Hey everyone.

I'm 43 years old and have finally gotten approved for OOC WLS. I was denied three other times and on a whim I asked the Doc to send it in and see what happens..well within 10 days I got approved....(i think they put me on the yes pile by accident).

I have been overweight my whole life. I think the smallest pic I have of myself is around 5 years old and they called it "baby fat" back then. Everyone assumed I'd get rid  of it eventually. Well all these years later and i still got my "baby fat" as well as "normal

I found over the years that Weight Watchers was the best tool for weight loss for me. I actually got down to a rock bottom low of 215 just over four years ago..I looked good at that weight. Then my unlce/business partner passed away and my life turned upside down once again. Not only did I gain the 40ish that I lost...but I packed on another 25 lbs to go with it. I can't stand the way it makes me feel and look.

Due to being overweight my whole life the comorbities I have had I hadn't noticed util the size I am today. I have a hard time walking a block. Shopping tires me out so much that I dread it. Difficult to wipe my own ***.  My joints and back ache so bad and getting up off the couch is like training for a marathon. Once I realized my quality of life was so poor I wanted to have this surgery nothing was going to stop me this time. I can take the weight off like everyone else, but I sure cant' keep it off.

So with that said I have made the choice of WLS for a new lease on life. I quit smoking to add 10 years to my life and with WLS I should add another 10 or more..OMG I'm going to live to be over 100....hahahaha.

No matter what your story is or what your reasons for doing WLS they are yours..own them and hold your head up high..be proud that you have what it takes to realize your falses and do something about them to make YOU a better person...anyone reading this before surgery..congrats to you...anyone reading this after surgery..WTG on your success....I can't wait to have lots of my own.

About Me
Surgery Date
May 05, 2008
Member Since

Friends 27
