
Things that I need to know and remind myself of

Jun 08, 2011

Brandilynn note
She is indeed!!  One of the books I will give you a link to the book so you can peruse it, you can see if they are in your local bookstore, or I like to shop on

Here is my blurb.  Nice to meetcha by the by.

For your emotional onion peeling back Shrink Yourself or Beck Diet Solution.  They are both cognitive behavioral books and help you to learn to talk with yourself between your trigger and your knee jerk reaction.  Beck is great, but I like the Shrink Yourself guy a little betterNG.  But both are supergreat.

For maintenance (and for losing but it has been a great help during maintenance) is 10 Thin Commandments.  He helps you to understand that there are not good and bad foods, just good and bad food HISTORIES!   (this is the link to the book, not where to buy it kuEEWBTi&dq=%22thin%20commandments%22&pg=PR4#v=onepage&q&f=f alse

If I have NEVER been able to eat 2 cookies and 2 cookies ends up equalling a bag of cookies plus whatever else I binge on - then it doesnt MATTER how many calories 2 cookies has - if I WILL eat the entire bag, see?

There are some things I enjoy OUT, and once a month MAXIMUM, cuz in my home they equal trouble, and stopping by the store to get me "some" equals trouble, those things are Lime Flavored Tostitos, house fried rice and pizza. 

I have the chips (once a month max - cuz that seems to be all my brain can handle before it starts to whisper I could get some and just not TELL anyone which ya know? If i have to HIDE it, then I dont need to be DOING it) at party functions - and again, only once a month.  We dont go out to eat much so I dont have the Chinese food or the pizza even nearly once a month - but I KNOW if I bring them home - then I will start the old ugly cycle.

You know, alcoholics have to DRINK - they just need to CHOOSE to not drink booze.  Folks with food sensitivities have to eat, they just need to CHOOSE not to eat the things that cause them to binge.  Its the same kind of deal.  It helps you to see what is an okay all the time food, sometime food and keep it iin the box because once its out - your its ***** kind of food.

And the latest helpful book has been The End of Overeating. He really, for me, helps to pull the curtain back and show you the science behind "You cannot just eat one" that the food scientist folks are designing things to appeal to the junkie gene in us.  its just been really helpful to see behind the curtain and realize that some stuff that I do not have "willpower" about has nothing to do with my willpower, just like meth, would not have anything to do with my willpower - I might just have the FIRST choice, to indulge - or not to - and the rest of it, is history. 

Maybe you can find them at your library or on half dot com?  They are really so very helpful.  I will go through one of them once a month - because a huge danger for me (maybe for everyone, but definitely for me) is forgetting the guards I have to have in place!! 
Elina post
I would not push your sleeve to eat more protein.  If you can only comfortably eat 1.5 to 1.75 oz. that's just fine.  Stop there.  I would recommend that you supplement for now with one protein shake a day.  Find something low calorie and low carb with high protein.  You need to get in at least 70 g. of protein.  I would get 35 of those from the protein shake and the rest from dense protein.  Soon you will be able to wean yourself off of the shake and just eat the protein, but don't pu**** it will happen.  I think I could do it around the 3-4 month mark.  But if it takes you longer, no problem, just let it happen naturally.

Elina post:
Jo, I am 100% with you on this.  I think you hit on the real "magic" of the sleeve.  When the physical hunger is lessened, we can work on the head hunger.  I worry for those people that do not see it as a window to do the psychological work necessary to maintain.  Not enough doctors talk about the work that has to be done in addition to the surgery to make this work for the long term.  I too find that with the hunger and cravings reduced, I can act responsibly with my food.  Now that so much of my hunger and cravings have returned I can still use the small sleeve capacity AND the habits I have formed during the losing phase to maintain.     


nsv note

Apr 06, 2011

I did it! I did it! I did it!
I unloaded 5 FULL garbage bags, one shopping bag, and 6 hanging sets of dress clothes!!
My husband said the WALL must feel better...hahahaha!
I cannot begin to explain the weight ( no pun intended) that has literally been taken off me mentally.
I swear it is like I have lost 150 pounds in my mind! I CAN LIVE WITH THIS!
I did keep some bummin' shirts. I even had to unload my pajama there is room for the 20% that I wear 80% of the time.
My daughter was even amazed. I feel released!
LOVE MY S-L-E-E-V-E!!!!!!!

Who this WLS is REALLY about.

Apr 06, 2011

Well, this surgery is for and about you....ONLY YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOU NEED IT!!

You do not NEED anyone else to understand anything about your decision....or atleast that is what I believed and STILL believe.
I have to this day to tell one other soul but my husband (naturally), the person that went with me (VSGer) and after I got back I decided to tell one other person. I only told that one because I was not telling her to have her approval or permission. I KNEW that she would support me.
See, my decision and going thru with it has not and does not affect another single person in my life to this very day. The fact that I had surgery has not changed/affected anyone else's life but mine only. Everyone else that was NEVER told ....they just smile, compliment, and ask what am I doing to lose weight. I SIMPLY tell them protein and white carbs...and drink,drink,drink! And as far as 'how much weight have you lost?' question...I ONLY SAY...Not as much as I need to but I am still working on it....NOT ONE TIME have I ever told anyone how much I have lost. That is just like asking me how much I weighed when I was at my heaviest and THEY NEVER  asked me why should they know now..RIGHT!

You need to be ok and completely into this yourself.....nobody else will
stand on the scale, eat your new meal sizes, have your clothes fall off of you, PURGE your closet because nothing fits you anymore...IT IS ALL TO DAMN BIG, walk like you own the place, get new makeup and an awesome new hairstyle, RUN LIKE THE WIND...yessss you WILL DO THAT TOO, not have your thighs rub together, buy new SMALLER....WAY SMALLER BRAS, and breathe easier every single day....and THAT IS JUST THE BEGINNING.

All the best to you!!!

Making this journey

Apr 06, 2011

It has been great! I have lost 55 inches and 77 pounds (that is one of my children plus a bit).  I went from a size 26W pant to a now a 16 regular; a 3x shirt to a large and even medium in some.
Oh now let's not forget that I can BREATHE! What can beat that!
I have done alot of thinking lately about what food has meant for/to me...since I can't eat much now.
I realize now how OFTEN I thought about eating...all the damn time...AND  I MEAN ALL THE TIME! It really amazes me when I look back at the way I use to eat and why. I just ate to eat for any reason or no reason at all. It really is an addiction. I knew when I went to have surgery that I was trying to cure an addiction/illness. I said to my husband that if diabetics, alcoholics, smokers, drug addicts knew they could have surgery to cure them then they would most likely. I took the route of surgery because it was the option for me. I have done all the other diets, pills, starving,etc. This by far beats all that other stuff.

I eat because I have to eat. I want protein..actually crave it. I drink lemon tea, powerade, skinny water, protein shakes, etc. I really like to eat fish, shrimp, and beef. Chicken is a bit harder to eat at times. I eat veggies for my carbs. I do not eat bread, rice, but may have an ocassional bite of a cookie or maybe a chip. My carbs come from veggies basically. I love veggies....always have.

I get tons of comments/compliments. Write them down to remember sometimes.
You look amazing.
Skinny ass
Skinny Minnie
A family of gypsies are gonna move in those pants if you don't buy some that fit.
I did not even recognize you. ( relative)
You look great.
I bet you feel better too.
I did not recognize your behind.  (one of the nicest)
You have always been a pretty girl. I am so proud of you.
I have had to introduce myself to people that I know.
OMG  I did not even know who you were.
You haven't aged a bit. :
How much weight have you lost?  You look really good. Keep up the good work. I know how hard it is. ( fave Dr)

YOu know, my parents are SO  proud of me. It really makes them very happy. Curious too but they are happy all the same.
I wish that was all it took to stay normal size...just to make your parents proud of you.
I sure hope that my kids don't suffer with this. Gotta save some cash just in case.

My children love to race with me now...AND I CAN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....THE BEST


Food for thought..from Brandilynn.

Jan 30, 2011

Food isnt good or bad, food is just food.   You have more nutritious choices and less nutritious choices.  

Is it okay to have poorer nutritional choices every now and again?  Sure - every now and again - but ask yourself - WILL you just have it every now and again?  If you start, will you keep on going back, especially if the first time or two you dont pay scale consequences?

Nothing is a "no-no."  You are a grown up, and you need to think of food like a grown up (sorry if that sounds ugly, the intent is not, but the truth of it is what it is). 

You are an adult.  You make choices.  You pay consequences for some of those choices.  This is not a religion. There is no repenting. There are no monsters. Nobody made you do anything.  You make choices. You deal with repercussions. End. Of. The. Story.

Are these the foods you intially got fat on?   When you have these foods every once in a while, do you just enjoy them and move on to better nutritional choices the NEXT MEAL?  Or - do you think about them more and more now, since you fed the craving?  How did you feel after you ate it?  Did you feel satisfied?  DId you feel sneaky or guilty?   

So, nobody can answer the question for you - cuz nobody is you, but HONESTLY - answer yourself the questions - Can I HANDLE these foods every once in a while, or are they a slippery slope to a place I dont even need to allow myself to look at?

I suggest a book called Thin Commandments Diet (Stephen Gullo is the author).  Its not really a diet, per se, but it has great tools on looking at food historically versus calorically.  (By the by - I only am endorsing the food boxing in and out - I do not follow the diet portion).

If I have NEVER been able to eat 2 cookies and 2 cookies ends up equalling a bag of cookies plus whatever else I binge on - then it doesnt MATTER how many calories 2 cookies has - if I WILL eat the entire bag, see?

He says, there are no good or bad foods, just good and bad food HISTORIES.   

There are some things I enjoy OUT, and once a month MAXIMUM, cuz in my home they equal trouble, and stopping by the store to get me "some" equals trouble, those things are Lime Flavored Tostitos, house fried rice and pizza.  

I have the chips (once a month max - cuz that seems to be all my brain can handle before it starts to whisper I could get some and just not TELL anyone which ya know? If i have to HIDE it, then I dont need to be DOING it) at party functions - and again, only once a month.  We dont go out to eat much so I dont have the Chinese food or the pizza even nearly once a month - but I KNOW if I bring them home - then I will start the old ugly cycle.

You know, alcoholics have to DRINK - they just need to CHOOSE to not drink booze.

Folks with food sensitivities have to eat, they just need to CHOOSE not to eat the things that cause them to binge.  

All addicts have the same "problem" which is we react poorly to our triggers - which are usually feelings that are uncomfortable for us - for me, even being elated will bring on bingey feelings. 

So - think about it and then you can answer the question for yourself, cuz here, nobody can answer FOR you.  

I track everything, even if I make crazily poor nutritional choices, cuz honesty will keep me from the place of denial I used to live in.   If you cant be honest with yourself, then - that's some trouble, my sistas and bruthas.

I just wanted to point this out, during this holiday season, when so many of us toss the words "good/bad/cheating" around.  Those words are for when we are MADE to do something with some outside entity judging us.  

Nobody cares about your journey more than you. No really. NOBODY CARES.  YOU DID THIS FOR YOU!!  

So, make a choice to eat something/drink something that is not nutritionally sound.  Enjoy that thing.  But Jamming sticks in your eyes and then crying because your eyes hurt makes no sense at all for grown folks, ya know?  

If you're going to play, you are going to pay!  Maybe it will not show up on the scale tomorrow, will it show up in a habit you cannot put down?  Will it manifest in not being able to lose weight for a month because you have wonked up your system a bit and it needs to reset?

Maybe - but look, we are grown folk!  Make choices and deal with consequences.  Sometimes we enjoy the consequences, sometimes we do not.

Enjoy the choices you make. Make better choices if you KNOW you are leading yourself into being some food's ***** or if the scale moving means SO MUCH TO YOU.  

So, make educated choices knowing the consequences!  Make sure they are worth it and enjoy every second of that choice!  

Life is too short for us to go around crying about our bleeding eyeholes when we have the offending sticks in both of our hands!

Be sweet to yourselves and honsetly count the cost of the decisions you make!  Sometimes its WAY worth it, sometimes?  Not so much!  But either way - do your best to keep promises you made to yourself.

Be sweet!  Love your people!  

Peace out Klownz!


2 mos and 13 days :)

Dec 28, 2010

.I could put on an XL jacket and could get in a large and zip it too!!! I was so excited. Most of all this week my 7 yr old daughter was able to put her arms around me AND clasp her hands about an amazing feeling...she did not realize it but I SURE DID.
I have yet to stop lying about my my weight on my drivers license but it is not far at this point...NOT FAR AT ALL!

Moving forward ramblings

Nov 28, 2010

I TOTALLY understand wrapping your mind around the whole thing. It truly was up until the evening before surgery that it REALLY hit me....I ate a super yummy supper (full fledge meal whatever I wanted), had a couple of glasses of wine, took a bath and went to bed, prayed and off to sleep. It has been THE SINGLE best decision of my life next to having my children. NO QUESTION ABOUT IT. I absolutely knew that I had to do this for me and my family. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired....simple. I had had enough. I just knew that there was a healthier me inside of all that mess.
I have been lucky enough to have not been "hungry" one single day since surgery. I only eat because I HAVE to eat....period. I cannot even begin to explain the freedom I have been blessed with since having surgery. I do not deny myself a taste of anything...geeez....I only eat an nth of anything that I ever ate before...I mean an nTH. I still am amazed at how this sleeve works...I still cannot believe that CRAZY SCALE! I feel like I have lost all of my weight even though I have far to go...but not nearly as far as I did.

Congratulations on making your just take time to absorb it. I pray you will have the same successful happy journey I have had. Blessings to you.

Food Eulogy by Sedonagirl67.. :)

Oct 31, 2010

(Tomorrow I start the dreaded liquid diet...)

A Eulogy to Food

Dear Friends, we are gathered here today to mourn the loss of our beloved partner in life, Food…
Food will be remembered for the good times & bad…
We will never forget how Food comforted us when we were sad…
Or helped us celebrate the happy times in life…
Food was a great pillar in all of our lives…  

However, while Food helped nourish the starving children in Africa and the emaciated sick…
Food also helped kill many of those who went before us…
And so, Dear Friends, we must remember Food not only as the supplement to our joys and as the comforter of sorrows,
But also remembered as the accomplice to Heart Attack (that sneaky assassin!) and Diabetes (that diabolical menace!)…
along with many other murderous, diseased-ridden fiends…  

As we lift our cups of protein, we must leave Food behind…
Knowing that the kingdom of Thintopia waits for us beyond the horizon of Surgery…
Where once again we will be reunited with Food…
But not as Food once was…We will see a better version of Food…
One where Food will no longer be desired in such a big capacity in our lives…
But used in proportion to our needs…
Let us now pray for the Soul of Food, and the Italian, Asian, French, and Greek as well…
That we may stand in the Light of Thintopia forever with Food’s demise… AMEN


Food Ideas various

Oct 28, 2010

Puree/Mushie website

Pure Protein ready to drink and they are good. I was not looking forward to yucky protein drinks.
Now there is Pure Protein from Target and it is 23 gms protein THEN
there is Pure Protein from GNC and it has 35 gms protein...easy to pick which one to get now!

I really like SKINNY WATER from TARGET...the orange flavor.  I have not tried any of the others yet.
I chew chew chew to eat everything.

Hot and Sour Soup with the Tofu.

Turkey Bites at Walmart...4 pieces is 7gms of carb, super low fat.

Chobani yogurt..SUPER delish...I have not been a yogurt fan but I really like this stuff and want to eat it.

Edamame ready to eat in the  tofu/ veggie meatball section. Veggie Meatballs...16 gms protein in 4 meatballs.

Linketts...veggie/grain meat the canned meat is like a vienna sausage just bigger. Good for ya!

Scallops....I checked out the  seafood section at Walmart and they had them frozen....super packed with protein...gonna try them one nite soon. I am excited about that stuff.


Initial and 10 day update

Oct 25, 2010

I am glad you inquired. I will give you a blow by blow of the whole deal.
I flew into San Deigo, Ernesto picked  me up and drove us to Mexicali. You need  a passport to get OUT of Mexico..not into.
Ernesto has had VSG too. We crossed the border and went to the hospital. They greet you immediately and get blood and urine samples, EKG, and chest xray. Dr Aceves sat down with the whole group that came...there were 3 pts and each had a visitor with them. He explains in great detail what to expect and what you need to do. I have a long healthcare background and was impressed with the time he spent with us. Ernesto then took us to the Crown Plaza to spend the nite...super nice hotel..everything you would expect in the will not be disappointed. We ate our "last supper" at the hotel restaurant and it was DELICIOUS..the pico was outstanding. You will not be disappointed with the menu selection.
Ernesto picked us up the next morning in at 7a.m. and took us to the hospital.We were shown to our rooms. The anesthesiologist and internal medicine dr come to see you. You get a versed pill to help you chill then in surgery you get IV versed during the well as some diprivan and ramifentanyl. I never felt a single thing.The surgery only last about an hour, then recovery and to your room. I slept and rested most or all of the day of surgery. I concentrated on not being nauseated or in pain. The only time I was nauseated was when they gave me zantac IV....major dry heaves but that could be different for someone else. The Drs. all came to see me NUMEROUS times during the day. You simply cannot ask anyone to care for you better. The rooms are very nice...SUPER clean. The 2nd day you get to drink fluids  and they give you a dye to drink  to check for leaks....and then you get the chicken broth on the 3rd day..delicious. I walked on the 2nd day and third. On the 4th day you get to come home. I went on a thurs and came home on monday. OH, they do your flouroscopy on the day before you is an xray of you swallowing a contrast so that you can see your new 'tummy' will be surprised.
We had a group of bypass and 2 VSG, there was another lady there for a VSG as well and then another. All from all over the country. Dr Aceves said he does about 8-14 surgeries each week. They are having Joint Commission certification next week..that should allow them to accept insurance for surgeries.
I simply cannot tell you enough that you have absolutey nothing to worry about....gather up your money, passport, and pack a small bag...pj's, the clothes you where there you can where home and basics for cleaning up. You will not need anything else....except some lip balm.  I never needed a heating pad or anything. They give you meds to help with soreness, pain and nausea. You will be in better hands than you would ever expect based on all of our experiences as a group. I wish you well. Don't hesitate to reach me again if you have any questions. Happy to help.
Oh, and I promise that I had huge reservations about going to Mexico but I PROMISE once you are in the hotel and then to the don' t even know that you are in Mexico..HONEST.
Good luck with your will be surprised how easy it really is.

I have had very good days. I have not had pain meds since the 4 nite..long travel back home. I am drinking. Had one day I did not drink as well and HAD to get back on track. If I drink too fast it does not go well. It really is a retraining of the mind and habits. I am eating about half the amount Dr Aceves said  I would(the size of a computer mouse). I am still at 15 lbs. I will weigh fridays. I am just beyond thrilled about how I FEEL!!! I have noticed a DRAMATIC decrease in swelling of my lower legs. I would have 3+ edema in them most all of the time. It really made me worry about future heart problems. My goodnes....the clothes I can actually wear in my closet now...just 15 lbs.....WOW!  I feel 30 lbs lighter when I walk already....I mean I actually feel skinny. My weight I had gained in the last couple of years was most noticeable around my waist and it was really making me feel swayback and just plain TERRIBLE. I am so very happy with that change. I really love not eating so much all the time. I never in a million years would have thought that  a computer mouse or HALF that much would ever satisfy me. It is very the world has been lifted off my shoulders...quite literally.
This evening I even felt a less tight feeling at the incision over my belly button. That is the one that I have had the residual soreness at since surgery. I am glad that seem better right now.
I am drinking Pure Protein ready to drink and they are good. I was not looking forward to yucky protein drinks.
I really like SKINNY WATER from TARGET...the orange flavor.  I have not tried any of the others yet.
I chew chew chew to eat everything.


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Surgery Date
Sep 22, 2010
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