Low blood suger while ridding my bicycle

May 19, 2010

This guy at work suggested that when I got dizzy riding my bicycle after 4 hours that my blood sugar might be to low.  So yesterday I took some pixie stick with me and about the time I started to get dizzy I eat a couple of  the pixie sticks and I did not get dizzy.  So I guess he was right.  24 May note; smarties or sweet tarts work better.  The pixie sticks are hard to work while ridding a bicycle.

Bicycle mileage so far for May 2010

May 15, 2010

May Bicycle Mileage to date; 1 May=22.45 miles (broke a spoke), 3 May=57.08, 4 May=47.3, 5 May=41.53, 6 May=40.16, 7 May=49.35, 8 May=45.89, 9 May=65.06, 10 May= 37.31 miles, 11 May= 52.61, 12 May=44.49, 14 May= 61.21, 15 May =50.43  TOTAL MILAGE SO FAR=614.78

Chad's Nutrition on the Bicycle, learned from doing

May 14, 2010

I ride 45 to 65 miles a day 7 days a week without breaks, with that said here is my advice.  Riding before surgery is totally different than after.  Forget what you knew about riding before surgery it no longer applies to you, don't listen to riders or what rider's are doing that have not had WLS surgery.  Other riders can carb up with spaghetti dinners you cannot. Your new body is unable to store the food you will need to ride so you have to eat it while you ride. You are different now and they will not understand and will not be able to help you.  I know this from experience.  You have to drink and eat your entire ride.  I drink a protein shake before and after my ride.  With the protein shake before the ride I also drink a power bar gel step 2.  I use Power gel step 2 strawberry banana gel.  I eat one every 20 to 30 minutes even if I am not feeling like I need one.  I also eat one or 2 snickers marathon energy bars (chewy chocolate peanut).  For drink I use health balance apple juice mixed with water for both water bottles and then carry 3 extra water bottles in a handlebar bag.   With all that sometimes this still is not enough and I have to call my wife to pick me up. I don’t know if it is because I am just 7 months out from surgery or I have a 65 mile barrier. But right now no matter what I eat or drink I cannot make it over 65 miles without getting dizzy and light headed.

Road Bicycling Log

May 11, 2010

May Bicycle Milage to date; 1 May=22.45 miles (broke a spoke), 3 May=57.08, 4 May=47.3, 5 May=41.53, 6 May=40.16, 7 May=49.35, 8 May=45.89, 9 May=65.06, 10 May= 37.31 miles TOTAL MILAGE SO FAR=406.13

Bicycle Training Log for April 2 Apr= 40.83, 3 Apr= 39, 4 Apr= 41, 5 Apr= 26, 6 Apr= 40.5, 7 Apr= 28.9, 8 Apr= 41.2, 10 Apr= 44.7, 11 Apr= 50.7, 12 Apr= 50, 13 Apr = 40.75, 14 Apr = 28.65, 16 Apr = 51.7, 17 Apr = 41.6, 18 Apr= 52.74, 19 Apr= 28.72 , 20 Apr= 52.69 , 22 Apr 39.75 , 23 Apr= 27 , 24 Apr 65.37 , 26 Apr=47 ,... 27 Apr= 50.10 , 28 Apr= 36.95 , 29 Apr= 44.76 , 30 Apr= 49.66, April total is 1102.5 Miles


Bicycle rides out on the road

Apr 17, 2010

Rides for March 2010 (these are road miles I don't ride trainers) 2 Mar = 24.15 miles 3 Mar = 22.54 miles 4 Mar = 21 miles 6 Mar = 22.24 miles 7 Mar = 24 miles 8 Mar = 28 miles 10 Mar = 24.4 miles 12 Mar = 24 miles 13 Mar = 27 miles 14 Mar = 29.5 miles 16 Mar = 26 miles 17 Mar = 33 miles 18 Mar = 31.61 miles 19 Mar = 11 miles 20 Mar = 19 miles 21 Mar = 32.42 miles 22 Mar = 28 miles 23 Mar = 32 miles 25 Mar = 37 miles 26 Mar = 27 miles 27 Mar = 29 miles 28 Mar = 34 miles 29 Mar = 28.8 miles 30 Mar = 35.7 miles 31 Mar = 40.64 miles March total is 692 miles   2 Apr = 40.83 miles 3 Apr = 39 miles 4 Apr = 41 miles 5 Apr = 26 miles 6 Apr = 40.5 miles 7 Apr = 28.9 miles 8 Apr = 41.2 miles 10 Apr = 44.7 miles 11 Apr= 50.7 miles 12 Apr= 50 miles 13 Apr = 40.75 miles 14 Apr = 28.65 miles 16 Apr = 51.7 miles 17 Apr = 41.6 miles Club ride, 18 Apr= 52.74, 19 Apr= 28.72 miles, 20 Apr= 52.69 miles, 22 Apr 39.75 miles, 23 Apr= 27 miles, 24 Apr 65.37 miles, 26 Apr=47 miles . April total so far is 921.03 miles
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WLS is Cut and pray, side effects, what side effects

Mar 10, 2010


I had been to the ER 3 times and up to Dr.'s office and hospital for 2 different Endoscopes.   I can eat all sugar even cotton candy.  I can eat junk like chips and bacon.  I can't eat dense meat at all.  Mostly all I eat is ground turkey chili.   I have a major problem with protein it gives me pain in my pouch, I mean real pain.  So much pain that if I eat chicken I would need hydrocodone to help with the pain, and no one will give me any so I am shit out of luck.  I think this RNY surgery has major side effects that differ with everyone and the Dr. did not lay these out.  He sugar coated the whole surgery and after care procedures and I am not happy.  I like my surgeon as a man but I do not like the after care at all.  After the last visit I am not even sure why I need to see him.  He offers no help except words.  I think the surgery should be summarized like this.  Spray and pray, that is when the military can't find a target so they spray bullet everywhere hoping to hit something.  The surgery is like that because they CUT AND PRAY doing the surgery then prays nothing goes wrong not really knows what the hell they just did to you.  This is just my 5 to 6 months worth of pain gotten experience of course and is not scientific. LOL

 I have not been clear for any activities except ride bicycle no more that 8 mile, walk and none aggressive cardio.  Of course I do what the Fuck I want, because they don’t know shit about me and just lump me in with averages.  I will do what works for me and throw out the rest.


Road Bicycling

Mar 08, 2010

My surgeon said I could only ride my bike 8 miles and no more.  Whatever, yesterday I rode my bicycle 30 miles in 2 hours and 8 minutes with winds blowing from the west at 25-35 gusting 50mph.

True at first I had problems with being weak and dizzy after rides, but now I figured out how to ride and not feel wasted after or during the ride.  It might not be the right way but it works for me.  I find that if I eat, drink, and do power gel.  I have not any of these problems after I started doing these things.

Example of what I carry on a 30 miles bike ride; 
1.  3 Power Bar Gel Strawberry banana, I take these with 2 gulps of water.  Not at the same time but space out during the ride.
2.  2 - 24 oz half water half healthy balance apply Joice = also carry a spare bottle of water in my front bag
3.  Snickers Marathon Energy Bar Chewy Peanut Butter, chewed up to a liquid. 
4.  Or instead of the Energy Bar I take a World Wide Sport Nutrition Pure Protein Shake in a can, either chocolate of strawberry cream.
5.  .38 Cal hand gun (Ruger LCR) in front bag with carry lic.
6.  extra windbreaker coat.

With all that said I am riding 22 to 27 miles a day 5 to 6 days a week with no problems.  Only thing I am getting is more weight loss.


Pizza Rolls who would have guessed

Feb 21, 2010

On Saturday night about 11:30 p.m. I ended up at the ER about 2 hours after eating pizza rolls.  Never thought they would get stuck since I had eaten them before.  This time there was a new female Dr. at the ER.  They say men don't listen well this Dr. did not listen to anything I said and proceeded to treat me for something stuck in my throat.  What an ass, after 2 hours of agonizing pain with me not even able to swallow my own spit she sent me to the radiologist.  He took one picture and said there was too much fluid in my stomach to get a clear picture.  He then proceeded to squirt some contrast into my throat which made me puke all over myself and the floor.  That must have dislodge the stuck pizza rolls because I was fine after that.   It look like 2 cups of fluid, I hope all that did not stretch my pouch any.  I called my surgeon the next day and he said "oh yeah I recommend to all my patients to throw up any way they can in these situations".  What gets my goat is why he does not tell you these great bit of info before where they might be useful, but instead waits until after the fact.  I am starting to think he is like Nostradamus, 100% right after the event happened, not before.   Now I am going to see if I can get some ipecac to have around in-case I need to use for emergency pukage, LOL.  Then the next thing the surgeon ask is what I weigh.  I hate that cryptic crap, what is he getting at.  I think he is thinking of enlarging my stoma with a endoscope balloon.  He said something of that the last time I got some food stuck.  I could be wrong, maybe he thinks pizza rolls is a bad food choice.  I don't care, I just got back from ridding my bicycle 20 miles and need the carbs.  I will say this all of you out there are responsible for you.  Don't trust the Dr. at the ER, question every move they make.  I did and I am making a formal complaint against that Dr. at the Hospital.  A administrator said they have had several complaints against that Dr., so I will add mine.  Why should I feel afraid to go to the ER for help just because the Dr. they does not know about Gastric Bypass.  Maybe my complaint will educate her.

Bicycling 3 1/2 months Post OP // Rambling Thoughts

Jan 21, 2010

The first ride of the week is easy to say the least.  With that said the second and third day of riding is a bitch.  I don't have the reserves that I use to have, and recovery after a long ride is allot scary.   I am not sure how to compensate for this yet.  Today I went for a 20 mile bike ride and drank a protein shake before I left.  I took water and healthy balance apple juice.  After the ride I drank another protein shake and this helped out allot.  If I go any farther than 20 miles I am going to have to figure out some type of food or protein to take with me.  Because at the end of the ride today I was really hungry and shaking just slightly.  I rode 20.20 miles (with head wind) today in 1 hour 29 minutes with an average speed of 13.5 mph.  I was not racing the clock, I was just out seeing how far and how many consecutive days I can tolerate riding.  Right now it is 20 miles a day for 3 days then one rest day.  On the rest day I do the elliptical machine.  I still try to walk the 2 miles a day.  I want to work in u sing the big rubber ball to do crunches and push ups on.  I also need to add a good stretching routine.

Food seems to be an issue in the sense that I have to lubricate all my food.  The Surgeon seems to indicate I will always have to do this.  I swear before the surgery he said I would be able to eat steak again, now he says no.  Frustrating to say the least.

I still would not recommend this surgery to anyone unless they where really fat and unhealthy.  I think the mental aspects of the surgery are greatly under appreciated.  I have some really good moment not even days, then at time I want to kill myself.  I don't think I will but the thought is there. Sorry about the rambling thoughts but one thought leads to another.  This surgery has brought out all my fears to the for front.  The pain, the thoughts, the I am changed forever, yes I even cry in the bathroom at times where no one can see me.  Hopefully I will get this under control soon.  The focus on exercising is helping allot with that.


3 months post op and Life goes on...

Jan 01, 2010

I am 3 months post op and life goes on.  I still have bad days where some food hurts my insides.  I find that if I stay away from dense meat I do great.  Dense meat like pork chops, ham, or steak.  I can't eat much of it and even if it does not block my stoma it still hurts my pouch.  Not an intense pain but a dull steady pain that last for like 2 hours.  I also added Bariatric Advantage chewable probiotic once a day with food.  This product seems to have made me more regular with my BMs.  I was taking Colace before, but now I don't have to take it.

Supplements I am taking right now;
1.  Building Blocks Calcium, orange chewables, try to take them 3 to 4 times a day.
2.  Building Blocks Multiple, mixed berry chewables, 2 times a day.
3.  Bariatric Advantage Iron, strawberry chewable with vitamin C, 1 time a day.
4.  Bariatric Advantage Omega-3, mixed berry chewable bites, 1 time a day.
5.  Bariatric Advantage Probiotic, chewable strawberry, 1 time a day with a meal.
6.  B-12 shot, 1 time a month.  I was doing the Building Blocks sprays, but the shot is free and easier for me.

I added the elliptical cross trainer to my walking (at least 2 miles a day).  The elliptical machine I have is a Life Fitness x9i.  I have had that machine since 2006.  In the past I really did not use it.  The machine I think is the best elliptical on the market, and for what I paid should be.  I am hopping to start ridding my bicycle again soon.  The weather has not been good for outdoor riding lately.  The wind chill while ridding is to high, and right now with losing all the weight I don't want to invest in bicycling cold weather clothing.  Bicycling clothing is in the 100s of dollars.

For 2010 I hope make goal weight or lower but not below 160, be comfortable being me, pay off the F_en bills, never vote for a Democrat again.

added note: the Democrat comment, I was in the Air Force for 23 years and worked hard and sacrificed for the health care benifites that I have.  It seems to me the Democrats are messing with my health care and that cuts me to the core.  I am not saying the other party is any better, but they never messed with my families health care either.  Without your health you have nothing.................................
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