OLD RODEO C. 21 years, 2 months ago

Best wishes on your upcoming surgery. We both wish you all the luck in the world with your recovery too. We BOTH had open rny's in 2001. Mine (Doug, aka: OLD RODEO CLOWN PANTS) was in Oct and I have lost 215 lbs. My sweet wife, Nancy, had her surgery in June and she has lost 110 lbs. We both invite you to read our profiles and hope that maybe you can get some inspiration from them, but NO PROMISES!!!! Just remember that YOU WILL SUCCEED!!!!! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND YOU CANNOT FAIL. From: Doug and Nancy, La Mesa, CA!

cherby56 21 years, 2 months ago

Than you to everyone who has posted comments to me about my up coming surgery on 3/27/03. It has been so kind of everyone to send special thoughts and prayers my way. I really appreciate them and will keep you updated, God bless, take care, Cheryl A.

Karen N. 21 years, 2 months ago

Best wishes and extra prayers for smooth surgery and recovery. A positive mental attitude is your best preparation! You'll do great with this life-saving tool!

Tami D. 21 years, 3 months ago

Cheryl, What you are going through is normal fear. We all had it pre op. Start using your machine, and if you are really worried, ask your doc about it. I pray you will have a uncomplicated surgery, and a quick, pain free recovery! May all your goals and dreams come true! Please feel free to e-mail me any time for support or questions. Tami 7.5 months post op, -103 lbs!

Naes Wls J. 21 years, 3 months ago

Hello Cheryl, Best wishes to you on your upcoming wls. May you have a speedy recovery and NO complications what so ever. God Bless and keep you well. Hugs

Sharon Neva 21 years, 3 months ago

CHERYL~~BEST WISHES ON YOUR WLS JOURNEY~~ May the world hug you today with its warmth, and love.....Pray it whispers a joyful tune in your heart.....And may the wind carry a voice that tells you there is a friend sitting in another corner of the world wishing you well!~~

MommaAngel 21 years, 3 months ago

HI CHERYL What you are feeling is normal before surgery. Your going to do just fine. The Lord will take good care of you sweetie. Keep in touch I love happy endings your one in the making. lord bless

Dixie Chick 21 years, 3 months ago

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. My date is Marh 20!!

tracy W. 21 years, 3 months ago

In all things Remember,that the one above loves you,that He holds us all in his loving arms,He knows each of us by name.He said anything you ask for in "my name" will be given to you.So in His name I pray for you,that you be given strength, endurance,love,peace and most of all long life.In Jesus' name. When you wake up and see the faces of your loved ones in the recovery room,know that you have made it.Thank Him,Know that you have been blessed to see and to live out the rest of your days with the ones you love and the ones who love you.....Knowing that He loves you too. Happy soon to be ReBirthday.

Becca K. 21 years, 4 months ago

“Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” William Jennings Bryan. I am wishing you all the best for the next chapter of the rest of your life.
About Me
Peoria, AZ
Surgery Date
Jun 18, 2000
Member Since

Friends 1
