say "well just stop eating." Well it's not that easy. That's like saying " just stop breathing...just stop living." Or just stop smoking or just stop drinking. It's NOT that easy. Taking control of a food addiction is much much harder, in my opinion than quitting smoking or drinking because you have to have food to survive! Food is involved in every aspect of life.

I realized I will have a hanging skin issue when all is said and done but I'd rather have skin then look and feel the way I do right now. I love you all.

— at Chesapeake Regional Medical Center.


About Me
Aug 04, 2014
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