May 19, 2009

I had surgery on April 29th, and I guess it's just not what I expected. I studied, I asked questions, and I don't know what I expect.  I hated being overweight. I hated not being able to go into stores and not being able to buy normal sizes. I hated always being the big girl.....I hated that big, beautiful girl diva thing, but right now, I'm feeling like "whoa".

I am having awful pain  in my stomach and feel as if a mule has kicked me in my back. How long will this go on? I know, everyone keeps telling me that I've just had major surgery. Why then did they down play it like you would be back to work, feeling well in 2-3 weeks. I'm 3 weeks out, and I'm having a hard time sitting for extended periods of time.  My daughter is graduating and preparing for college, and I thought I would feel better to be a part of these activities, but I'm feeling like crap!  I know I'm whining, but I'm truly grateful, just having a moment, and need to vent to people who can possibly offer valuable information.

I'm constipated. To have a BM, I have to take Milk of Magnesia. It tastes horrble, and each day until I have the BM, I feel terrible. I feel "full of SHIT". Please excuse the profanity, but it's real!

I'm also having trouble with the liquid intake and getting my protein & vitamins. All of the liquids are a bit much. They have me to where I have not taste. I've been on liquids and soft foods, and they taste horrible from the protein bullets (grape) and Centrum Vitamin and MOM.  Any suggestions

Friends, I know it's going to get better! I just need prayer, and some advise on whether this is normal, and what to expect going forward.

Thank you so much!!


Apr 04, 2009

It's been a long time since I posted, but I've been busy with getting my life in order!  Some good things going on, some tough times, but more good than bad!!!  I've completed my insurance pre-reqs and have my pre-op visit scheduled along with a tenative surgey date of April 22, 2009. I started my journey at 252 lbs, I'm down to 242 and have to be a 237 by April 15, 2009. I know I can do it!!

I'm actually having the gastric bypass because it's more easily approved by my insurance. I'm excited and can't wait....I have more good news!  My significant other of 3 years has proposed to me. So, I'm engaged. Planning for weight loss surgery, planning for a wedding, it's all a lot, but I'm happy.  God is good! 

Well, I'm keep everyone updated. My OH friends are a great inspiration, and all are helping me on my journey.  I want to post some before pics for everyone to see my WL progress.

So, until next time!


Dec 20, 2008

I had my first visit with Dr. Davidson on yesterday. I know I made the right decision. Since the seminar, I've known it would be Dr. D, but after my visit on yesterday, I'm sure that I made the right decision. I was a great experience. I had to get new tires, so I was running a little late. I called in to the office, and Trevor did my measurements. He totally made my heart sink when he made me come real with my true height!  I had been riding with 5'4 for a long while. I dropped the 1/2 inch a long time ago (LOL). I thought is wasa bit much, but Trevor exposed me. I'm only 5'3". My weight was in line with what I though 252, and my BMI is 44.6.  My interview with Dr. D went well. He asked questions that let me know he was concerned with what I thought and expected from WLS, not just did I want it. After meeting with Dr. D, he took me to Linda, and she was great. She immediately faxed the requests for medical records to Dr. McElyea's office, and set me up for nutrition classes. I was happy to be up and going......

Oh yeah, I've decided to go with the RNY. The sleeve is what I was wanting, but because fo insurance issues, I'm going to go with RNY. I'm ok with that. I had kinda expected it, and Dr. D discussed the need for the lifetime vitamin regime.


Dec 17, 2008

I went to my first counseling session. It's ironic to me as to why people look upon counseling in a negative way. I found it to be a very exciting and needed experience. I really like my counselor. The thing I felt that I got the most out of the session was that I really have more direction/focus in life than I think I do. I guess it's feeling comfortable with myself and my abilities and choices. Having the issue of wanting to lose weight, I believe plays a role in destroying my self- esteem which for me has probably caused me to doubt myself. But, no more!  I can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives me the strength.  I hype about all of the changes that are taking place now, and those that will take place in the future! I'm scheduled for sleep study on Friday, however, I have a date!  I'm going to go on the date.  Dr. Davidson's nurse said to not worry about the sleep study because I probably will not need it. So, i'm running with what she says. My BMI is over the requirement to need a co-morbidity, and I had one in 2006. Hopefully that will suffice. If not, I'll get back on the schedule.My first visit with the doctor is on Friday. I'll blog again then with the results.


Dec 11, 2008

1. Complete 1st Visit With Dr. Davidson****DONE****
2. Turn in complete insurance packet for processing to begin****DONE****
3. Begin a dedicated fitness plan (Curves or Personal Trainer)
4. Prepare for Spring Semester***DONE****
5. Counseling * DONE***
6. See Nutritionist for meal planning***DONE****
7. Keep journaling & educating myself***CONTINUOUSLY****
8. Prepare January Goals & New Years Objectives to post by 12-31
9. To Thine Self Be True****ALWAYS***


Dec 11, 2008

I believe I've come to a decision on my doctor unless things change in the next couple of weeks. It will be Dr. James Davidson. I went to the seminar a week ago and really felt very comfortable with his medical expertise and experience. It was important to me to know that he had more than bariatric experience. I can tell he is not very talkative, but he made a couple of comments that got a few chuckles out of me. Jada was with me and talked about how monotone he was. She said he must be pretty genius because he has the personality of a high aptitude math/science analytic. I guess she is right....he is a surgeon!

I also am impressed with the aftercare program information. I think his program will be a good fit for me, and I feel very confident in his staff assisting me with the insurance approval process.

I have more good news!  I told you that I need to get back to having a life. Well, I have good news. I've read a lot of motivational blogs here on OH and they have given me some important insight into what I should expect as a potential "Loser".  I must begin now changing my behavior, both with my eating, fitness and mental. Education seems to be the key, and putting that education in action is a must for success. I want to be successful, so I'm preparing my mind now.  Now to the good news. I've set up 8 sessions of counseling. It's not just about the WLS insurance approval requirement, it's to find out why I've neglected myself and begin to get in touch with "the real me". I've abused my body through eating and lack of exercise and it has hindered my self image. I've also recently gotten out of a relationship that I believe was built in the fact that I was a "big" girl with low self esteem. He'll never admit it, but I know that is whaty is was because he wanted me to just do anything to have him in my life. CAN'T DO! I refuse to be anyone's doormat, and I love me more than that! So, off to counseling I go. I hope to deal with a lot of issues, and will continue in counseling as I embark on the healthy, fulfilled me that I've longed to be. Another high note for me is that I'm completing a degree and I just finished classes for the semester! Kudo's Chellen. I'm learning to pat my ownself on the back. I'm taking everything one day at a time. Pray for me, and Losers, let's keep at it!!!!  


Dec 06, 2008

I have a shadow, my lovely baby daugther Jada. We spend a lot of time together.  She seems to think I should not have surgery. Jada is too young to understand. She say's "Mom, that's what they all say. You're too young." So, I asked her why does she think I do not need the surgery. And she responded, I don't know, you just don't. So, i'm just suppose to keep doing the same things over and over and expecting different results? That's insanity. I told this to Jada and she disagreed with still no true reason for why I should not have the surgery. She is now saying she has reasons. They are: Death, Death, and Death. Oh yea, she saidh, when I lose the weight, my skin will be all wrinkled. Friends, Jada is 15, please help me by sending some words of wisdom based on your experience. She is waiting and will be reading. She is waiting, anxiously and with excitement to hear from you. Also, if you're children were a part of your process and blog, tell them to send her a shout out of encouragement that this is what would make her mother happy!


Dec 06, 2008

I[m trying to set up my profile, so I have no photos, but will have some soon. Any tips on setting up or customizing my profile, please let me know.  I want to use this to help me stay motivated, keep in contact with fellow WLS and track my success (with pics). 


Dec 06, 2008

Any info on smooth WLS experiences with Aetna Open Access as your insurer. Please let me know. I would like to know the doctor you chose and your experience with him, how you insurance approval was handled, and if the doctor had an after care program.

Any advise or tips based on my specific profile are being solicited and are greatly appreciated. I'm trying to educate myself, and do all the things that I feel will make me be successful. I have faith, I'm just adding my work to it....  Thanks


Dec 06, 2008

Here's my experience with doctors.

Went to a doctor in Wylie, several years back, African-American doctor, can't remember his name. Decided against because it was too far, and not much knowledge of WLS at the time.

Dr. Provost/Dr. Watson Office - made appt here because their were on my insurance. Had read several good reviews on OH, but it seemed that they were a very busy practice. I thought it would be a long time, and they would not consider me a candidate. Talked myself into being too scared to follow through with a visit after getting packet to fill out.

Dr. RaeAnn Capehart - Great doctor visit. She had the best office visit experience that I've ever had with a physician. Took a long time to discuss surgery in detail with me and answer questions. Even answered questions and gave info related to other medical issues. She referred me to Psy Med for my insurance requirements. Psy Med was great as well. Got 4 mos. deep into their program, encouraged that I could do it would WLS because family and friends trying to convince me not to have surgery and stopped. - Big Mistake!

True Results - Went for evaluation b/c office co-worker went through them and another co-worker has had lap band. Was seriously considering going through them b/c they work with Psy Med and they made insurance approval process seem very easy, but now I'm getting 2nd thoughts. Lap Band may not be fore me.  I know several people who have had Lap Band who have not loss weight and still are medically obese. Can't afford this, have to succeed. Now considering Bypass or alternative type of WLS, looking at other physicians.

Dr. Davidson - Think I may have found my doctor. Went to seminar at Presbyterian on 12/3. Got a lot of persona attention since only 2 people their. He answered my questions and I felt very comfortable with his experience. His nurse was great as well. She made me feel good about handling my pre-reqs. It seems they  have a great aftercare from profiles I've read on OH....Any info on this doctor pls let me know. I have my evaluation appt on 12/23/8.

About Me
Irving, TX
Nov 26, 2008
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