
Oct 19, 2010

I still haven't wrapped my brain around the fact that I am getting skinnier. I see it, I feel it, but it just still seems like a dream. I can't believe I am past the surgery stage, it seemed so long in getting to that point that it seems like I should still be working for that goal.

Here I am a little over 2 weeks out and learning to cope with food. I really could leave it most of the time. Although this last weekend, I wanted to bake or cook our typical family dinner, but when I opened up the fridge and had no appeal.
Anything I cooked or made wasn't hitting the spot either.

Still feel like I eat too many times a day...I see later on that it usually is 3 meals a day and 2-3 snacks. Working more to that point. I don't want to get in the habit of grazing all day!


1 Week today

Oct 08, 2010

I am one week out today!

Hit 239 today! 34 lbs gone! I also took measurements and am down 8 inches overall from the night before surgery. That was amazing to me.

Doing better everyday. Weaning off pain meds except in the evening to sleep a little better, but really the pain is just a little annoying more than anything. Incisions are healing good. The large one is still a bit sore and tender. My surgeon closes with a "super glue" and internal stitches, 2 of my inscisions are pretty much healed up and look great!

Have added some walking to the end of our street and back, not far yet, but it is a start.

Food....much better. I am getting a little over 1/2 the water I am supposed too, but that has doubled from where I was 2 days ago. I found adding fresh lemon is helping. I do 1-2 ounces of food/protien shake every hour. It is easy to forget to eat.


wow...what a difference

Oct 05, 2010

Food is a whole new story and part of my life. I am actually struggling to eat anywhere close to what they want me to eat.
Yesterday ate a total of 34 ounces of water and foods combined. Only 26 protien.

I have found that I was getting sweeted out with the protien shakes and yogurt. So we went to the store and got some soups that I can blend or strain. I also found I like cream of wheat made with milk and a little salt for a slight nutty flavor. I add another little bit of milk after it is cooked to make it more soupy.

I survived my first family dinner. They had steak, mashed potatos with flavored butter/sour cream and ceasar salad. I helped prepare the potatos and flavored butter and had some of that for dinner with some added milk so it wasn't too thick. I ate about 2 oz and was stuffed. It didn't bother me they had the other foods, I didn't want them.

Saw quinoa on tv tonight and read all about it tonight. Looks like it will be good. Can't wait to try it in a couple of weeks.

I am having a slight complication of a rash under my breasts, I need to make sure to wear a bra to avoid the skin to skin contact. But I also have 2 incisions just under the bra line and am watching that it doesn't slip down to irritate them either.

I'm home

Oct 04, 2010

I am home! 
My surgery went very well. Haven't had any complications.
It is hard to has very little appeal to me right now, but I am working on doing what I am supposed to do.

Best pre-surgery buy so far....a childs size cutlery set from IKEA. Love these because they are stainless steel and feel like I am using normal silverware and not a kids set. I think they were $5.99 and had 4 each of a knife, fork, small spoon and larger spoon. I use the tiny spoon for my 1 oz of yogurt cups.

My family laughed when I got home from the hospital and stepped on the scale. Ironic to go it for WL surgery and come home with a 7lb weight gain....I use the scale as a tool, I am not freaked I gained....I knew I would right at first. Some people suggest not having the scale out, for me it is helpful to have it out, I am a visual person and when I see the scale, I am reminded to make good choices.

Excited to share my journey! 

Last Day

Sep 30, 2010

Tomorrow is the day. Hard to believe.

Am I ready....I feel like I am. I have done tons of research, I feel at peace and that I will be in good hands tomorrow. I have great family and friends supporting my journey. I have made HUGE life choices that are allowing me to focus on my health. I have already made positive choices with my food and conquering my own thoughts and feelings about what I put in my mouth. I am moving more and enjoying my new bike.

So....tomorrow I begin the next big step on my!


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1 Week Left....

Sep 23, 2010

I can't believe there is only 1 week left! 

What were you doing one week before....I am prepping....

Food/Shakes for me and also not forgetting I have a healthy husband & daughter that need to be fed too for the next few weeks.. Thank goodness for low carb menu's for 2. We have been using them for about a month and it works great and we are all feeling good. 

All of the clothes are washed, sorted by size and put away. I have a sis that donated a bunch to me as she did this journey this last year. I also have the few I have saved too.

Spoke with my family about critical decisions and my wishes in the event of anything tragic. Also plan to put them on paper this week. Life insurance policy is updated. Morbid to think about and do, but I am morbidely obese and it needed done.

Packing...starting to set aside a few things, I am seeing most people don't need a lot so I am packing light!

Still deciding how public to go. Many friends and family know, but also considering a blog/website about life, my love of graphic design, home decor, cooking, WLS and so much more...but will others want to hear it all too?

enJOY each day!

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It's Time...

Sep 20, 2010

I am less than 2 weeks from my surgery date and I think it is about time I start the documentation of my journey here. I have chose to have the RNY. I am nervous and excited. I have incredible family support including 2 other family members that have had RNY and are doing incredible.

I was not a heavy child, I was 135 when I got married 20 years ago and even after having 2 children I was about a 12-14. It was soon after a hysterectomy at 29 and major move that I noticed the weight seemed to continuely creep on over the years. A few serious attempts of losing weight brought some loses of 20-25 lbs, but it never lasted. I learned one of my biggest hurdles was learning to eat regularly, still a bit of struggle, but so much better than it was. I now eat breakfast within one hour of getting up and make sure to have lunch. I too often skipped both of these meals and then would make a large dinner late at night. Once to eat with the kids and then a 2nd one when my husband returned from his swing shift at 11pm at night. I love to cook and learning to make better choices and learning healthy cooking is helping.

I recently also made a huge life change again. We closed our business of 6 years and I have the amazing opportunity after 20 years of marriage to not work outside our home. I have loved being a wife and mother taking care of our home, my family and focusing on healthy eating and meals. My 16 yr old daughter has recently lost 15 lbs with the changes we are making. She is almost at a healthy goal weight and we have had many discussions on solving problems before they become too big to handle.

I started my journey to RNY in Dec. 09 with the first call. I started my 6 months of counseling and appts in February. In June we closed our business and I injured my back, rupturing a disc. I had surgery in early July to remove a bone chip and remove the disc fluid that was damaging the nerves in my left leg. I have been fortunate that I am recovering well, still have some numbness to the touh in my leg, but have regained most of the strength. This surgery did delay my RNY surgery, but I am back on track. So glad it was just delayed a little bit.

So... let the journey begin to life after surgery after October 1st!


About Me
Hermiston, OR
Surgery Date
Jul 22, 2010
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