December update

Dec 07, 2008

Well I think I have got it set up for medical transportation to take me to the support group held at JFK hospital in Stratford. I have also weighted myself today...I was 201 LBS IN CLOTHES! When I reflect on how little I am eating compared to what i USED to eat it still amazes me.

it's December already!?

Dec 02, 2008

Wow time is moving fast. I am just over 1 month post op and feeling great so far. I am finally totally pain free. I weighted my self in the nude this A.M. and I was 199! I am so worried this procedure will not work for me. I think I should have lost more then just 17 lbs in 1 months time? I will see the wonderful Doctor Neff on the 12th. So I will see what he thinks. Ya ya, I know I am "light weight" compared to folks with 100 or more lbs to lose but with all the medications I was on, I think I was helping to support my pharmacy! LOL. Will post again when I have something to offer.

Found another support group to share

Nov 05, 2008

NJ Pitman Christine Walsh
[email protected]
(856) 256-9066
South Jersey Bariatric Support System
Every other Friday 7:00 PM
Church of the Nazarene
227 Broadway/Main Street
No Fee. Casual & Friendly

Post Surgery Update

Oct 29, 2008

Hi everyone. I had my surgery on the 27th of October. It went well and I came home today the 29th of October. I am sore and have a drain in still but to be expected. The nursing staff were very nice and through and detailed. I did not get to go to the special ward on 4E at JFK in Stratfrod NJ. I think it is because I spend the night in ICU ( did not wake up fast enough for anesthesia) but I made up for it later. LOL wink...will post more then I am not so sore.

Pre Surgery update - Oct. 15, 2008

Oct 15, 2008

Well I went and did all my pre surgical stuff testing today. I had a basic CBC, Metabolic Panel and an EKG along with a consult with the Anistesira (sp?) people. All went well....UNTIL....I got home and called Dr. Neff's office today. I inquired (second time now) if they heard from the insurance company with an approval yet? Upon speaking with the office manager...she told me, SHE was called by my HMO (Horizon NJ Health) that "they did not want a 268 page bible on me, (what can I say, the V.A. is very efficient) just Dr. Neff's notes on my weight" since I was his patient! WTH? They are going to make a decision as to my eligibility based souly on my wight? WTH! I take 14 pills a day including needed supplements to maintain my health (doctor ordered) and I have 6 co-mobilities too boot! Now the surgery date is just around the corner on 10-27-08, the last Monday of October 2008. Talk about waiting till the last minute! More drama then I like  or  need. So if this falls though then I will have no choice but to use the V.A. and go to Pittsburgh to have the surgery, alone...sometime in mid 2009!

I have a surgery date!!!!!

Sep 24, 2008

Finally! October 27, 2008 is the day! Not sure yet which hospital it will be at. It may be Lady of Lourdes in Camden City or John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital in Standford NJ. It will depend on the surgery crew and my insurance. It is finally getting real for me now. Its not just a bunch of testing I have to do...its really going to happen.

MMPI exam

Sep 23, 2008

A big sign of relief! I was all nervous, thinking I was going to have to take some 500 multi choice test for then on time (thank goodness for med transportation). Waited maybe 20 minutes and then a nice white haired gentleman called me in. It turned out to be an in detail interview! We spoke about all kinds of stuff, my depression, my treatment for it, why I got disabled, why I want  WLS surgery, what I expected from it, what I did prior to lose weight. About my family background and health problems. It went well and the doctor will recommend that I get the surgery. A relief off my mind. Now all I have to do is see Dr. Neff (tomorrow 9-24-08) and have it submitted to my insurance and get my surgery date. Cross your fingers, wink wink


Sep 21, 2008

Well its been almost a month since I have been here. Moved to a place for just me and hubby. Much better apartment and folks then the one I moved out of. Still no surgery date. I hope to get one this month. Its been slowed down with the moving and trying to get medical transportation set up here in the new county we moved to. Will repost with I know more.

Information on Protine mix and supplements

Aug 24, 2008

This is just some basic information I came across and think it would be nice to share.

Protein Powder Facts

Protein is an important nutrient needed by everyone on a daily basis. Protein is made up of essential and non-essential amino acids, which are the building blocks for healthy bodies. Protein has a number of roles in the body including repairing body cells, building and repairing muscles and bones, providing a source of energy, and to control many of the body processes relating to metabolism. While your body can make non-essential amino acids from other amino acids, it cannot make essential amino acids. The only way you can get them is by eating high quality protein foods containing all of the essential amino acids known as complete proteins. Protein powders are complete proteins.  Because post-weight loss surgery patients have trouble absorbing nutrients, protein is even more important to us.

Protein powder is designed to be eaten every day as a dietary supplement. Starting your day with a boost of protein can stabilize your blood sugar levels throughout the day and give you the nutritional benefits that are required by your new lifestyle.

There are four types of protein used in powders, whey, soy, egg, and rice. Some powders are a mixture of these proteins and some are only one specific protein.  Here is a breakdown on each of the four types:

Whey protein is made from milk and is the most widely used supplement. It contains non-essential and essential amino acids along with other amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein that must be obtained through diet. Whey protein is easily absorbed by your muscles and is safe to use. If you are lactose intolerant, you should not use whey protein. The two categories of whey protein are concentrate and isolate. Concentrate is easier to find and less expensive and contains 30 to 85% protein. Isolate contains more than 90% protein and is more expensive. Benefits: Whey protein helps boost immunity, is an optimal source of amino acids, and enhances muscle recovery after workouts and helps prevent muscle breakdown.

protein is made from egg white and is fat-free while being high in protein. It is considered the most perfect source of protein because it contains all amino acids, not just essential ones and is easily absorbed by the body. Egg protein is used as the standard by which all other proteins are measured but should not be used by anyone who has an egg allergy. Benefits: Egg protein is highest in the amino acids alanine, arginine, glycine and methane and is fat-free.

Rice protein
is made by carefully isolating the protein from brown rice. It too is a complete protein containing all the essential and non-essential amino acids. Rice protein is hypoallergenic so that makes it suitable for everyone. Benefits: Rice protein is hypoallergenic, is suitable for vegans and is a complete protein.

Soy protein
is made from soy flour. As a vegetable protein, soy is the most complete protein, similar to whey in that it has the two types, concentrate and isolate. Soy protein is highly digestible and is compared to milk and meat as a protein source. It is ideal for those who have dairy allergies but should be avoided if you have soy allergies. Benefits: Soy protein helps to improve the nutritional value of foods, lowers cholesterol, and reduces the risk of heart disease. It is also suitable for vegans.

You can select your protein powder based on taste, tolerance, personal preference, or budget, since they are all beneficial and can be used in a variety of ways.

July 2008 - My Pittisburg Pa. adventure

Aug 06, 2008

Well the VA finally sent me off to Pittisburg Pa to meet the team that MAY (I say this because I am undecided still as to use Dr. Neff or the V.A. doctors) for my WLS.

The cab arrived a few minutes early, no big deal and I got to the Philly Pa airport on time and in one piece. I then tried ti find the correct line to pick up my tickets. I accidentally got in first class so as I turned to leave the line I tripper over the fellow's behind me, over his luggage. I went down full force on my right knee. Which by the way was injured a few years before. So I sat there rubbing my knee for a minute trying to pull myself together, lose my embarrassed red face...two very sweet women came over to help me while the fellow's who luggage I tripped over stood there and stared at me.  Go figure! Any how with the use of a crane, no I am kidding...the two ladies helped me up and at the last second the man finally extended his hand to help me up. Well I gathered my composure and went about my business. Found the correct line, got my ticket and boarded the plane to Pittisburg Pa airport. I arrived about  1 1/2 hours after the plane took off out of Philly International. I exited the plane safely. thank goodness. LOL  Now I need to find a Yellow Cab to access the V. A. corporate account and get to the V. A. hospital in Oakley Hill section of the city. Not so easy I found out. The Yellow Cab driver REFUSED to take me because he did not want to deal with the red tape from the V.A. I finally hear a voice saying "Miss I will take you" so before I got in I made sure the driver knew for sure he could get his fare paid. So off we go. About 20 minutes later I arrive and we go into the main hospital door. Walk around trying to find the open travel office and we did. Then don't you know the Cobbie get in a argument with the V. A. travel person because he would not move so I could sit down. It ended with the taxie storming out of the building....what ever....I checked in, got my pass to the HopTell (part hotel room part hospital room) and settled in. Over all the room was O.K. It was, not the Sheraton but functional. Had cable T.V. a nice Handicapped accessible bathroom, a telephone and sink in the bedroom, several electric outlets, a twin sized bed...only drawback but it was the V.A.'s dime paying for it so who was I to be choosy. The HopTell section of the hospital is a wink of its own, a small wing. It is a locked wing and only the badge issued can unlock the door. There is  a main room, a microwave, a refrigerator and T.V. then the hall with the rooms. Clean and in good repair. The next day I had to return to travel to get my breakfast ticket. I was disappointed to see $3.00 .... are they kidding ... I found "food" and ate it, it was typical hospital cafeteria food, it filled my tummy enough. Now the waiting game started. I had to kill time till 12:45 when my appointment was. so back to the travel office to get my lunch ticket. This time it was for $6.00 ( a bit more realistic). I got the liver and onions ( don't say it, I know, but I was raised on it and was hungry). Yep, the liver, onion could have been cooked more, the gravy and mashed potatoes were O.K. and I had a cold tea. Now I had more time ti kill after lunch ( I ate early as I was hungry, wonder why?  LOL  wink) so they have what they call Hero's Hall. A kind of withing area  with a T.V. tables, pool table. So I killed some time then. Tried to cat nap with out success. Finally it  was time to go to the meeting. I go up the th 5th floor and look for a designate check in desk for clinic, none to be found...I ask at the "check in desk" for the pain clinc...yep they had my name. I was told to go take a seat and wait to be called. So I do that. I watch T,.V. well kind of...I am nervous, board and getting impatient. Now you would think I leaned to wait patiently while I was in the Navy...nope never needless to say I was getting antsy. I looked around at the people waiting and wondered if any of them were here for the same thing. About 15 minutes after my scheduled time I went to the desk and asked again and was told they were running being and I was not for gotten. Back to the waiting area - Again.  FINALLY I got called about 5 minutes after that. I meet with the dietitian, we talk, she checks to see how far if at all I am on the pre op testing. Happy to say I was all done except for 1 procedure. Then we go into the conference room to meet the other prospective patients.  what nice people I meet.  The doctor came in and was very nice, very well educated on the varying operations. He did a lot of question answering, a lot from me I am happy to report. I leaned a better explanation as to why so many surgeon's do the RNY. I am not really interested in this unless I have no choice. I really do want the Gastric Sleeve. Not many doctors doing it yet, the CDC and FDA will not trust the data form Europe or another place then the USA, which still considers it a "experimental" procedure. Why I don't know, there is not molestation with this procedure, not serious diet restrictions other the portion size and eating healthy, the long term data that is available suggests it is a safe procedure and the long tern results a good. Go figure, haven forbid the USA should trust some one else, like they can be so trusted theirselves...look at all the recalls! Anyway I won't go done that road. We did learn that the V.A. will pay for the OptiFast and vitiamans as well as a tummy tuck if needed. This was good news to me since I am on Medicaids as civilian insurance and food stamps. No money for repair surgery. I did meet a REALLY nice couple there, Kathy and Stan. In fact they were so sweet they drove me to the airport.  Now i just had to get my ticket and fly back to good old over crowed Philly Pa. Once on the ground I called City Cad as per the travel arrangements. Played hell getting a taxie to take me, it took the City Cab dispatcher 10 minutes to call me back with the pick up info. That got a little crazy, but only because the way Philly Pa has the cab line set up at the air port. I finally see the taxie and get in and off we go toward good old N.J. and home. I might add that this taxie was very nice also. I arrived home around 11 p.m. I missed the flight out of Pittisburg at 5:30 P.M. so has to wait till 8 P.M. for the next flight. As you see I made it just fine. And this was the first time I flew alone let alone on a trip so far form home, hubby and friends.  Now I wait to see what the next step or adventure will be. I go see Dr. Neff the 3rd week of August, but my MMPI will not be done yet as they rescheduled me! Will keep you all posted as I go along.
