Initial Surgeon Visit: I met Dr. Chebli yesterday!

Dec 09, 2009

Boy oh boy, what a champ!  Dr. Chebli was great.  Perfect even.  I could not have asked for a better surgeon to preform this surgery.  I researched long and hard, and let me tell you, he's THE MAN!  He is ultra thorough and seems very available.  He definitely knows his stuff and together we are sure that the RNY is the best surgery for me :)

He gave me a list of things to get done prior to my surgery, I need a sleep study, I also need a (thingymajiggy) were they stick some thing down my throat and take a peek due to my occasional heart burn, and an eval with their nutritionist.. then Lisa (who is an absolute doll!) will submit my paperwork to my insurance for approval.

I will complete the rest before submitting paperwork to insurance though.  Stuff like blood work, ekg, etc.

I'm so grateful to have this opportunity. I am very excited yet very fearful of the unknown.  All I know is that I can't go on like I am, in this super morbidly obese body.  I literally feel like my insides and my body, my joints are giving out on me.  It is horrific.  I am so done waking up in the middle of the night, terrified, wondering if I am dying.  I feel like I'm in a relentless fat suit that is squishing me to pieces and choking the life right out of me.  My kids suffer because I can't manage to get out and enjoy all there is to be enjoyed... that is wrong! They deserve all there is out there to be enjoyed! I want them to have AMAZING memories from their childhood, and a fun and active mother.  I want the very best for my family and myself.  And the very best in my opinion is sheer happiness and endless love, joy and smiles all over the place :)

Here's to a brand new healthy happy me!  I will be a better mother because of this surgery, this amazing tool.  I'm ready to use this tool, I'm ready to honor and respect myself with the help of this surgery. I'm ready to eat to live and not live to eat.  I'm ready for a healthy relationship with food, for a balanced lifestyle.

Bring it on Dr. Chebli, let's get crack-a-lackin' and RNY'in! LOL

I weighed 310 lbs. yesterday at my Initial Visit with Dr. Chebli.  He wants me to lose 15 pounds prior to surgery.  He requires that I stick to a low carb diet of 30 grams of carbs per day for 4 weeks prior to surgery.  Good deal.  I love this.  Like I said, he's the PERFECT surgeon for me, and his office team is wonderful!



1st Appointment, Hello New Found Love of Life!!!

Nov 09, 2009


Well, I did it.  I went to an appointment at the Naval Hospital and met with my PCP for the first time. I have not had a PCP since.. oh.. 2003 maybe?  I have had a wonderful OB/Gyn whom I love and adore.  But he's not Navy related in any way and doesn't really have the clout it takes to get my WLS referral ball rolling.

The person who is supposed to be my normal PCP called off sick today I guess.. so I saw a temp. doc named Dr. Weldon (Dr. Well Done, lol! That's really the only way I'm able to remember her name) She was pretty neat.  When she walked in the room, I could tell she wasn't too keen on WLS. She immediately asked me why I didn't just do what WLS would force me to do without having to worry about the risks of WLS.  I got into "educate" mode, and schooled her in the very sweetest way humanly possible.  I am not a mean person, just honest and articulate.  I did indeed school her and I exposed a great deal of my life story.  Gave her the skinny on my husband and what I've dealt with for over 5 years now being married to him.  My late husband dying of Sudden Death while playing basketball, during which time we were both on Atkins Induction Diet and had each lost about 30 lbs.  My two oldest children having Cystic Fibrosis and me really just wanting to give them the very best life humanly possible.  My utter and complete guilt for being an inactive mother due to my larger than life size and just feeling so so wretched for not "having it together enough" to make the change from Super Morbidly Obese to Healthy (whatever weight that may be).  I want to LIVE, I want to show my kids how to LIVE!  I want to be able to get a great job, and support myself and my children! I've got super duper people skills and great work experience, but I'm so over the top heavy that I doubt any great employer would hire me, I LOOK like a liability.  Don't you think If I could do it on my own I would?!  YES! Of course I would. Certainly.

She sat and listened, asked me questions, listened some more, I cried once (yes, I'm emotional and soft hearted, still after all the crap I've been through, no hard heart here)  :)  And at the end of the appointment, she was gung-ho!  I gave her a piece of paper with Dr. Chebli's information on it, explained all that I knew about him and told her I trusted him and his reputation.  She said that she would order all the pre-op tests that she knew Dr. Chebli would want and all the tests that she knew the navy/Tricare would want.  IT'S ON FOLKS!

This decision has been 8 years in the making!  I debated loooooong and hard over this choice.  I know the in's out's up's and down's of the majority of this surgery.  All I have left is to experience it myself.

I do not take this lightly.  But I will no longer take the fact that I have only been "Existing" lightly.

It's time to L.I.V.E!

Wednesday, I'll wake up bright and early and go down to the Navy Hospital for my labs.  I am so excited and truly hopeful at what mine and my children's future may hold now.  I want to feel full after 3 small bites, I want to feel light and energetic.

I want to be able to hop right up and run outside after my precious little kids! Slide down a tunnel slide with them over and over and then roll down the huge hill with them!

I'm tired of hiding from life because I'm too physically and emotionally broken down to manage anything else.

I'm tired of being married to someone who mistreats me and demoralizes me and snaps/picks at me always and for no real reason, who thinks it's okay seek out other women (the bigger the better btw, he  does not want me to lose a POUND, he wants me to gain!) on internet dating sites.  But instead of just fessing up he says he did it out of bordem or to see if I was secretly on the site.  Pfff.  I'm loyal to the C.O.R.E.  He knows good and well that I would NEVER EVER NEVER EVER in a thousand-zillions years be unfaithful.  I will divorce his arse and move on someday though, straight up.  Once I can actually land a great job, I WILL NOT PUT UP WITH HIM or ANYONE ELSE who wants to see me miserable.  It's a good thing I was married once before and am completely aware that marriage can be wonderful and sweet and precious and faithful everyday.  I know what true love is.  But all things happen for a reason, and my late-husband's death will not be in vain.  I will empower myself and end this marriage if that's what needs to happen.  I can probably put up with most everything he has done to me, but NOT cheating.  I don't deserve that.  Next subject :)

Well Lovies, I'm prepared for a happy and joyful ride to Healthville.  I can't wait for my kids to get the mother they deserve.  I am naturally the most hopeful and optimistic person you will ever meet.  I am naturally a lover of life.  This girl is getting her groove back!


HW 332/Today 312/Goal ?

Feb 15, 2008

Feb 15, 2008

I'm determined not to give up on life!  This site is such a source of encouragement and inspiration for me.  My family doesn't quite understand how I could even think of having Gastric Bypass surgery.  I say, if they're that amazed and bewildered at the thought of me having this surgery, then they can't possibly understand how I feel or what I'm going through.

My husband is as supportive as he can be.  I was overweight when he met and married me... about 60lbs lighter but still very much overweight.  He loved that I wasn't some stick-thin cookie- cutter of a female.  I definitely appreciated it at the time but since have felt worse and worse (physically and emotionally) with every pound I've gained since then.  He understands that weightloss will help me to feel better in everyway and have lots more energy. 

The only thing I worry about is.... I actually don't want to get "too thin".  Seriously. I'm a curvy person, and I've never been very thin, but at about 170 I look and feel pretty good.  If I got down to 120 or around there (which i've NEVER been) I don't think I'd look very healthy.  So that's really the only thing that scares me.

I was put in a couple of situations, once  as a child and then as a teenager were I was not treated properly by a member of the opposite sex and I think I ate to protect myself from unwanted advances from men.  To this day, men still scare me or make me mad (there are only a few exceptions).  So I'm really not sure how I'll handle men looking at me and the such.  It just makes me very uncomfortable. 

But, that being said, I think I'm prepared to deal with what ever comes my way.  I've since grown thicker skin and pretty much won't take 'no guff' from anyone.  I am a softie at heart and a nurturer but I also know how to assert myself and stand up for what I believe.  My health  is much more important at this point in time that worrying about some poor shmuck staring or winking at me.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to meeting some folks that can relate to me and vice versa.  This surgery will save me life in so many ways, I just know it.  It's a tool and i'm lookin' to fix something!

God Bless!

About Me
Oak Harbor, WA
Feb 09, 2008
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Feb 15, 2008
